What to we do until Acolyte

by KingCookie859 ·
Just wait until it’s done
% (293 votes)
rank movies, then acolyte when it's done
% (584 votes)
Do young jedi adventures
% (23 votes)
Rank movies but on their own list. You can't compare TV Shows to Cinema without making the entire list redundant.
% (242 votes)
Young jedi adventures, then movies
% (16 votes)
Rank the Movies on its own, then in the context of the shows, then do Acolyte when its done
% (70 votes)
Lego Star Wars
% (15 votes)
Young Jedi then Acolyte
% (2 votes)
Let’s just forget about acolyte. Lesbian Jedis don’t even belong in the tier list
% (5 votes)
% (18 votes)
Rank season 1
% (15 votes)
% (9 votes)
*** acolyte
% (7 votes)
Droids, Ewoks, there are still old shows to review WHILE we wit for Acolyte to end
% (23 votes)
Acolyte? What Acolyte? There is no Acolyte in the archives. Meaning it doesnt exist
% (44 votes)
I got lotion on my ****. I rubbin my ****.
% (58 votes)
% (1 votes)
kill lesley headland
% (3 votes)
% (1 votes)
Droids, Ewoks, Young Jedi adventures, then rank the movies on a different list
% (9 votes)
Do the Reading
% (4 votes)
Rank my Glub Shitto fanfics
% (10 votes)
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