Lista de dispensa do São Paulo para 2024

by Arquibancada Tricolor ·
Felipe Alves - Goleiro
% (155 votes)
Rafael - Goleiro
% (0 votes)
Jandrei - Goleiro
% (52 votes)
Igor Vinícius - Lateral-Direito
% (16 votes)
Rafinha - Lateral-Direito
% (3 votes)
João Moreira - Lateral-Direito
% (12 votes)
Raí Ramos - Lateral-Direito
% (155 votes)
Nathan - Lateral-Direito
% (78 votes)
Welington - Lateral-Esquerdo
% (17 votes)
Patryck Lanza - Lateral-Esquerdo
% (25 votes)
Caio Paulista - Lateral-Esquerdo
% (1 votes)
Ferraresi - Zagueiro
% (3 votes)
Diego Costa - Zagueiro
% (8 votes)
Arboleda - Zagueiro
% (0 votes)
Alan Franco - Zagueiro
% (17 votes)
Beraldo - Zagueiro
% (0 votes)
Matheus Belém - Zagueiro
% (65 votes)
Walce - Zagueiro
% (103 votes)
Luan - Volante
% (70 votes)
Rodrigo Nestor - Volante
% (4 votes)
Gabriel Neves - Volante
% (77 votes)
Jhegson Méndez - Volante
% (137 votes)
Alisson - Volante
% (7 votes)
Pablo Maia - Volante
% (2 votes)
Galoppo - Meia
% (3 votes)
Michel Araújo - Meia
% (12 votes)
Rodriguinho - Meia
% (20 votes)
James Rodríguez - Meia
% (10 votes)
Wellington Rato - Meia
% (18 votes)
Talles Costa - Meia
% (44 votes)
Lucas Moura - Atacante
% (2 votes)
Calleri - Atacante
% (0 votes)
Luciano - Atacante
% (5 votes)
Alexandre Pato - Atacante
% (138 votes)
David - Atacante
% (133 votes)
Juan - Atacante
% (64 votes)
Marcos Paulo - Atacante
% (159 votes)
Erison - Atacante
% (145 votes)
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