What should I do if there's a tie in the poll?

by Giuba · 1 year ago
Let them both have the same placement (both n1 in this case)
% (31 votes)
Do another poll with just the two of them and give the loser position n.2
% (35 votes)
Do another poll with just the two of them and then put the loser in the list again as always
% (14 votes)
Do another poll with just the two of them and give the loser position n.2
43.75% (35 votes)
Let them both have the same placement (both n1 in this case)
38.75% (31 votes)
Do another poll with just the two of them and then put the loser in the list again as always
17.5% (14 votes)
Total votes: 80 (from 80 participants)


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