The Most Beautiful Wife in Skyrim, Ranked

Choose the wife you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 18, 2024 07:29
Fans of Skyrim often engage in friendly debates about various aspects of the game, one of which is the charm and appeal of potential spouses in the vast world of Tamriel. Each character brings a unique story and aesthetic, making the choice deeply personal and often discussed among players. By participating in this interactive ranking, users can cast their votes and see how their opinions stack up against others. This dynamic ranking not only reflects the community's current favorites but also gives new players insights into the characters they might not have encountered yet.

Who Is the Most Beautiful Wife in Skyrim?

  1. 1

    Aela the Huntress

    A fierce and skilled warrior of the Companions.
    • Race: Nord
    • Location: Whiterun, Jorrvaskr
  2. 2

    Mjoll the Lioness

    A fearless warrior dedicated to eradicating the corruption in Riften.
    • Race: Nord
    • Location: Riften
  3. 3


    A mysterious and powerful vampire from the Dawnguard DLC.
    • Race: Nord (Vampire)
    • Location: Fort Dawnguard or Castle Volkihar after Dawnguard questline
  4. 4

    Camilla Valerius

    A Riverwood trader known for her beauty.
    • Race: Imperial
    • Location: Riverwood
  5. 5


    A hardworking miner from Shor's Stone, known for her caring nature.
    • Race: Nord
    • Location: Shor's Stone
  6. 6


    A kind-hearted merchant of Whiterun with dreams of owning her own caravans.
    • Race: Nord
    • Location: Whiterun
  7. 7


    The loyal Housecarl granted to the player early in the game.
    • Race: Nord
    • Location: Whiterun, Dragonsreach or Breezehome
  8. 8


    A mercenary and potential follower known for her combat skills.
    • Race: Dunmer
    • Location: Whiterun, The Drunken Huntsman
  9. 9

    Brelyna Maryon

    A studious mage from the College of Winterhold with a unique charm.
    • Race: Dunmer
    • Location: Winterhold, College of Winterhold
  10. 10


    An ambitious new member of the Companions with a lot to prove.
    • Race: Imperial
    • Location: Whiterun, Jorrvaskr

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful wife in Skyrim. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or wife is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 181 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each wife once every 24 hours. The rank of each wife is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Beautiful Wife in Skyrim

In the world of Skyrim, marriage plays a significant role. It provides companionship and benefits to adventurers. Many seek the most beautiful spouse, but beauty is subjective. Each potential partner brings unique qualities and stories.

Skyrim offers a diverse range of characters. Each one has a distinct personality and background. Some are warriors, ready to fight by your side. Others are shopkeepers, bringing wealth and resources. Many have quests that reveal their depth and history.

To marry in Skyrim, one must first obtain an Amulet of Mara. This item signals interest in marriage. Wearing the amulet, you can approach potential spouses. They will respond if they are interested. Completing a task or quest for them often seals the bond.

Marriage in Skyrim is not just about looks. It involves understanding and connection. Some partners are strong and fierce. They can accompany you on dangerous quests. Others are kind and nurturing. They make your home a warm place.

The beauty of a spouse in Skyrim often lies in their story. Some come from humble beginnings. They have struggled and survived. Others have noble backgrounds. They bring grace and dignity to your life.

Choosing a spouse in Skyrim involves more than appearances. It requires considering their skills and traits. Some are skilled in combat. They can help in battles. Others are adept in trade. They can manage your finances.

A spouse in Skyrim can also improve your home. They can cook meals, providing health benefits. They can also run a shop, bringing in extra gold. These practical benefits make marriage a valuable choice.

Marriage in Skyrim reflects the game's depth. It shows how relationships can enhance the experience. Each spouse brings something special. They add to the richness of the game.

The pursuit of the most beautiful spouse in Skyrim is a personal journey. It involves exploring the world and meeting different characters. Each encounter offers a chance to find someone who complements your style. The beauty of a spouse is not just in their appearance. It is in their story, skills, and how they enrich your life.

Skyrim's marriage system allows players to form meaningful connections. It adds a layer of realism to the game. It shows that beauty is multifaceted. It is found in strength, kindness, and shared adventures.

In the end, the most beautiful spouse in Skyrim is the one who resonates with you. They are the one who stands by your side. They share in your triumphs and challenges. They make your journey through Skyrim more rewarding and complete.

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