The Most Beautiful Dragon in Wings of Fire, Ranked

Choose the dragon you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 27, 2024 07:00
In the mesmerizing world of Wings of Fire, the beauty of dragons is as diverse as their magical abilities. Each dragon's unique scale colors, patterns, and features captivate fans, sparking debates about which dragon stands out as the most stunning. Creating a ranked list based on user votes helps clarify fans' preferences and adds a fun interactive element to the community discussions. Through voting, fans contribute directly to shaping the list, making it a dynamic reflection of the community's collective opinion. This engagement not only enhances the interactive experience but also deepens fans' connections with the series and with each other. Tracking changes and trends in the rankings over time can also reveal how perceptions of beauty evolve within the fan community.

Who Is the Most Beautiful Dragon in Wings of Fire?

  1. 1
    Known for her graceful build and striking blue scales, Glory is often regarded as one of the most beautiful dragons in the series. Her regal bearing and fierce loyalty only add to her allure.
  2. 2
    With his silver scales and piercing blue eyes, Winter is a stunning dragon. His reserved demeanor and quiet strength only enhance his beauty.
  3. 3
    Tsunami's brilliant aquamarine scales and powerful build make her a sight to behold. Her fiery personality and fierce determination only add to her allure.
  4. 4
    As the mother of Tsunami, Coral is a striking dragon in her own right. Her deep blue scales and commanding presence make her one of the most beautiful and powerful dragons in the series.
  5. 5
    Although often overlooked due to his gentle nature, Turtle is a truly beautiful dragon. His iridescent green scales and kind eyes make him a favorite among many fans.
  6. 6
    With her icy blue scales and piercing gaze, Glacier is a formidable and beautiful dragon. Her fierce loyalty to her tribe only adds to her allure.
  7. 7
    As a SandWing with a unique blend of gold and brown scales, Cliff stands out as one of the most striking dragons in the series. His bravery and loyalty only add to his appeal.
  8. 8
    With her sharp green scales and fierce personality, Thorn is a truly beautiful dragon. Her dedication to her tribe and her friends only add to her allure.
  9. 9
    Although often overlooked due to his small size, Pike is a truly beautiful dragon. His bright orange scales and playful personality make him a fan favorite.
  10. 10
    As the leader of the SkyWing tribe, Ruby is a fierce and beautiful dragon. Her deep red scales and commanding presence make her a force to be reckoned with.

Missing your favorite dragon?


Ranking factors for beautiful dragon

  1. Color and Markings
    Dragons in Wings of Fire are known for their bright and varied colors and unique markings. A dragon with striking and distinctive coloration may be considered more beautiful by some.
  2. Scale Patterns
    The pattern of scales on a dragon's body can be an important factor in determining their beauty. Intricate and aesthetically pleasing scale patterns can add to a dragon's overall beauty.
  3. Physical Form
    The shape and size of a dragon's body may also be considered. Dragons with sleek, elegant bodies or impressive physiques may be seen as more beautiful.
  4. Facial Features
    The eyes, horns, snout, and other facial features can greatly affect the overall beauty of a dragon. An appealing facial structure and expression can make a dragon more attractive.
  5. Personality
    While looks are important, a dragon's personality and behavior can also factor into their perceived beauty. Kindness, bravery, and other admirable traits can make a dragon more beautiful in the eyes of others.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful dragon in Wings of Fire. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or dragon is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 179 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each dragon once every 24 hours. The rank of each dragon is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most beautiful dragon in wings of fire

Wings of Fire is a popular book series written by Tui T. Sutherland, where dragons are the main characters. The dragons in this series are known for their unique features and personalities, each belonging to a different tribe with their own customs and traditions. With such a diverse range of dragons to choose from, it's no surprise that the question of who is the most beautiful dragon in Wings of Fire has sparked much debate among fans. From the fiery and fierce SandWings to the majestic and regal IceWings, there are many contenders for the title. So, who will come out on top as the most beautiful dragon in this fantastical world? Let's take a closer look at some of the contenders and their standout features.

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