The Most Beautiful Tarantula, Ranked

Choose the Tarantula you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 20, 2024 06:24
As enthusiasts look to distinguish between the stunning variety of tarantulas, a ranked list of the most beautiful specimens can provide valuable insights. By understanding the features that define their beauty, from striking colors to unique patterns, both seasoned collectors and new admirers can deepen their appreciation of these fascinating creatures. This ranking, shaped by your votes, offers a constantly updated reflection of communal preferences and opinions. By participating, you help shed light on the aesthetic values that resonate with the tarantula community at large. This democratic approach ensures that the rankings evolve with the tastes and discoveries of the voting public.

What Is the Most Beautiful Tarantula?

  1. 1

    Poecilotheria Metallica

    A critically endangered species, this tarantula is known for its striking metallic blue color.
    • Origin: India
    • Habitat: Deciduous forests
  2. 2
    Caribena Versicolor

    Caribena Versicolor

    Also known as the Martinique Red Tree Spider, it is admired for its colorful transition from spiderling to adult.
    • Origin: Martinique
    • Habitat: Tropical forests
  3. 3
    Grammostola Pulchra

    Grammostola Pulchra

    Known as the Brazilian Black Tarantula, it is prized for its velvety black coloration that covers its entire body.
    • Origin: Brazil
    • Habitat: Grasslands
  4. 4
    Monocentropus Balfouri

    Monocentropus Balfouri

    This species is known for its unique blue legs and a strikingly contrasting cream-colored abdomen.
    • Origin: Socotra Island
    • Habitat: Dry forests
  5. 5
    Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens

    Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens

    Known as the Green Bottle Blue Tarantula, it is famous for its vibrant blue legs, green carapace, and orange abdomen.
    • Origin: Venezuela
    • Habitat: Desert
  6. 6
    Avicularia Avicularia

    Avicularia Avicularia

    Commonly known as the Pinktoe Tarantula, it is known for its dark body with contrasting pink tips on its legs.
    • Origin: South America
    • Habitat: Tropical forests
  7. 7
    Ephebopus Murinus

    Ephebopus Murinus

    The Skeleton Tarantula is known for its striking pattern that resembles a skeleton, making it a unique and beautiful species.
    • Origin: South America
    • Habitat: Tropical forests
  8. 8

    Hapalopus Sp. Colombia

    Commonly known as the Pumpkin Patch Tarantula, it is famous for its vibrant orange and black coloration.
    • Origin: Colombia
    • Habitat: Tropical forests
  9. 9
    Brachypelma Smithi

    Brachypelma Smithi

    Also known as the Mexican Redknee Tarantula, it is famous for its bright red knees that contrast with its dark body.
    • Origin: Mexico
    • Habitat: Desert
  10. 10

    Pamphobeteus Fortis

    This species is notable for its large size and deep, rich colors that can range from purple to green depending on the light.
    • Origin: Ecuador
    • Habitat: Rainforests

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful Tarantula. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Tarantula is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 22 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Tarantula once every 24 hours. The rank of each Tarantula is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More about the Most Beautiful Tarantula

Poecilotheria Metallica
Rank #1 for the most beautiful Tarantula: Poecilotheria Metallica (Source)
Tarantulas are fascinating creatures. Many people find them beautiful. These spiders have unique features. Their legs are long and hairy. Their bodies are robust. They come in many colors. Some are black, brown, or gray. Others have bright colors. Some even have patterns. Their appearance can be striking.

Tarantulas live in many parts of the world. They thrive in warm climates. You can find them in rainforests, deserts, and grasslands. They make homes in burrows or trees. They are hunters. They wait for prey to come close. Then, they strike quickly. They eat insects, small birds, and lizards.

Tarantulas have a calm nature. They are not aggressive. They only bite if threatened. Their bite is not deadly to humans. It feels like a bee sting. Their venom helps them catch prey. It also helps them digest food.

Tarantulas molt as they grow. Molting is when they shed their old skin. This process is crucial. It allows them to grow larger. It also helps them heal. After molting, they look fresh and new. Their colors become more vibrant.

These spiders have many fans. People keep them as pets. They are easy to care for. They do not need much space. They eat once a week. They can live for many years. Females live longer than males. Some females live up to 20 years.

Tarantulas play a role in nature. They control insect populations. They are also food for other animals. Birds, snakes, and mammals eat them. They are part of the food chain.

In the wild, tarantulas face threats. Habitat loss is a big problem. People destroy forests and grasslands. This makes it hard for tarantulas to survive. Some species are at risk. Conservation efforts are important. We need to protect their habitats.

Tarantulas are not just beautiful. They are also important. They help keep nature in balance. They are interesting pets. They have unique behaviors. Watching them can be relaxing. They move slowly and gracefully. They are quiet and clean.

Many people fear spiders. But tarantulas are not scary. They are gentle giants. Learning about them can help reduce fear. They are creatures of wonder. They deserve respect and protection.

Tarantulas are more than meets the eye. Their beauty is just one aspect. Their role in nature is vital. They are survivors. They have been around for millions of years. They adapt to their environment. They are resilient.

In conclusion, tarantulas are amazing. Their beauty is captivating. Their presence in nature is crucial. They make great pets for those who appreciate them. They need our protection. By learning about them, we can appreciate their role in the world. They are a testament to nature's diversity.

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