The Most Beautiful Angel in Dragon Ball, Ranked

Choose the angel you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 21, 2024 07:27
Fans of Dragon Ball often engage in spirited discussions about various aspects of the series, from the strongest character to the most strategically brilliant villain. Among these topics, the conversation around the aesthetic appeal of angels introduces a fascinating layer of fan interaction. By highlighting different viewpoints on beauty in a familiar yet magical setting, fans can connect with the story and its characters on a deeper level. Given the diversity of characters in the Dragon Ball universe, establishing a ranking system where fans can vote for the 'most beautiful angel' provides a structured yet engaging way to participate in the fandom. This process not only intensifies fan engagement but also offers an insightful glimpse into how different attributes are valued within the community. Your votes will directly influence the live ranking, updating continuously as more fans contribute their opinions.

Who Is the Most Beautiful Angel in Dragon Ball?

  1. 1


    Whis, the Angel of Universe 7, is known for his calm demeanor and refined elegance. His design and personality traits make him stand out as one of the most aesthetically pleasing characters in the series.
    • Universe: 7
    • Deity Served: Beerus
  2. 2


    Vados, the Angel of Universe 6, combines strength with grace. Her design is both powerful and elegant, making her one of the most visually compelling characters.
    • Universe: 6
    • Deity Served: Champa
  3. 3


    Marcarita, the Angel of Universe 11, stands out with her unique design and color scheme. Her appearance is both striking and elegant.
    • Universe: 11
    • Deity Served: Belmod
  4. 4


    Cus, the Angel of Universe 10, is known for her cute and endearing appearance. Her playful design and personality traits contribute to her visual appeal.
    • Universe: 10
    • Deity Served: Rumsshi
  5. 5


    Mojito, the Angel of Universe 9, is notable for his minimalist design and expressionless face. His simplicity adds to his visual appeal.
    • Universe: 9
    • Deity Served: Sidra
  6. 6


    Korn, the Angel of Universe 8, is known for his serious demeanor and unique appearance. His design contributes to his visual distinctiveness.
    • Universe: 8
    • Deity Served: Liquiir
  7. 7


    Martinu, the Angel of Universe 9, has a distinctive look that sets her apart from her peers. Her visual design is both unique and appealing.
    • Universe: 9
    • Deity Served: Sidra
  8. 8


    Sour, the Angel of Universe 2, is known for his stoic appearance and design. His visual style is both distinctive and appealing.
    • Universe: 2
    • Deity Served: Heles
  9. 9


    Merus, initially introduced as a Galactic Patrol officer, later revealed as an Angel-in-training. His unique backstory and design make him a standout character in terms of visual appeal.
    • Universe: Unknown
    • Role: Galactic Patrol Officer / Angel-in-training
  10. 10


    Camparri, the Angel of Universe 3, has a distinctive and intriguing design. His appearance is both unique and visually engaging.
    • Universe: 3
    • Deity Served: Mosco

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful angel in Dragon Ball. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or angel is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 157 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each angel once every 24 hours. The rank of each angel is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Beautiful Angel in Dragon Ball

In the Dragon Ball universe, angels play a key role. They are divine beings with immense power. Each angel serves and guides a god of destruction. Their primary duty is to train and keep these gods in check. Angels are calm, wise, and skilled fighters. They possess great knowledge about the universe and its workings.

Angels have a unique appearance. They wear elegant, flowing robes and carry a staff. This staff is not just for show; it has many functions. It can create barriers, heal wounds, and even rewind time. Their distinct look sets them apart from other beings in the series.

The beauty of an angel is not just physical. It also lies in their grace and demeanor. They move with fluidity and precision. Every action they take seems effortless. Their calm nature adds to their charm. They rarely show anger or frustration. This serene presence makes them captivating.

Angels have a deep sense of duty. They follow a strict code of conduct. Their main focus is to maintain balance in the universe. They do not interfere directly in mortal affairs. However, they guide and advise when needed. This restraint shows their wisdom and understanding.

Training is a big part of an angel's life. They train gods of destruction to control their power. This training is intense and rigorous. It ensures that gods do not misuse their abilities. Angels also train themselves. They strive for perfection in combat and knowledge.

Despite their power, angels remain humble. They do not boast or seek attention. Their humility is a key part of their beauty. They understand their role and perform it without seeking praise. This selflessness is rare and admirable.

Angels have a unique bond with their respective gods. They are mentors, friends, and sometimes caretakers. This relationship is built on trust and respect. It highlights the angel’s role as a guide and protector. Their dedication to this bond is unwavering.

In the Dragon Ball universe, angels are timeless. They do not age or fall ill. This immortality adds to their mystique. It allows them to gather vast amounts of knowledge over time. Their experience and wisdom are unmatched.

The presence of an angel brings a sense of peace. Their aura is calming and reassuring. They embody the perfect balance of power and grace. This balance is what makes them so beautiful. It is a beauty that goes beyond the physical. It touches the soul and inspires awe.

In conclusion, angels in Dragon Ball are remarkable beings. Their beauty is a blend of appearance, grace, wisdom, and humility. They play a crucial role in maintaining balance in the universe. Their presence is a testament to the harmony between power and serenity.

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