The Most Beautiful Champion in League of Legends, Ranked

Choose the champion you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:27
Fans of League of Legends often debate which champion stands out not only for their abilities but for their aesthetic appeal. With a roster that includes a wide array of characters from ethereal sorcerers to daunting warriors, each player might have a different champion they find visually stunning. Ranking these champions according to their beauty can provide an intriguing reflection of community preferences and trends. By casting a vote on your favorite champion, you contribute to a broader community consensus, helping to shape a collective response to the artistic and design efforts of the game's creators. This live ranking adjusts with each new vote, offering a dynamic snapshot of which characters resonate most with the audience. It's not only about personal preference, but also about influencing the global perception of the game's artistic achievements.

Who Is the Most Beautiful Champion in League of Legends?

  1. 1


    A nine-tailed fox with a charming and seductive appearance.
    • Role: Mage
    • Region: Ionia
  2. 2


    A survivor who adapted to the harsh environment of the Void, possessing both beauty and strength.
    • Role: Marksman
    • Region: Void
  3. 3

    Miss Fortune

    A bounty hunter known for her beauty and deadly aim.
    • Role: Marksman
    • Region: Bilgewater
  4. 4


    A virtuoso of the stringed etwahl, captivating with her ethereal beauty and melodies.
    • Role: Support
    • Region: Demacia
  5. 5


    An adventurous explorer with dashing good looks.
    • Role: Marksman
    • Region: Piltover
  6. 6


    The Grand Duelist, renowned for her grace, finesse, and unparalleled beauty.
    • Role: Fighter
    • Region: Demacia
  7. 7


    The Shield of Valoran, known for his handsome features and protective prowess.
    • Role: Support
    • Region: Targon
  8. 8


    A skilled swordsman with a ruggedly handsome appearance.
    • Role: Fighter
    • Region: Ionia
  9. 9


    A charismatic charmer and dancer, known for his enchanting looks.
    • Role: Support
    • Region: Ionia
  10. 10


    A pop star from Piltover who charms audiences with her magical voice and stunning looks.
    • Role: Mage
    • Region: Piltover

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful champion in League of Legends. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Winner is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 12 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Winner once every 24 hours. The rank of each Winner is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Beautiful Champion in League of Legends

League of Legends, a popular online game, has many champions. Each champion has a unique design and story. Players often debate which champion is the most beautiful. Beauty in this game goes beyond looks. It includes the design, animations, and lore.

The design of a champion is crucial. The artists put a lot of effort into creating detailed models. They use vibrant colors and intricate patterns. The goal is to make each champion stand out. The characters have unique outfits, weapons, and accessories. These elements add to their charm.

Animations play a big role too. Smooth and fluid movements make a champion look graceful. Special effects, like glowing spells or swift attacks, enhance their appeal. The way a champion moves can make them seem more lifelike. This adds to their overall beauty.

Lore is another important aspect. Each champion has a backstory. These stories add depth to the characters. They explain why the champion looks and acts a certain way. A well-crafted story can make a champion more engaging. It can make players feel a connection to them.

Voice acting also contributes to a champion's beauty. A fitting voice can bring a character to life. It can convey emotions and personality. The right voice can make a champion more memorable. It adds another layer to their charm.

The community's opinion matters too. Players often share their thoughts on forums and social media. They discuss which champions they find most beautiful. These discussions can influence how new champions are designed. Developers take note of what players like.

Beauty is subjective. What one player finds beautiful, another might not. Some players prefer champions with a fierce look. Others might like a more elegant design. The variety in champion designs ensures there is something for everyone.

The game constantly evolves. New champions are released regularly. Each new champion brings fresh designs and stories. This keeps the game exciting. Players always have something new to look forward to.

League of Legends is more than just a game. It is a world full of diverse characters. Each champion has something unique to offer. Their beauty lies in the details. From their design to their lore, every aspect is crafted with care. This attention to detail makes them stand out.

The most beautiful champion is a matter of personal preference. Some players might be drawn to a champion's look. Others might be captivated by their story. The combination of design, animations, lore, and voice acting creates a complete package. This makes each champion special in their own way.

In the end, the beauty of a champion is subjective. It is influenced by many factors. The design, animations, lore, and voice acting all play a role. The community's opinion also matters. Each player has their own favorite. This variety is what makes League of Legends so appealing. There is a champion for everyone.

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