The Most Beautiful Part of Russia, Ranked

Choose the part you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 21, 2024 06:22
As vast and varied as Russia is, identifying its most beautiful spot can be a challenging yet intriguing task. Each region holds its unique blend of natural beauty, historic architecture, and cultural richness, drawing varied reactions and opinions from all who visit. The collective input on what constitutes the 'most beautiful' can provide a clearer picture, suited to a wider audience. This interactive ranking system allows users to cast their votes for what they believe to be the pinnacle of beauty in Russia. By participating, users not only contribute to a broader consensus but also gain insight into lesser-known locales that might otherwise go unnoticed. Engage in this community-driven experience and see how diverse preferences shape the evolving landscape of Russia's praised destinations.

What Is the Most Beautiful Part of Russia?

  1. 1
    Lake Baikal

    Lake Baikal

    The world's deepest and oldest freshwater lake, known for its crystal-clear waters and unique wildlife.
    • Depth: 1,642 meters
    • Age: 25 million years
  2. 2
    Kamchatka Peninsula

    Kamchatka Peninsula

    A peninsula in the Russian Far East, known for its stunning volcanic landscape and diverse wildlife.
    • Number of Volcanoes: 160
  3. 3
    Kizhi Island

    Kizhi Island

    An island in Lake Onega, known for its open-air museum featuring ancient wooden architecture.
    • Notable Structure: Church of the Transfiguration
  4. 4
    Altai Mountains

    Altai Mountains

    A mountain range in Southern Siberia, known for its natural beauty and diverse ecosystems.
    • Highest Peak: Belukha Mountain
  5. 5


    A historic town part of the Golden Ring, famous for its well-preserved medieval Russian architecture.
    • Establishment Year: 1024
  6. 6
    St. Basil's Cathedral

    St. Basil's Cathedral

    A historic church in the heart of Moscow, famous for its colorful, onion-shaped domes.
    • Completion Year: 1561
  7. 7
    Valley of Geysers

    Valley of Geysers

    A geyser field in Kamchatka Peninsula, featuring numerous hot springs and geysers.
    • Discovery Year: 1941
  8. 8
    Mount Elbrus

    Mount Elbrus

    The highest mountain in Europe, located in the Caucasus Mountain range.
    • Elevation: 5,642 meters
  9. 9
    Peterhof Palace

    Peterhof Palace

    A series of palaces and gardens located in Saint Petersburg, often referred to as the 'Russian Versailles'.
    • Construction Year: 1714
  10. 10


    A former royal estate situated in the south of Moscow, featuring unique Russian architecture and green parklands.
    • Notable Structure: Church of the Ascension

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful part of Russia. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or part is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 92 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each part once every 24 hours. The rank of each part is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More about the Most Beautiful Part of Russia

Lake Baikal
Rank #1 for the most beautiful part of Russia: Lake Baikal (Source)
Russia, the largest country in the world, spans two continents. It offers diverse landscapes, rich culture, and historical landmarks. Its beauty lies in its vastness and variety. From dense forests to high mountains, the scenery changes dramatically. Each region has unique features that captivate visitors.

The northern part of the country is known for its cold climate. Here, the landscape is dominated by tundra and taiga. The tundra, with its flat, treeless plains, stretches as far as the eye can see. In contrast, the taiga is a dense forest, home to many species of wildlife. This area is sparsely populated, making it a haven for nature lovers.

Moving south, the landscape becomes more varied. Rolling hills and fertile plains dominate this region. Rivers meander through the countryside, providing water for agriculture. These rivers also play a key role in the local economy. They support fishing and transport. The plains are dotted with small villages, where traditional ways of life continue.

In the east, the terrain is rugged and remote. This area is characterized by volcanic activity and geothermal features. Hot springs and geysers are common. The landscape is wild and untamed, offering a sense of adventure. Few people live here, adding to its mystique.

The central part of the country is the heartland. Here, you find bustling cities and historic towns. The architecture reflects a blend of old and new. Grand palaces and churches stand alongside modern buildings. This region is rich in cultural heritage. Museums, theaters, and galleries abound. Festivals and events celebrate the local traditions.

To the west, the landscape is more temperate. Forests and lakes are common here. The forests are lush and green, providing a habitat for many animals. Lakes, both large and small, dot the landscape. They are popular spots for recreation. People come here to fish, swim, and relax. The area is also known for its picturesque scenery.

The southern part of the country boasts a warmer climate. This region features mountains and coastlines. The mountains are a paradise for hikers and climbers. They offer stunning views and challenging trails. The coastline is equally impressive. Sandy beaches and clear waters attract tourists. This area is also known for its vineyards and orchards. The local produce is famous for its quality.

Across the country, the seasons bring changes. Winter blankets the land in snow, transforming the landscape into a winter wonderland. Spring brings new life, with flowers blooming and trees budding. Summer offers warm weather and long days, perfect for outdoor activities. Fall paints the land in vibrant colors, as leaves change and harvests come in.

Russia's beauty lies in its diversity. Each region offers something unique. From the frozen north to the sunny south, the country is a tapestry of natural wonders and cultural treasures. Visitors can explore vast wilderness, vibrant cities, and everything in between. The sheer scale and variety make it a place of endless discovery.

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