ArcheAge: Unchained Class Pop Chart (Excl Swiftblade Class names)

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Battlerage/Defense/Auramancy --> Abolisher
% (116 votes)
Battlerage/Auramancy/Vitalism --> Argent
% (10 votes)
Battlerage/Occultism/Vitalism --> Blackguard
% (7 votes)
Battlerage/Shadowplay/Songcraft --> Blade Dancer
% (74 votes)
Battlerage/Defense/Shadowplay --> Blighter
% (73 votes)
Battlerage/Auramancy/Occultism --> Bloodreaver
% (21 votes)
Battlerage/Archery/Songcraft --> Bloodskald
% (2 votes)
Battlerage/Songcraft/Vitalism --> Bloodthrall
% (5 votes)
Battlerage/Auramancy/Archery --> Bonestalker
% (2 votes)
Battlerage/Defense/Sorcery --> Crusader
% (6 votes)
Battlerage/Auramancy/Shadowplay --> Darkrunner
% (209 votes)
Battlerage/Defense/Songcraft --> Dawncaller
% (7 votes)
Battlerage/Witchcraft/Vitalism --> Dervish
% (6 votes)
Battlerage/Witchcraft/Songcraft --> Dirgeweaver
% (2 votes)
Battlerage/Defense/Occultism --> Doomlord
% (17 votes)
Battlerage/Occultism/Archery --> Dreadbow
% (4 votes)
Battlerage/Witchcraft/Archery --> Dreadhunter
% (3 votes)
Battlerage/Auramancy/Sorcery --> Enforcer
% (4 votes)
Battlerage/Occultism/Shadowplay --> Executioner
% (58 votes)
Battlerage/Archery/Sorcery --> Fiendhunter
% (5 votes)
Battlerage/Sorcery/Vitalism --> Fleshshaper
% (1 votes)
Battlerage/Witchcraft/Sorcery --> Harbinger
% (0 votes)
Battlerage/Sorcery/Shadowplay --> Hellweaver
% (3 votes)
Battlerage/Auramancy/Songcraft --> Herald
% (3 votes)
Battlerage/Witchcraft/Auramancy --> Hex Warden
% (8 votes)
Battlerage/Witchcraft/Defense --> Hexblade
% (17 votes)
Battlerage/Witchcraft/Occultism --> Hordebreaker
% (6 votes)
Battlerage/Shadowplay/Vitalism --> Inquisitor
% (6 votes)
Battlerage/Defense/Archery --> Liberator
% (1 votes)
Battlerage/Occultism/Songcraft --> Lorebreaker
% (3 votes)
Battlerage/Archery/Shadowplay --> Outrider
% (4 votes)
Battlerage/Defense/Vitalism --> Paladin
% (29 votes)
Battlerage/Occultism/Sorcery --> Ravager
% (1 votes)
Battlerage/Witchcraft/Shadowplay --> Shadowblade
% (54 votes)
Battlerage/Sorcery/Songcraft --> Spellsword
% (5 votes)
Battlerage/Archery/Vitalism --> Warpriest
% (6 votes)
Witchcraft/Auramancy/Archery --> Arcane Hunter
% (2 votes)
Witchcraft/Auramancy/Sorcery --> Arcanist
% (9 votes)
Witchcraft/Defense/Archery --> Archon
% (4 votes)
Witchcraft/Shadowplay/Vitalism --> Assassin
% (10 votes)
Witchcraft/Songcraft/Vitalism --> Athame
% (4 votes)
Witchcraft/Defense/Sorcery --> Cabalist
% (4 votes)
Witchcraft/Sorcery/Shadowplay --> Daggerspell
% (24 votes)
Witchcraft/Defense/Occultism --> Defiler
% (6 votes)
Witchcraft/Occultism/Sorcery --> Demonologist
% (19 votes)
Witchcraft/Defense/Auramancy --> Dreambreaker
% (12 votes)
Witchcraft/Auramancy/Shadowplay --> Eidolon
% (4 votes)
Witchcraft/Auramancy/Songcraft --> Enchantrix
% (5 votes)
Witchcraft/Archery/Songcraft --> Hex Ranger
% (5 votes)
Witchcraft/Auramancy/Vitalism --> Hierophant
% (17 votes)
Witchcraft/Sorcery/Songcraft --> Lamentor
% (7 votes)
Witchcraft/Occultism/Vitalism --> Necromancer
% (9 votes)
Witchcraft/Auramancy/Occultism --> Nightcloak
% (11 votes)
Witchcraft/Shadowplay/Songcraft --> Nightwitch
% (2 votes)
Witchcraft/Defense/Songcraft --> Poxbane
