Freaky Fusion Round 2

by CM00 ·
Neighthan Rot
% (99 votes)
Save Frankie Draculaura
% (57 votes)
Save Frankie Clawdeen
% (57 votes)
Fusion Inspired Operetta as Frankie Stein
% (64 votes)
Fusion Inspired Scarah Screams as Toralei Stripe
% (75 votes)
Fusion Inspired Ghoulia Yelps as Draculaura
% (35 votes)
% (50 votes)
% (12 votes)
% (19 votes)
Fusion Inspired Frankie Stein as Clawdeen Wolf
% (28 votes)
Avea Trotter
% (29 votes)
Frankie Stein and the Recharge Station
% (19 votes)
Bonita Femur
% (12 votes)
Sirena Von Boo
% (5 votes)

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