The Most Beautiful Kitten in the World, Ranked

Choose the kitten you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 06:21
Determining the most beautiful kitten around the globe can bring joy to cat lovers and breathe fresh enthusiasm into the community. By enabling a public vote on this adorable subject, it provides a fun, interactive way for enthusiasts to express their preferences and contribute to a communal project. Such a ranking also helps highlight different breeds and their unique characteristics, which might be informative for potential pet owners. As votes are gathered and preferences start shaping the list, viewers can gain insights into trends and popularity in the world of felines. This dynamic voting environment encourages participation and continuous engagement from the community, ensuring that the list remains relevant and reflective of current admirations. Participating in this voting process can be a delightful way for people to connect over their shared love for kittens.

What Is the Most Beautiful Kitten in the World?

  1. 1


    The Ragdoll is known for its striking blue eyes and color-point coat. It is one of the largest domesticated cat breeds, with a plush coat and docile temperament.
    • Origin: United States
    • Coat: Semi-long, silky
  2. 2


    The Siamese cat is one of the oldest and most recognizable breeds. It is known for its striking color contrast, blue almond-shaped eyes, and social nature.
    • Origin: Thailand
    • Feature: Color-point coat
  3. 3
    Scottish Fold

    Scottish Fold

    Famous for its unique ear fold, the Scottish Fold offers an owl-like appearance. Its calm and loving nature makes it a great companion.
    • Origin: Scotland
    • Feature: Folded ears
  4. 4
    Maine Coon

    Maine Coon

    This large and sociable cat is known for its tufted ears, bushy tail, and friendly demeanor. The Maine Coon is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America.
    • Origin: United States
    • Feature: Large size
  5. 5


    The Bengal cat is admired for its wild-like markings with a robust and athletic build, mimicking the appearance of exotic jungle cats.
    • Origin: United States
    • Coat: Short, glossy
  6. 6
    British Shorthair

    British Shorthair

    Known for its chunky body, dense coat, and laid-back nature, the British Shorthair is one of the most ancient cat breeds.
    • Origin: United Kingdom
    • Feature: Round face
  7. 7


    The Persian cat, with its long, luxurious coat and calm temperament, is a symbol of elegance and grace in the feline world.
    • Origin: Iran
    • Coat: Long, dense
  8. 8


    The Sphynx is renowned for its lack of coat, which gives it a unique appearance. It is known for its extroverted behavior, high energy, and affection towards its owners.
    • Origin: Canada
    • Feature: Hairless
  9. 9


    The Abyssinian is admired for its slender, muscular body and beautiful ticked coat. It is an active, playful, and intelligent cat.
    • Origin: Ethiopia
    • Coat: Short, dense
  10. 10
    Russian Blue

    Russian Blue

    With its shimmering blue coat, striking green eyes, and gentle disposition, the Russian Blue is a sought-after breed for cat lovers.
    • Origin: Russia
    • Coat: Short, dense

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful kitten in the world. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or kitten is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 5 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each kitten once every 24 hours. The rank of each kitten is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


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More about the Most Beautiful Kitten in the World

Rank #1 for the most beautiful kitten in the world: Ragdoll (Source)
Kittens have a unique charm that captures hearts. Their small size, soft fur, and playful nature make them irresistible. Each kitten has its own personality, but some stand out for their stunning looks. Many people consider certain kittens as the most beautiful in the world, though opinions vary.

The appeal of a beautiful kitten often lies in its eyes. Large, expressive eyes can convey curiosity and innocence. Eye color can range from deep blue to bright green, adding to their allure. The shape of the eyes also plays a role, with almond-shaped eyes often seen as particularly striking.

Fur is another key factor. A kitten's coat can come in many colors and patterns. Solid colors like black, white, or gray are common, but mixed patterns can be even more captivating. Tortoiseshell, calico, and tabby patterns offer a unique blend of colors and shapes. The texture of the fur, whether short and sleek or long and fluffy, adds to the kitten's overall beauty.

The shape and size of a kitten's ears can enhance its appeal. Some kittens have large, pointed ears that give them an alert and curious look. Others have smaller, rounded ears that add to their cuteness. The position of the ears can also change with the kitten's mood, making them even more expressive.

A kitten's tail can be a source of fascination. Long, bushy tails are often seen as elegant, while shorter, more compact tails can be equally charming. The way a kitten moves its tail can reveal a lot about its personality and mood, adding to its overall attractiveness.

Whiskers are another feature that can make a kitten stand out. Long, prominent whiskers can give a kitten a wise and knowing look. They also add a touch of whimsy, as they twitch and move with the kitten's every action.

A kitten's size and proportions are also important. Tiny paws, a small nose, and a round face can make a kitten look almost doll-like. The way a kitten moves—whether it's a playful pounce or a graceful leap—can add to its charm. Their boundless energy and curiosity make them delightful to watch.

Personality plays a big role in a kitten's beauty. A friendly, outgoing kitten can seem more beautiful because of its engaging behavior. Shy kittens can also be endearing, as their cautious nature makes them seem delicate and in need of care.

Many people find beauty in the uniqueness of each kitten. No two kittens are exactly alike, and this individuality is part of their charm. A kitten with a quirky feature, like a distinctive marking or an unusual habit, can be seen as the most beautiful to those who appreciate its special qualities.

In the end, the most beautiful kitten in the world is often the one that captures your heart. Whether it's through their appearance, their personality, or a mix of both, these little creatures have a way of enchanting those who meet them. Their beauty is not just skin deep; it lies in their spirit and the joy they bring to our lives.

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