The Poll for Day Forty Six. This expires on Friday

by [Insert Name Here] ·
Roy Fire Emblem appears... That's it.
% (1 votes)
Team Kirby vs Team Kratos
% (0 votes)
Uncle Samsonite appears for some reason
% (0 votes)
"According to Dr. Emmett Brown from Back to the Future, one possibility is that coming face to face with your future self would put both you and your future self into shock, and you'd both pass out. So, if the Queen from Day 1 ever sees the queen that time traveled, they would both pass out. (How the queens see is how they move)" - I wrote this concerning that only the queen would be affected, but now since the time-eater merged both timelines, everyone sees their future self, they should all pass out because now that there are no more squares, they can see and move freely, but considering that in Sonic Generations, when Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic, and Classic Tails and Modern Tails saw each other, they didn't pass out, so I think it should be where the pieces don't pass out when they see their future self's (except the Queen fuck you for making this more complicated than it already was you stupid Queen). Also, white rook to wherever the a2 space would be. And add another Luigi :)
% (3 votes)
move any remaining knights, rooks, or bishops to the squares surrounding Þ∞
% (2 votes)


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