The Most Beautiful Eyes in the World, Ranked

Choose the eyes you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 20, 2024 06:15
Eyes are often celebrated as the windows to the soul, bringing unique stories and emotions to the surface through a mere glance. Recognizing the most captivating eyes among us can be a captivating reflection of diverse beauties and insights from various cultures. By participating in a collective vote to identify and celebrate these striking features, individuals contribute to a celebration of human beauty in its many forms. This ranking allows you to have a voice in deciding which eyes around the world are deemed the most beautiful. Through your contributions and votes, the list evolves, reflecting a wide array of perspectives and preferences. As viewers, believers, and participants, everyone's opinion matters in sculpting this dynamic and engaging homage to one of humanity's most expressive features.

Who Has the Most Beautiful Eyes in the World?

  1. 3
    Ian Somerhalder

    Ian Somerhalder

    Ian Somerhalder's intense blue eyes have captivated audiences worldwide, making him a heartthrob and a standout actor.
    • Eye Color: Blue
  2. 4
    Megan Fox

    Megan Fox

    Megan Fox's eyes are mesmerizing and have been one of her most complimented features, known for their sharpness and depth.
    • Eye Color: Blue
  3. 5
    Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

    Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

    Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's eyes are famous worldwide for their striking blue-green color and are considered by many as the most beautiful.
    • Eye Color: Blue-Green
  4. 6
    Alexandra Daddario

    Alexandra Daddario

    Known for her roles in Hollywood, Alexandra Daddario possesses deep blue eyes that are both intense and captivating.
    • Eye Color: Blue
  5. 8
    Penélope Cruz

    Penélope Cruz

    Penélope Cruz possesses deep, dark brown eyes that are expressive and have contributed significantly to her sultry and mysterious image.
    • Eye Color: Dark Brown
  6. 10
    Zooey Deschanel

    Zooey Deschanel

    Zooey Deschanel is recognized for her large, expressive blue eyes that have become a signature part of her adorable and quirky persona.
    • Eye Color: Blue

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful eyes in the world. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Eye is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 138 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Eye once every 24 hours. The rank of each Eye is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Beautiful Eyes in the World

Elizabeth Taylor
Rank #1 for the most beautiful eyes in the world: Elizabeth Taylor (Source)
Eyes captivate people. They convey emotions and tell stories. Throughout history, eyes have inspired art, poetry, and music. People often say eyes are windows to the soul. Their beauty lies in their color, shape, and expression.

Eye color varies widely. Blue eyes can remind one of the sky or the sea. Green eyes bring to mind lush forests. Brown eyes, the most common, have a warmth and depth. Hazel eyes mix colors, adding mystery. Each color has its own charm and appeal.

The shape of eyes also plays a role in their beauty. Almond-shaped eyes are often seen as exotic. Round eyes can give a sense of innocence. Deep-set eyes add a touch of mystery. Hooded eyes have a unique allure. The symmetry of eyes can enhance their attractiveness.

Expression is key to the beauty of eyes. Eyes that smile can light up a room. Eyes that show sadness can touch hearts. Eyes that sparkle with joy can uplift spirits. The way eyes move and react can reveal much about a person.

Eyelashes and eyebrows frame the eyes. Long, thick lashes can make eyes appear larger. Well-groomed eyebrows can enhance the shape of the eyes. The contrast between lashes and the whites of the eyes can be striking.

Cultural perceptions of beautiful eyes vary. In some cultures, large eyes are prized. In others, the color of the eyes is more important. Beauty standards change over time, but the allure of eyes remains constant.

Eyes have a universal appeal. They connect people without words. They can show kindness, curiosity, and love. They can also reveal fear, anger, and sadness. The beauty of eyes lies in their ability to communicate.

In literature, eyes often symbolize deeper meanings. Authors use them to convey characters' inner thoughts and feelings. Poets write about eyes to express love and longing. Artists paint eyes to capture emotions. Eyes have a timeless quality in art and literature.

Eyes also play a role in non-verbal communication. A glance can convey interest or disinterest. A stare can intimidate or challenge. A wink can suggest a shared secret. The way people use their eyes can influence social interactions.

The science of eyes adds to their fascination. The iris, with its unique patterns, is like a fingerprint. The pupil adjusts to light, showing the eye's adaptability. The cornea and lens work together to focus images. The retina processes these images, sending them to the brain. This complex system makes vision possible.

Eyes also reflect health. Clear, bright eyes often indicate well-being. Red or dull eyes can suggest tiredness or illness. The condition of the eyes can reveal much about a person's health.

In conclusion, the beauty of eyes is multifaceted. It encompasses color, shape, expression, and more. Eyes have a unique power to connect and communicate. They inspire art, literature, and fascination. Their beauty is timeless and universal.

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