% (3 votes)
Witchcraft/Occultism/Archery --> Shadestriker
% (1 votes)
Witchcraft/Defense/Vitalism --> Shadowbane
% (3 votes)
Witchcraft/Defense/Shadowplay --> Shadowknight
% (6 votes)
Witchcraft/Sorcery/Vitalism --> Shaman
% (2 votes)
Witchcraft/Occultism/Shadowplay --> Shroudmaster
% (6 votes)
Witchcraft/Archery/Vitalism --> Soulbow
% (1 votes)
Witchcraft/Archery/Sorcery --> Stormcaster
% (0 votes)
Witchcraft/Occultism/Songcraft --> Tombcaller
% (4 votes)
Witchcraft/Archery/Shadowplay --> Trickster
% (11 votes)
Defense/Auramancy/Archery --> Bastion
% (1 votes)
Defense/Occultism/Sorcery --> Battlemage
% (3 votes)
Defense/Songcraft/Vitalism --> Caretaker
% (7 votes)
Defense/Occultism/Songcraft --> Dark Aegis
% (1 votes)
Defense/Shadowplay/Vitalism --> Death Warden
% (4 votes)
Defense/Occultism/Shadowplay --> Dreadnaught
% (2 votes)
Defense/Occultism/Archery --> Dreadstone
% (0 votes)
Defense/Archery/Vitalism --> Druid
% (3 votes)
Defense/Sorcery/Songcraft --> Earthsinger
% (2 votes)
Defense/Archery/Sorcery --> Farslayer
% (1 votes)
Defense/Archery/Songcraft --> Honorguard
% (4 votes)
Defense/Occultism/Vitalism --> Justicar
% (4 votes)
Defense/Shadowplay/Songcraft --> Nightbearer
% (1 votes)
Defense/Auramancy/Shadowplay --> Nightblade
% (2 votes)
Defense/Sorcery/Vitalism --> Scion
% (1 votes)
Defense/Auramancy/Occultism --> Skullknight
% (30 votes)
Defense/Archery/Shadowplay --> Stone Arrow
% (26 votes)
Defense/Sorcery/Shadowplay --> Swiftstone
% (6 votes)
Defense/Auramancy/Vitalism --> Templar
% (20 votes)
Defense/Auramancy/Sorcery --> Thaumaturge
% (2 votes)
Defense/Auramancy/Songcraft --> Tomb Warden
% (5 votes)
Auramancy/Occultism/Archery --> Astral Ranger
% (4 votes)
Auramancy/Sorcery/Vitalism --> Boneweaver
% (3 votes)
Auramancy/Songcraft/Vitalism --> Cleric
% (38 votes)
Auramancy/Occultism/Vitalism --> Edgewalker
% (17 votes)
Auramancy/Sorcery/Shadowplay --> Enigmatist
% (14 votes)
Auramancy/Shadowplay/Songcraft --> Exorcist
% (6 votes)
Auramancy/Archery/Songcraft --> Howler
% (4 votes)
Auramancy/Archery/Vitalism --> Oracle
% (1 votes)
Auramancy/Occultism/Songcraft --> Phantasm
% (4 votes)
Auramancy/Occultism/Shadowplay --> Planeshifter
% (2 votes)
Auramancy/Archery/Shadowplay --> Primeval
% (39 votes)
Auramancy/Occultism/Sorcery --> Revenant
% (15 votes)
Auramancy/Shadowplay/Vitalism --> Soothsayer
% (15 votes)
Auramancy/Sorcery/Songcraft --> Spellsong
% (16 votes)
Auramancy/Archery/Sorcery --> Stormchaser
% (1 votes)
Occultism/Archery/Vitalism --> Blood Arrow
% (2 votes)
Occultism/Sorcery/Vitalism --> Cultist
% (4 votes)
Occultism/Shadowplay/Vitalism --> Doombringer
% (16 votes)
Occultism/Archery/Songcraft --> Gravesinger
% (2 votes)
Occultism/Shadowplay/Songcraft --> Nocturne
% (1 votes)
Occultism/Sorcery/Shadowplay --> Reaper
% (19 votes)
Occultism/Sorcery/Songcraft --> Requiem
% (1 votes)
Occultism/Archery/Shadowplay --> Shadehunter
% (12 votes)
Occultism/Songcraft/Vitalism --> Sorrowsong
% (10 votes)
Occultism/Archery/Sorcery --> Spellbow
% (1 votes)
Archery/Shadowplay/Songcraft --> Ebonsong
% (143 votes)
Archery/Sorcery/Songcraft --> Evoker
% (2 votes)
Archery/Sorcery/Shadowplay --> Infiltrator
% (6 votes)
