The Most Advanced Chinese Fighter Jet, Ranked

Choose the jet you think is the most advanced!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 19, 2024 06:17
In the dynamic world of military aviation, staying informed about the latest advancements in fighter jet technology is crucial for both enthusiasts and professionals. The development and capabilities of Chinese fighter jets, in particular, have significant implications for global aerospace dynamics. Ranking these jets provides a clear picture of where they stand in terms of technological innovation and strategic value. This site offers a unique opportunity for users to cast their votes and influence the ranking of these advanced fighter jets. By participating, users contribute to a broader understanding of which models are considered the most effective and technologically superior. Each vote helps adjust the rankings, ensuring they reflect the current consensus on the capabilities and impact of these aircraft.

What Is the Most Advanced Chinese Fighter Jet?

  1. 1
    Chengdu J-20

    Chengdu J-20

    The Chengdu J-20, also known as Mighty Dragon, is a fifth-generation, stealth, twinjet, multirole fighter developed by China's Chengdu Aerospace Corporation for the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). It is designed for long-range strike capabilities and high maneuverability.
    • Introduced: 2017
    • Role: Stealth Air Superiority Fighter
    • Generation: Fifth
  2. 2
    Chengdu J-10

    Chengdu J-10

    The Chengdu J-10, also known as Vigorous Dragon, is a single-engine, lightweight multirole fighter capable of all-weather operation, configured with a delta wing and canard design, developed by the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation for the People's Liberation Army Air Force.
    • Introduced: 2006
    • Role: Multirole Fighter
    • Generation: Fourth
  3. 3
    Shenyang J-11

    Shenyang J-11

    The Shenyang J-11 is a Chinese license-produced version of the Russian Su-27SK, a twin-engine, highly capable air superiority fighter. Over time, it has been upgraded with Chinese avionics and weapons systems, making it a significant component of China's air force.
    • Introduced: 1998
    • Role: Air Superiority Fighter
    • Generation: Fourth
  4. 4

    Shenyang J-16

    The Shenyang J-16 is a Chinese twinjet, multirole strike fighter, an advanced derivative of the Su-27. It has been upgraded with Chinese avionics, radars, and the capability to carry indigenous weapons. It is considered a fourth-generation fighter by Chinese standards.
    • Introduced: 2013
    • Role: Multirole Strike Fighter
    • Generation: Fourth
  5. 5
    Chengdu J-7

    Chengdu J-7

    The Chengdu J-7 is a Chinese license-produced version of the Soviet MiG-21. Although it is the most dated fighter in this list, the J-7 has been a pivotal part of China's air defense strategy, serving as a lightweight interceptor for several decades.
    • Introduced: 1966
    • Role: Interceptor Fighter
    • Generation: Second
  6. 6
    Shenyang FC-31

    Shenyang FC-31

    The Shenyang FC-31, also known as the Gyrfalcon, is a twin-engine, mid-size Chinese stealth fighter aircraft initially intended for export markets but now also proposed for service with the People's Liberation Army. It is China's second fifth-generation fighter jet prototype.
    • First Flight: 2012
    • Role: Stealth Multirole Fighter
    • Generation: Fifth
  7. 7
    Xi'an JH-7

    Xi'an JH-7

    The Xi'an JH-7, also known as Flounder, is a tandem two-seat, twin-engine, swing-role fighter-bomber designed by the Xi'an Aircraft Industrial Corporation. It is one of the few dedicated fighter-bomber aircraft in service, designed for deep strikes against ground and sea targets.
    • Introduced: 1992
    • Role: Fighter-Bomber
    • Generation: Fourth
  8. 8
    Hongdu L-15

    Hongdu L-15

    The Hongdu L-15 Falcon is a Chinese supersonic advanced trainer and light attack aircraft developed by Hongdu Aviation Industry Group. It is designed to meet the training requirements for modern fourth and fifth-generation fighter jets.
    • Introduced: 2010
    • Role: Advanced Trainer / Light Attack
    • Generation: Fourth
  9. 9
    Shenyang J-15

    Shenyang J-15

    The Shenyang J-15, also known as Flying Shark, is a carrier-based fighter aircraft developed for the People's Liberation Army Navy. It is derived from the J-11B variant and the Russian Su-33, designed to operate from the Chinese aircraft carriers.
    • Introduced: 2010
    • Role: Carrier-Based Air Superiority Fighter
    • Generation: Fourth
  10. 10
    Guizhou JL-9

    Guizhou JL-9

    The Guizhou JL-9, also known as FTC-2000 Mountain Eagle, is a two-seat, supersonic advanced trainer and light attack aircraft developed by the Guizhou Aviation Industry Import/Export Company for the People's Liberation Army Air Force and Navy.
    • Introduced: 2011
    • Role: Trainer / Light Attack
    • Generation: Fourth

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most advanced Chinese fighter jet. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or jet is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 128 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each jet once every 24 hours. The rank of each jet is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Advanced Chinese Fighter Jet

Chengdu J-20
Rank #1 for the most advanced Chinese fighter jet: Chengdu J-20 (Source)
China has made significant strides in developing advanced fighter jets. Over the past few decades, the country has invested heavily in its aviation industry. This effort has led to the creation of state-of-the-art aircraft that rival those of other major military powers.

China's advancements in fighter jet technology stem from a mix of domestic innovation and reverse engineering. The country has focused on improving various aspects of its aircraft. These include stealth capabilities, speed, maneuverability, and weapon systems. The result is a fleet of jets that can perform a range of missions, from air superiority to ground attack.

One key feature of modern Chinese fighter jets is their stealth technology. This allows them to evade radar detection, giving them an edge in combat. The use of advanced materials and design techniques helps reduce the radar cross-section of these jets. This makes them harder to detect and track by enemy forces.

Another important aspect is the integration of advanced avionics. These systems enhance the pilot's situational awareness and improve the jet's overall performance. Modern Chinese fighter jets come equipped with sophisticated radar, communication, and navigation systems. These features allow them to engage multiple targets and operate in various environments.

Engine technology has also seen significant improvements. Chinese fighter jets now use powerful engines that provide greater thrust and efficiency. This enables the aircraft to achieve higher speeds and better maneuverability. The development of these engines has been a priority for China, as it seeks to reduce its reliance on foreign technology.

Weapon systems on Chinese fighter jets have become more advanced as well. These aircraft can carry a wide range of missiles and bombs, allowing them to engage targets at different ranges. The integration of precision-guided munitions has improved their effectiveness in combat. This makes them a formidable force on the battlefield.

China's focus on developing advanced fighter jets is part of a broader strategy to modernize its military. The country aims to project power and protect its interests both regionally and globally. By investing in cutting-edge technology, China seeks to close the gap with other leading military powers.

The progress made in this area has not gone unnoticed. Other countries have taken note of China's advancements and are adjusting their own strategies accordingly. This has led to a competitive environment where technological superiority is crucial.

In conclusion, China's development of advanced fighter jets represents a significant achievement. The combination of stealth technology, advanced avionics, powerful engines, and sophisticated weapon systems makes these aircraft a key component of the country's military capabilities. As China continues to invest in its aviation industry, it will likely maintain its position as a leading player in the field of advanced fighter jets.

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