The Most Beautiful Japanese Goddess, Ranked

Choose the goddess you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:28
The beauty of goddesses in Japanese mythology captures our imagination with their varied attributes and stories that have been passed down through generations. The aesthetics and values they embody are interpreted differently based on personal and cultural backgrounds. Therefore, a structured ranking provides an engaging way to see how these divine figures resonate with people today. By participating in the voting, users contribute to a collective perspective that blends diverse opinions and insights. This dynamic list not only reflects current preferences but also invites users to learn more about each goddess, fostering a deeper appreciation and understanding of their roles and representations in Japanese culture.

Who Is the Most Beautiful Japanese Goddess?

  1. 1


    The sun goddess and one of the principal Shinto deities, celebrated as the ruler of the heavens and the universe.
    • Symbol: The sun
    • Importance: Supreme deity of the Shinto religion
  2. 2


    The goddess of fertility, rice, agriculture, foxes, industry, and worldly success.
    • Symbol: Foxes
    • Importance: One of the principal kami of Shinto
  3. 3


    The goddess of everything that flows: water, words, speech, eloquence, music and knowledge.
    • Symbol: Bianzhong (a type of ancient Chinese musical instrument), Torii
    • Importance: One of the Seven Lucky Gods in Japanese Buddhism
  4. 4


    The goddess of dawn and revelry, associated with merriment, joy, and the arts, known for her dance that lured Amaterasu from her cave.
    • Symbol: The mirror
    • Importance: Known for starting the first performance of Kagura, a sacred Shinto dance
  5. 5


    The goddess of both creation and death, who, together with her spouse Izanagi, created the islands of Japan and other deities.
    • Symbol: Creation and death
    • Importance: Central figure in Japan's creation myth
  6. 6


    The blossom-princess and symbol of delicate earthly life, she is the goddess of Mount Fuji and all volcanoes.
    • Symbol: Cherry blossoms
    • Importance: Goddess of volcanoes and protector of warriors
  7. 7


    The beautiful sea goddess, daughter of the dragon king of the sea, and mother of the hero Ugayafukiaezu.
    • Symbol: The ocean
    • Importance: Ancestor of the Japanese imperial family
  8. 8


    Already listed as Uzume, she is renowned for her joyful and revolutionary spirit.
    • Duplicate Entry: Refer to position 4
  9. 9
    Sarutahiko Okami

    Sarutahiko Okami

    A male deity, but included for his role as the leader of the earthly kami, guiding Ninigi (Amaterasu's grandson) to the Japanese islands.
    • Symbol: The earth
    • Importance: Patron of martial arts and guidance
  10. 10


    A male deity of fire, included for his transformative beauty and impact on creation and destruction within mythology.
    • Symbol: Fire
    • Importance: Creator of the landscape through his fire

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful Japanese goddess. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or goddess is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 93 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each goddess once every 24 hours. The rank of each goddess is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Beautiful Japanese Goddess

Rank #1 for the most beautiful Japanese goddess: Amaterasu (Source)
In Japanese mythology, goddesses hold a special place. These divine beings often symbolize beauty, nature, and grace. Ancient tales describe them as enchanting figures who captivate both gods and humans. Their stories inspire many and continue to be celebrated in Japan today.

These goddesses often embody the essence of nature. They might represent the sun, the moon, or the earth itself. Many legends describe their radiant beauty, which can light up the darkest places. Their presence brings peace and harmony to the world. People believe that these goddesses have the power to bless the land with fertility and abundance.

In art and literature, these goddesses are depicted with elegance and charm. Traditional paintings show them with flowing robes and delicate features. Their serene expressions reflect their inner calm and wisdom. Poets write about their beauty and grace, capturing the imagination of readers. These artistic representations help keep their stories alive.

Temples and shrines dedicated to these goddesses can be found across Japan. People visit these sacred sites to offer prayers and seek blessings. Festivals celebrate their divine nature, with rituals and ceremonies that honor their contributions to the world. These events bring communities together, fostering a sense of unity and respect for tradition.

The influence of these goddesses extends beyond religion. They inspire various forms of art, from classical music to modern films. Their stories serve as a source of inspiration for many artists and creators. Through these works, the beauty and grace of these goddesses reach a wider audience.

In daily life, the ideals represented by these goddesses influence Japanese culture. The appreciation for nature, the emphasis on harmony, and the pursuit of beauty can be traced back to these divine figures. Their legacy continues to shape the values and beliefs of people in Japan.

The stories of these goddesses are passed down through generations. Parents tell their children about these divine beings, ensuring that their tales are not forgotten. These stories often carry moral lessons, teaching values such as kindness, humility, and respect for nature. They serve as a reminder of the importance of these virtues in everyday life.

In conclusion, the beautiful goddesses of Japanese mythology hold a revered place in the hearts of many. Their stories, art, and influence permeate various aspects of Japanese culture. They symbolize beauty, nature, and grace, inspiring people to appreciate the world around them. Through their enduring legacy, these goddesses continue to enchant and inspire.

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