Siapa Bacaleg Alumni #PesantrenAlKautsarAlAkbar Kesukaanmu di #Pileg2019?

by a guest · 6 years ago
Hj. Nuraini Efendi SPdI (Gerindra) DPRDSU Sumut 3
% (39 votes)
Budi Syahputra, SS (PBB) DPRD Deli Serdang 3
% (1 votes)
H. Taslim Panusunan Siahaan (PBB) DPRD Deli Serdang 1
% (2 votes)
Zulkifli ST (Perindo) DPRDSU Sumut 12
% (1 votes)
Ahmad Fadhly (PPP) DPRD Medan 4
% (2 votes)
Ade Fitri Siregar S.PdI (PPP) DPRD Binjai I
% (2 votes)
Ardiansyah Pratama A.Md (PPP) DPRDSU Sumut 9,
% (5 votes)
Pria Santri Beringin (PSI) DPR RI Sumut I
% (4 votes)
Mhd. Syafi'i, S.Ag (PPP) DPRD Tebing Tinggi I
% (1 votes)
Iskandar Muda Ginting (PBB) DPRD Binjai 3
% (2 votes)
Saiful Azhar (Perindo)DPRD DKI (Jakarta Pusat)
% (4 votes)
Fifi Afriani, SIP (Golkar) DPRD Tanjug Balai 3
% (1 votes)
Muhammad Gandhi Faisal Siregar (PAN) DPRDSU Sumut 6
% (1 votes)
Abi Bahrun Muhammad Ya'coeb (PKS) Bengkalis
% (3 votes)
Darmawansyah Putra, S.E. (Gerindra) DPRD Aceh Selatan 5
% (3 votes)
Hj. Nuraini Efendi SPdI (Gerindra) DPRDSU Sumut 3
54.93% (39 votes)
Ardiansyah Pratama A.Md (PPP) DPRDSU Sumut 9,
7.04% (5 votes)
Pria Santri Beringin (PSI) DPR RI Sumut I
5.63% (4 votes)
Saiful Azhar (Perindo)DPRD DKI (Jakarta Pusat)
5.63% (4 votes)
Abi Bahrun Muhammad Ya'coeb (PKS) Bengkalis
4.23% (3 votes)
Darmawansyah Putra, S.E. (Gerindra) DPRD Aceh Selatan 5
4.23% (3 votes)
H. Taslim Panusunan Siahaan (PBB) DPRD Deli Serdang 1
2.82% (2 votes)
Ahmad Fadhly (PPP) DPRD Medan 4
2.82% (2 votes)
Ade Fitri Siregar S.PdI (PPP) DPRD Binjai I
2.82% (2 votes)
Iskandar Muda Ginting (PBB) DPRD Binjai 3
2.82% (2 votes)
Budi Syahputra, SS (PBB) DPRD Deli Serdang 3
1.41% (1 votes)
Zulkifli ST (Perindo) DPRDSU Sumut 12
1.41% (1 votes)
Mhd. Syafi'i, S.Ag (PPP) DPRD Tebing Tinggi I
1.41% (1 votes)
Fifi Afriani, SIP (Golkar) DPRD Tanjug Balai 3
1.41% (1 votes)
Muhammad Gandhi Faisal Siregar (PAN) DPRDSU Sumut 6
1.41% (1 votes)
Total votes: 71 (from 0 participants)
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