The Most Beautiful City in Russia, Ranked

Choose the city you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:20
Deciding which city holds the title of the most beautiful in Russia is a subject of frequent debate among travelers and locals alike. Each city boasts its own unique blend of architecture, culture, and natural beauty, making this a particularly engaging topic. By contributing to this ranking, users have the opportunity to highlight what they admire most about their favorite cities. The dynamic nature of this voting system allows the rankings to constantly evolve, reflecting new opinions and experiences from voters. Whether you are passionate about the historic streets of a particular city or enchanted by another's vibrant cultural scenes, your vote helps ensure that the best of Russia's urban beauty is recognized and celebrated by all.

What Is the Most Beautiful City in Russia?

  1. 1


    The capital city of Russia, Moscow is famous for its historical landmarks, including the Kremlin, Red Square, and Saint Basil's Cathedral.
    • Founded: 1147
    • Famous Landmark: Kremlin
  2. 2


    Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan, is known for its rich Tatar culture, beautiful Kremlin, and harmonious blend of Christian and Islamic architecture.
    • Founded: 1005
    • Famous Landmark: Kazan Kremlin
  3. 3


    Famous for hosting the 2014 Winter Olympics, Sochi is a picturesque city on the Black Sea coast, known for its stunning beaches and mountainous backdrop.
    • Founded: 1838
    • Famous Landmark: Rosa Khutor Alpine Resort
  4. 4


    Yekaterinburg, the fourth-largest city in Russia, is known for its position on the border of Europe and Asia, and its rich history and culture.
    • Founded: 1723
    • Famous Landmark: Church on the Blood
  5. 5


    Close to Lake Baikal, the world's deepest lake, Irkutsk is famous for its wooden architecture and the nearby natural wonders of Siberia.
    • Founded: 1661
    • Famous Landmark: Lake Baikal
  6. 6
    Veliky Novgorod

    Veliky Novgorod

    One of the oldest and most important cities in Russia, Veliky Novgorod is known for its medieval monuments and the historic Novgorod Kremlin.
    • Founded: 859
    • Famous Landmark: Saint Sophia Cathedral
  7. 7


    Kaliningrad, a city separated from the mainland of Russia, is known for its unique German heritage, the Amber Museum, and the beautiful Königsberg Cathedral.
    • Founded: 1255
    • Famous Landmark: Königsberg Cathedral
  8. 8


    Located on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, Vladivostok is famous for its maritime location, the Trans-Siberian Railway's terminus, and beautiful bridges.
    • Founded: 1860
    • Famous Landmark: Russky Bridge
  9. 9
    Saint Petersburg

    Saint Petersburg

    Known for its incredible architecture and vast network of rivers and canals, Saint Petersburg is often referred to as Russia's 'Window to the West'.
    • Founded: 1703
    • Famous Landmark: Hermitage Museum
  10. 10
    Nizhny Novgorod

    Nizhny Novgorod

    This city, located at the confluence of the Volga and Oka rivers, is known for its kremlin, beautiful churches, and rich history.
    • Founded: 1221
    • Famous Landmark: Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful city in Russia. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or city is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 128 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each city once every 24 hours. The rank of each city is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More about the Most Beautiful City in Russia

Rank #1 for the most beautiful city in Russia: Moscow (Source)
Russia boasts many beautiful cities. These cities blend rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant culture. They offer a glimpse into the past while embracing modernity. Each city has its own charm, drawing visitors from around the world.

In these cities, you will find grand palaces that tell stories of royalty. The intricate designs and lavish interiors reflect the opulence of bygone eras. Many of these palaces now serve as museums, preserving art and history.

Cathedrals and churches dominate the skyline. Their golden domes and colorful facades stand out. These religious sites are not just places of worship. They are also architectural marvels. Inside, you can see frescoes and icons that date back centuries. The craftsmanship is awe-inspiring.

Public squares are central to city life. These open spaces often feature statues and fountains. They are places where people gather, celebrate, and protest. The squares are surrounded by important buildings, adding to their significance.

Parks and gardens offer a break from the urban hustle. These green spaces are meticulously maintained. They are perfect for leisurely strolls or picnics. In winter, they transform into snowy wonderlands, ideal for ice skating and sledding.

Bridges connect different parts of the city. Many of these bridges are architectural feats. They provide stunning views of the rivers that flow through the cities. Walking across these bridges is a must-do activity.

Cultural institutions abound. Theaters host world-class performances. Ballet, opera, and drama are integral parts of the cultural scene. Art galleries showcase works from renowned artists. These venues are a testament to the city's deep appreciation for the arts.

Markets and shopping streets pulse with energy. Here, you can find everything from traditional crafts to high-end fashion. The markets are also great places to sample local cuisine. Street food vendors offer a taste of regional specialties.

The cities come alive at night. Illuminated buildings and streets create a magical atmosphere. Nightclubs, bars, and cafes buzz with activity. The nightlife is diverse, catering to all tastes and preferences.

Public transportation is efficient and extensive. Metro systems are often works of art themselves. The stations feature mosaics, sculptures, and chandeliers. Trams and buses provide easy access to all parts of the city.

The people are warm and hospitable. They take pride in their heritage and are eager to share it. Conversations with locals can provide deeper insights into the city's culture and history.

Festivals and events are frequent. These celebrations highlight the city's traditions and customs. They range from music and dance festivals to food fairs and parades. Participating in these events offers a unique cultural experience.

In summary, the most beautiful city in Russia is a blend of history, culture, and modernity. Its architecture, public spaces, and cultural institutions make it a must-visit. The city's charm lies in its ability to preserve the past while embracing the future. Visitors leave with lasting memories and a desire to return.

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