What direction would you prefer Ace Attorney 7 to go in?

by Tesseract · 2 weeks ago
Focus entirely on an existing playable character or gameplay mechanic. (Do not include the rest)
% (10 votes)
Focus primarily on an existing playable character or gameplay mechanic. (Others can have a single case to themselves.)
% (17 votes)
Balance out the attention given to playable characters and gameplay mechanics.
% (2 votes)
Add a new playable character or gameplay mechanic.
% (4 votes)
Focus primarily on an existing playable character or gameplay mechanic. (Others can have a single case to themselves.)
51.52% (17 votes)
Focus entirely on an existing playable character or gameplay mechanic. (Do not include the rest)
30.3% (10 votes)
Add a new playable character or gameplay mechanic.
12.12% (4 votes)
Balance out the attention given to playable characters and gameplay mechanics.
6.06% (2 votes)
Total votes: 33 (from 33 participants)
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