The Most Beautiful Crown in the World, Ranked

Choose the crown you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 23, 2024 06:20
Judging the allure of a crown goes beyond mere aesthetics; it taps into the rich tapestries of history and culture that shaped them. Each crown possesses its own story, told through the intricate designs and precious materials from which it is crafted. This online voting system allows enthusiasts and casual admirers alike to contribute their views on which crown stands out as the most striking. By casting a vote, users influence the current standings, offering a dynamic snapshot of public opinion regarding these regal artifacts. This process not only fosters a deeper appreciation for the artistry involved in creating each crown but also highlights diverse perspectives across different cultures. The aggregate results provide a continually updated ranking, reflecting collective admiration and preference.

What Is the Most Beautiful Crown in the World?

  1. 1
    Crown of Saint Wenceslas

    Crown of Saint Wenceslas

    The crown of the Kingdom of Bohemia and a symbol of the Czech state, part of the Bohemian Crown Jewels.
    • Creation date: 1347
    • Material: Gold, precious stones, and pearls
  2. 2
    Russian Imperial Crown

    Russian Imperial Crown

    The official crown of the Russian monarchy, used in the coronation of the Tsars.
    • Creation date: 1762
    • Material: Diamonds, spinel, and ermine
  3. 3
    Danish Crown of Christian V

    Danish Crown of Christian V

    The crown of the Danish kings, used for coronations and symbolic purposes.
    • Creation date: 1670
    • Material: Gold, enamel, diamonds, and pearls
  4. 4
    Crown of Princess Blanche

    Crown of Princess Blanche

    One of the oldest surviving crowns of England, now located in the Munich Residenz.
    • Creation date: circa 1370-1380
    • Material: Gold and precious stones
  5. 5
    Swedish Crown of Eric XIV

    Swedish Crown of Eric XIV

    Part of the Swedish Regalia, this crown was made for King Eric XIV.
    • Creation date: 1561
    • Material: Gold, enamel, and precious stones
  6. 6
    St. Edward's Crown

    St. Edward's Crown

    The centerpiece of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom, used at the moment of coronation.
    • Creation date: 1661
    • Material: Gold, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, pearls, and velvet
  7. 7
    Crown of Empress Eugénie

    Crown of Empress Eugénie

    A French crown worn by Empress Eugénie, wife of Emperor Napoleon III, notable for its elegance and beauty.
    • Creation date: 1855
    • Material: Diamonds and pearls
  8. 8
    Imperial State Crown

    Imperial State Crown

    A symbol of the sovereignty of the monarch of the United Kingdom, featuring many famous gemstones.
    • Creation date: 1937
    • Material: Gold, diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, pearls, and velvet
  9. 9
    Norwegian Crown Prince's Crown

    Norwegian Crown Prince's Crown

    A crown specifically made for the Crown Prince of Norway, used in ceremonies and official occasions.
    • Creation date: 1846
    • Material: Gold and precious stones
  10. 10
    Crown of Ranavalona III

    Crown of Ranavalona III

    The crown of the last monarch of the Kingdom of Madagascar, symbolizing the end of the monarchy.
    • Creation date: 1880s
    • Material: Gold, diamonds, and other precious stones

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful crown in the world. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or crown is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 32 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each crown once every 24 hours. The rank of each crown is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Beautiful Crown in the World

Crown of Saint Wenceslas
Rank #1 for the most beautiful crown in the world: Crown of Saint Wenceslas (Source)
Crowns have always fascinated people. They symbolize power, authority, and splendor. Crafted with skill, they often feature precious metals and gemstones. Their beauty comes from both their materials and the craftsmanship behind them.

The history of crowns dates back thousands of years. Ancient civilizations, like Egypt and Mesopotamia, used headpieces to mark rulers. These early crowns were simpler but still held great significance. Over time, designs became more elaborate. Artisans began to incorporate intricate details and rare materials.

The process of making a crown involves several steps. First, a design is created. This design must balance beauty and symbolism. Next, the base is formed, usually from gold or silver. These metals are chosen for their durability and luster. Then, the crown is adorned with gems. Diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds are common choices. Each gem is carefully selected and placed to enhance the overall look.

Crowns are not just about looks. They carry deep meaning. Each element in a crown can represent something. For example, certain shapes or colors might symbolize virtues like wisdom or courage. The placement of gems can also hold significance. In some cultures, the number of points or arches on a crown has a specific meaning.

Throughout history, many crowns have become famous. These crowns often belong to royal families or are used in important ceremonies. They are kept in secure places and are rarely seen by the public. When they are displayed, they draw large crowds. People are eager to see the beauty and craftsmanship up close.

Crowns also appear in art and literature. They are a common motif in paintings, sculptures, and stories. Artists use crowns to convey status or power. In literature, a crown might symbolize a quest or a burden. These representations add to the mystique and allure of crowns.

Modern crowns continue to evolve. Some contemporary designs break from tradition, using new materials or styles. However, they still retain the essence of what makes a crown special. They are a blend of art, history, and symbolism.

In addition to their visual appeal, crowns have a tactile quality. The weight of a crown, the coolness of the metal, and the smoothness of the gems all contribute to its allure. Wearing a crown is a unique experience. It connects the wearer to a long line of history and tradition.

Crowns will always captivate. They are more than just beautiful objects. They are a testament to human creativity and the desire to express power and beauty. Whether ancient or modern, simple or ornate, crowns hold a special place in our imagination. They remind us of the grandeur and complexity of our past and the enduring allure of beauty and craftsmanship.

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