Which chapter was the sexiest?

by a guest ·
Chapter 1: Melly x Jean
% (155 votes)
Chapter 2: Vera x Ailduin #1
% (175 votes)
Chapter 3: Alfie x Marco
% (234 votes)
Chapter 4: Vera x Ailduin #2
% (737 votes)
Chapter 5: Everybody gets some
% (188 votes)
Chapter 6: Alfie x Melly
% (1274 votes)
Chapter 7: Vera x Ailduin x Eamas
% (1061 votes)
Chapter 8: Marco x Alfie #2
% (202 votes)
Chapter 9: Marco x Alfie x Lydia
% (2866 votes)
Chapter 10: Marco x Lydia x Goat pile
% (998 votes)
Chapter 11: Vera x Cillian
% (1826 votes)
Chapter 12: Alfie x Ozge
% (858 votes)
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