Archery/Sorcery/Vitalism --> Naturalist
% (1 votes)
Archery/Shadowplay/Vitalism --> Ranger
% (18 votes)
Archery/Songcraft/Vitalism --> Soulsong
% (4 votes)
Sorcery/Shadowplay/Vitalism --> Animist
% (4 votes)
Sorcery/Songcraft/Vitalism --> Gypsy
% (8 votes)
Sorcery/Shadowplay/Songcraft --> Spellsinger
% (85 votes)
Shadowplay/Songcraft/Vitalism --> Confessor
% (53 votes)
Malediction/Battlerage/Defense --> Dourguard
% (4 votes)
Malediction/Battlerage/Occultism --> Soulthief
% (3 votes)
Malediction/Battlerage/Sorcery --> Shadow Prophet
% (1 votes)
Malediction/Battlerage/Songcraft --> Oathsworn
% (2 votes)
Malediction/Battlerage/Witchcraft --> Conjurer
% (2 votes)
Malediction/Battlerage/Auramancy --> Ghostblade
% (6 votes)
Malediction/Battlerage/Archery --> Windseeker
% (1 votes)
Malediction/Battlerage/Shadowplay --> Ragebinder
% (1 votes)
Malediction/Battlerage/Vitalism --> Marrowblade
% (3 votes)
Malediction/Defense/Occultism --> Mindslaver
% (23 votes)
Malediction/Defense/Sorcery --> Ebonshield
% (5 votes)
Malediction/Defense/Songcraft --> Deceiver
% (1 votes)
Malediction/Defense/Witchcraft --> Ironsoul
% (8 votes)
Malediction/Defense/Auramancy --> Pit Fighter
% (21 votes)
Malediction/Defense/Archery --> Corrupter
% (1 votes)
Malediction/Defense/Shadowplay --> Shadowguard
% (4 votes)
Malediction/Defense/Vitalism --> Invader
% (1 votes)
Malediction/Occultism/Sorcery --> Zealot
% (12 votes)
Malediction/Occultism/Songcraft --> Banesong
% (31 votes)
Malediction/Occultism/Witchcraft --> Witch Doctor
% (18 votes)
Malediction/Occultism/Auramancy --> Emissary
% (22 votes)
Malediction/Occultism/Archery --> Wildclaw
% (11 votes)
Malediction/Occultism/Shadowplay --> Saboteur
% (7 votes)
Malediction/Occultism/Vitalism --> Evangelist
% (9 votes)
Malediction/Sorcery/Songcraft --> Spectre
% (30 votes)
Malediction/Sorcery/Witchcraft --> Blightcaster
% (9 votes)
Malediction/Sorcery/Auramancy --> Spiritualist
% (15 votes)
Malediction/Sorcery/Archery --> Blinkshot
% (2 votes)
Malediction/Sorcery/Shadowplay --> Fanatic
% (160 votes)
Malediction/Sorcery/Vitalism --> Doomspeaker
% (9 votes)
Malediction/Songcraft/Witchcraft --> Fury Canon
% (10 votes)
Malediction/Songcraft/Auramancy --> Instigator
% (10 votes)
Malediction/Songcraft/Archery --> Feversong
% (2 votes)
Malediction/Songcraft/Shadowplay --> Shadowsong
% (3 votes)
Malediction/Songcraft/Vitalism --> Fatespinner
% (17 votes)
Malediction/Witchcraft/Auramancy --> Equalizer
% (13 votes)
Malediction/Witchcraft/Archery --> Voidstalker
% (6 votes)
Malediction/Witchcraft/Shadowplay --> Fury Mage
% (4 votes)
Malediction/Witchcraft/Vitalism --> Apostate
% (4 votes)
Malediction/Auramancy/Archery --> Visionary
% (2 votes)
Malediction/Auramancy/Shadowplay --> Dreadrunner
% (8 votes)
Malediction/Auramancy/Vitalism --> Darkseer
% (12 votes)
Malediction/Archery/Shadowplay --> Fangborn
% (5 votes)
Malediction/Archery/Vitalism --> Doomshot
% (7 votes)
Malediction/Shadowplay/Vitalism --> Spellweaver
% (11 votes)
Swiftblade - Melee
% (332 votes)
Swiftblade - Mage
% (32 votes)
Swiftblade - Ranged
% (38 votes)
Swiftblade - Tank
% (25 votes)
Swiftblade - Healer
% (30 votes)
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