The Most Beautiful Queen of Rajasthan, Ranked

Choose the queen you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:29
Throughout history, the beauty and grace of Rajasthan's queens have been celebrated in stories and paintings. Each queen brought her unique charm and elegance, contributing significantly to the cultural tapestry of the region. These iconic figures continue to captivate admirers, sparking debates about who should be remembered as the most enchanting. By participating in this voting process, you have the opportunity to voice your opinion on who stands out among these legendary beauties. Your votes help to shape a crowd-sourced ranking, reflecting contemporary perspectives on historical allure. This engagement not only connects us with the past but also influences how these figures are honored in our collective memory.

Who Is the Most Beautiful Queen of Rajasthan?

  1. 1

    Rani Padmini

    A legendary queen mentioned in Padmavat, an epic poem written in 1540 CE.
    • Legend: Famous for her beauty which caused a fierce battle and her self-immolation (Jauhar).
  2. 2
    Rani Karnavati

    Rani Karnavati

    A Chittor queen who ruled as regent and is known for her act of Jauhar to avoid capture by Bahadur Shah of Gujarat.
    • Reign: Early 16th century
    • Known for: Sending a rakhi to Humayun, the Mughal Emperor, seeking protection.
  3. 3
    Maharani Jodha Bai

    Maharani Jodha Bai

    The wife of Mughal Emperor Akbar and the mother of Emperor Jahangir.
    • Born: 1 October 1542
    • Died: 19 May 1623
    • Contribution: Played a crucial role in the Mughal court and its politics.
  4. 4

    Rani Sisodia Ji

    Not much is known about her, but she is often cited as a symbol of beauty and bravery in Rajasthani folklore.
    • Note: Represents the valorous spirit of Rajput women.
  5. 5

    Maharani Krishna Kumari

    The princess of Udaipur, known for her stunning beauty and the tragic story of her life, leading to her premature death.
    • Born: 1794
    • Died: 1810
    • Tragedy: Her death was a result of the rivalries between princely states.
  6. 6
    Rani Lakshmibai

    Rani Lakshmibai

    The queen of the Maratha-ruled princely state of Jhansi and one of the leading figures of the Indian Rebellion of 1857.
    • Born: 19 November 1828
    • Died: 18 June 1858
    • Legacy: Remembered for her resistance to the British Raj and her role in the Indian Rebellion of 1857.
  7. 7

    Rani Padmavati

    Another name for Rani Padmini, celebrated for her beauty, bravery, and the ultimate sacrifice to protect her honor against a besieging Sultan.
    • Legend: Her story is a blend of history and folklore, symbolizing the spirit of resistance and honor.
  8. 8
    Rani Meera Bai

    Rani Meera Bai

    A 16th-century Hindu mystic and devotee of Krishna, known for her songs and poems as well as her unwavering devotion.
    • Born: 1498
    • Died: 1547
    • Legacy: Considered a saint by many and remembered for her beautiful compositions.
  9. 9
    Maharani Gayatri Devi

    Maharani Gayatri Devi

    The third Maharani consort of Jaipur from 1939 to 1970 through her marriage to Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II.
    • Born: 23 May 1919
    • Died: 29 July 2009
    • Also known for: One of the world's ten most beautiful women by Vogue magazine.
  10. 10

    Rani Karmavati

    A queen of Bundi known for her beauty and the tragic love story with Prince Bijai Singh.
    • Era: 16th century
    • Legacy: Her story is celebrated in Rajasthani folklore and songs.

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful queen of Rajasthan. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Queen is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 73 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Queen once every 24 hours. The rank of each Queen is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Beautiful Queen of Rajasthan

Rajasthan, a state in India, is known for its rich history and culture. The region has seen many kings and queens, each leaving a mark on its legacy. Among these, one queen stands out for her beauty and grace. Her story is a blend of legend and history, capturing the imagination of many.

Born into a noble family, she grew up with tales of valor and honor. Her early years were spent learning the arts, from music to literature. She was not just beautiful but also intelligent and kind. Her beauty was said to be unmatched, drawing attention from far and wide. Suitors from different regions sought her hand in marriage, eager to win her favor.

Her marriage to a powerful king united two great houses. This alliance brought peace and prosperity to the region. As queen, she played a significant role in the court. Her wisdom and counsel were valued by the king and his ministers. She supported the arts and culture, encouraging poets, musicians, and artists. Her patronage helped many talents flourish, leaving a lasting impact on the kingdom.

The queen's beauty was not just physical. Her inner strength and compassion made her beloved by the people. She often visited villages, listening to the concerns of the common folk. Her efforts to improve their lives earned her deep respect and admiration. Stories of her kindness spread, adding to her legendary status.

Despite her many qualities, she faced challenges. Political intrigue and rivalries were common in the royal court. She navigated these with grace, maintaining her dignity and poise. Her ability to handle such situations only added to her mystique. The queen's life was not without tragedy. She endured personal losses and hardships. Yet, she remained resilient, a symbol of strength for her people.

Her legacy lives on in Rajasthan's folklore. Songs and poems celebrate her beauty and virtues. Temples and monuments stand as a testament to her influence. Her story is a reminder of the timeless power of grace and strength. Many still speak of her, inspired by her life and deeds. She remains a symbol of what true beauty and leadership can achieve.

The queen's story is not just about her looks. It is about her character, her contributions, and her lasting impact. Her beauty was a reflection of her soul, a combination of elegance, wisdom, and compassion. Her life continues to inspire, a beacon of hope and resilience in Rajasthan's rich history.

Today, Rajasthan's heritage sites often recount tales of this queen. Tourists and locals alike find inspiration in her story. Her life serves as a bridge between the past and the present, connecting generations through shared admiration. Her beauty, both inside and out, remains a timeless tale, celebrated and cherished by many.

In the end, the most beautiful queen of Rajasthan is remembered not just for her looks but for her heart and mind. Her legacy is a blend of myth and reality, a story that continues to captivate and inspire.

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