The Most Advanced Special Force, Ranked

Choose the special force you think is the most advanced!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 06:18
In the complex and often secretive world of military operations, the capabilities and advancements of special forces hold significant importance. These elite units carry out missions that are critical to national security, often dealing with scenarios that require not only brute strength but also sharp tactical minds and superior technology. Understanding which groups lead in innovation and effectiveness can provide insights into global security dynamics. This dynamic ranking, fueled by your votes, seeks to shed light on which special forces are perceived as the most advanced based on their training, equipment, and operational successes. By participating, you contribute to a broader understanding of these key players in international security. Along with voting, you can see how others view these elite units, adding to the broader community’s appreciation of their crucial roles.

What Is the Most Advanced Special Force?

  1. 1
    British SAS

    British SAS

    The Special Air Service (SAS) is a special forces unit of the British Army. The SAS was founded in 1941 as a regiment, and later reconstituted as a corps in 1950.
    • Founded: 1941
    • Country: United Kingdom
  2. 2
    Delta Force

    Delta Force

    1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D), commonly referred to as Delta Force, is one of the United States' elite counter-terrorism and special mission units.
    • Founded: 1977
    • Country: United States
  3. 3


    Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2) is an elite special operations force of the Canadian Armed Forces. JTF2 specializes in counter-terrorism, sniper operations, and hostage rescue.
    • Founded: 1993
    • Country: Canada
  4. 4
    Navy SEALs

    Navy SEALs

    The United States Navy's Sea, Air, and Land Teams, commonly abbreviated as the Navy SEALs, are the U.S. Navy's primary special operations force and a component of the Naval Special Warfare Command.
    • Founded: 1962
    • Country: United States
  5. 5


    Mossad is the national intelligence agency of Israel, one of the key players in the country's defense sector. While primarily focused on foreign intelligence, Mossad operates with highly trained operatives capable of executing special operations.
    • Founded: 1949
    • Country: Israel
  6. 6


    The National Gendarmerie Intervention Group (GIGN) is a special operations unit of the French Gendarmerie. It is tasked with counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, and surveillance of national threats.
    • Founded: 1974
    • Country: France
  7. 7

    Polish GROM

    Jednostka Wojskowa GROM is Poland's elite counter-terrorism unit. The unit's name is an acronym for Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno-Manewrowego, which translates to Operational Maneuver Response Group.
    • Founded: 1990
    • Country: Poland
  8. 8
    Shayetet 13

    Shayetet 13

    Shayetet 13 is the naval special forces unit of the Israel Defense Forces. Shayetet 13 specializes in sea-to-land incursions, counter-terrorism, sabotage, maritime intelligence gathering, maritime hostage rescue, and boarding.
    • Founded: 1949
    • Country: Israel
  9. 9

    Sayeret Matkal

    Sayeret Matkal is the Israel Defense Forces' principal special operations unit. Modeled after the British SAS, it is directly subordinate to the Israeli Military Intelligence Directorate.
    • Founded: 1957
    • Country: Israel
  10. 10
    Russian Spetsnaz

    Russian Spetsnaz

    Spetsnaz is an umbrella term for special forces in Russian and is used in numerous post-Soviet states. Historically, the term referred to special military units controlled by the military intelligence service GRU.
    • Country: Russia

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most advanced special force. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or special force is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 30 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each special force once every 24 hours. The rank of each special force is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


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More about the Most Advanced Special Force

British SAS
Rank #1 for the most advanced special force: British SAS (Source)
Special forces represent the pinnacle of military prowess. These elite units exist within the armed forces of many countries. They perform tasks that regular military units cannot handle. Their operations include counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, reconnaissance, and direct action missions.

Training for special forces is grueling. Candidates undergo physical and mental tests. They must demonstrate endurance, strength, and agility. Psychological resilience is also crucial. Recruits face simulations that mimic real combat stress. Only a few make it through this intense process.

Once selected, the training becomes even more rigorous. They learn advanced combat skills. These include hand-to-hand combat, marksmanship, and explosives handling. They also train in navigation, survival, and medical aid. Language skills and cultural knowledge are often part of the curriculum. This helps them operate in diverse environments.

Special forces units use cutting-edge technology. They have access to the latest weapons and equipment. Night vision goggles, advanced communication systems, and specialized vehicles are standard. They also use drones and other surveillance tools. This technology gives them a significant edge in the field.

Their missions are often classified. Details rarely become public. This secrecy protects both the operatives and the mission's success. When information does emerge, it often highlights their precision and efficiency. They operate in small teams. This allows for greater flexibility and speed. These teams can adapt quickly to changing situations.

Special forces also work closely with intelligence agencies. They rely on accurate information to plan their missions. This collaboration ensures they have the best possible chance of success. They often gather intelligence themselves. This can involve infiltrating enemy lines or conducting covert surveillance.

Their role in counter-terrorism is significant. They often lead operations to capture or eliminate high-value targets. Hostage rescue is another critical task. These missions require meticulous planning and flawless execution. Any mistake can have severe consequences.

Reconnaissance missions are also a key part of their work. They gather vital information about enemy positions and movements. This intelligence supports larger military operations. Direct action missions involve striking specific targets. These can include enemy leaders, infrastructure, or supply lines. These strikes are often swift and decisive.

Special forces must be ready to deploy at a moment's notice. They maintain a high level of readiness at all times. This requires constant training and preparation. They must stay in peak physical condition. They also need to keep their skills sharp.

Their work is dangerous. They often operate behind enemy lines. The risk of injury or death is high. Despite this, they remain committed to their missions. Their dedication and bravery are unmatched.

Special forces play a crucial role in modern warfare. Their unique skills and capabilities make them invaluable. They handle the toughest missions with precision and professionalism. Their contributions often remain in the shadows. Yet, their impact on global security is profound.

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