What are your favorite types of monster girls in haremlit?

by Subcritical ·
Human (I don't like monster girls)
% (79 votes)
Cat-girl / Lion-girl / Tiger-girl / Panther-girl / Feline
% (321 votes)
Dog-girl / Wolf-girl / Canine
% (129 votes)
Fox-girl / Kitsune / Vulpine
% (353 votes)
Rabbit-girl / Leporine
% (128 votes)
Cow-girl / Minotress / Bovine
% (163 votes)
Mouse-girl / Rat-girl / Squirrel-girl / Rodent-girl / Musine
% (39 votes)
Horse-girl / Centaur / Equine
% (58 votes)
Snake-girl / Lamia / Naga
% (167 votes)
Lizard-girl / Saurian / Kobold
% (29 votes)
Spider-girl / Drider / Arachne
% (108 votes)
% (23 votes)
Bird-girl / Harpy / Avian
% (37 votes)
Real-world animal-girl, type not listed above
% (10 votes)
Animal shifter, any type
% (52 votes)
Fish-girl / Shark-girl / Mermaid
% (32 votes)
Dragon-girl / Dragonewt
% (195 votes)
Plant-girl / Dryad
% (62 votes)
Medusa / Gorgon
% (53 votes)
Fairy / Pixie
% (101 votes)
Giant / Amazon / Ogre / Titan
% (87 votes)
Mythological monster-girl, type not listed above
% (19 votes)
Yokai-girl, type not listed above
% (16 votes)
Angel / Celestial / Valkyrie / Good-aligned divine being
% (183 votes)
Demon / Infernal / Succubus / Evil-aligned divine being
% (235 votes)
Modern horror monster-girl, type not listed above
% (14 votes)
% (51 votes)
Ghost / Zombie / Dullahan / Mummy / Banshee / Spirit
% (28 votes)
% (103 votes)
% (209 votes)
% (10 votes)
Halfling / Gnome
% (18 votes)
% (65 votes)
Goblin / Hobgoblin / Bugbear
% (54 votes)
Troll / Ogre
% (6 votes)
Slime-girl / Shapeshifter / Changeling / Mimic / Doppelganger
% (131 votes)
Sheep-girl / Goat-girl / Satyr / Faun / Ovine
% (39 votes)
Any six-plus-legged -taur type not listed above (Sphinx, etc.)
% (16 votes)
% (19 votes)
Alien, type not listed above
% (31 votes)
Robot-girl / A.I. / Android
% (101 votes)
Mutant, type not listed above
% (6 votes)
Divine being, type not listed above
% (25 votes)
Half-human hybrid, any type
% (53 votes)
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