The Most Beautiful Turquoise, Ranked

Choose the turquoise you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 17, 2024 06:24
When it comes to appreciating the beauty of turquoise, choosing a favorite can be a nuanced affair. Variations in hue, texture, and origin all contribute to the stone's unique appeal, making it difficult to judge without a comprehensive overview. That's where the importance of a ranked list comes into play, providing clarity and comparison through collective insights. By participating in the voting process, enthusiasts and newcomers alike have the opportunity to influence which types of turquoise are celebrated as the most visually appealing. This interactive process not only keeps the list updated with preferences and trends but also encourages a broad participation, enriching the understanding of what makes each turquoise stand out.

What Is the Most Beautiful Turquoise?

  1. 1
    Sleeping Beauty Turquoise

    Sleeping Beauty Turquoise

    Renowned for its solid, light blue color with little to no veining.
    • Origin: Arizona, USA
    • Color: Solid, light blue
  2. 2

    Kingman Turquoise

    Offers a range of blue hues, often with a webbed matrix.
    • Origin: Arizona, USA
    • Color: Variety of blues
  3. 3

    Carico Lake Turquoise

    Known for its clear, light blue color with a yellow-green hue.
    • Origin: Nevada, USA
    • Color: Light blue with yellow-green hue
  4. 4

    Royston Turquoise

    Characterized by its green to light blue hues with a heavy, brown matrix.
    • Origin: Nevada, USA
    • Color: Green to light blue
  5. 5

    Morenci Turquoise

    Distinguished by its bright blue color and iron pyrite matrix.
    • Origin: Arizona, USA
    • Color: Bright blue with iron pyrite matrix
  6. 6

    Bisbee Turquoise

    Known for its deep blue color and smoky matrix.
    • Origin: Arizona, USA
    • Color: Deep blue with smoky matrix
  7. 7

    Lander Blue Turquoise

    Highly valuable due to its rare spiderweb matrix and deep blue color.
    • Origin: Nevada, USA
    • Color: Deep blue with spiderweb matrix
  8. 8
    Persian Turquoise

    Persian Turquoise

    Famous for its sky-blue color, often without any matrix.
    • Origin: Iran
    • Color: Sky-blue
  9. 9

    Pilot Mountain Turquoise

    Noted for its blue-green color spectrum and brown matrix.
    • Origin: Nevada, USA
    • Color: Blue-green with brown matrix
  10. 10

    Egyptian Turquoise

    Valued for its history and slightly greenish-blue color.
    • Origin: Sinai Peninsula, Egypt
    • Color: Greenish-blue

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful turquoise. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or turquoise is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 189 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each turquoise once every 24 hours. The rank of each turquoise is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More about the Most Beautiful Turquoise

Sleeping Beauty Turquoise
Rank #1 for the most beautiful turquoise: Sleeping Beauty Turquoise (Source)
Turquoise has captivated people for centuries. Its unique color, ranging from sky blue to green, makes it a sought-after gemstone. Cultures around the world have valued it for its beauty and believed in its protective powers.

Ancient Egyptians used turquoise in jewelry and amulets. They mined it in the Sinai Peninsula. The stone adorned the tombs of pharaohs. It symbolized wealth and status. In Persia, artisans carved it into intricate designs. They believed it brought good fortune and warded off evil.

Native American tribes in the Southwest United States also held turquoise in high regard. They used it in ceremonial objects and jewelry. The stone played a role in their spiritual practices. It was thought to connect the earth and sky, bringing harmony.

Turquoise forms in arid regions. It is a secondary mineral, created by the interaction of water, copper, and aluminum. The stone often contains veins of other materials, like iron or manganese. These veins create unique patterns, adding to its charm.

The value of turquoise depends on its color and matrix. The most prized stones have a deep blue hue. Greenish shades are less valuable but still beautiful. A fine matrix, or lack of one, can increase the stone's worth. Some people prefer stones with intricate web-like patterns.

Turquoise is a relatively soft gemstone. It ranks 5 to 6 on the Mohs scale of hardness. This makes it easy to carve but also prone to damage. To protect it, artisans often stabilize it. This process involves treating the stone with a resin. Stabilized turquoise is more durable and retains its color.

Collectors and jewelers appreciate turquoise for its versatility. It pairs well with silver and gold. It complements other gemstones, like coral and lapis lazuli. Turquoise jewelry ranges from simple beads to elaborate necklaces and rings.

The stone's popularity has led to imitations and treatments. Some sellers dye or coat lower-quality stones to enhance their appearance. Others create synthetic turquoise. Buyers should be cautious and seek reputable sources.

Turquoise has also inspired modern artists and designers. They use it in various forms, from traditional settings to contemporary pieces. The stone's vibrant color and rich history make it a timeless choice.

In recent years, turquoise has seen a resurgence in fashion. It appears in high-end collections and everyday accessories. Its natural beauty and cultural significance continue to resonate with people.

Turquoise remains a symbol of beauty and protection. Its rich history and stunning appearance ensure its place in the world of gemstones. Whether worn as jewelry or admired in a collection, turquoise captivates and inspires.

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