The Most Difficult Dark Souls Game, Ranked

Choose the game you think is the most difficult!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 06:29
Debates about the difficulty of video games can often become as challenging as the games themselves. For enthusiasts of the Dark Souls series, determining which game stands as the most formidable is a popular yet contentious topic. This debate is not just about pride, but also guides new players on what to expect and helps them choose where to start. With a variety of mechanics and design philosophies across the franchise, every player’s experience can be wildly different. By collecting community votes, this list presents a dynamic ranking based on real-time consensus from gamers who have braved these notorious titles. Voting here is more than just participation; it’s an opportunity to influence a resource that benefits the whole community. Whether you are a veteran looking to share your expertise or a newcomer seeking guidance, your vote plays a crucial role in shaping this ongoing discussion.

What Is the Most Difficult Dark Souls Game?

  1. 1

    Dark Souls III

    Often cited for its aggressive enemy AI and fast-paced combat, making it challenging for players to adapt after the slower pace of its predecessors.
    • Release Year: 2016
    • Developer: FromSoftware
  2. 2


    While not a Dark Souls game by name, its similar mechanics and shared developer make it a spiritual successor. Its fast-paced combat and aggressive enemies offer a unique challenge.
    • Release Year: 2015
    • Developer: FromSoftware
  3. 3

    Demon's Souls

    The precursor to the Dark Souls series, it established many of the mechanics seen in later games. Its difficulty is notable, especially for new players unaccustomed to its punishing gameplay.
    • Release Year: 2009
    • Developer: FromSoftware
  4. 4
    Dark Souls

    Dark Souls

    Praised for its intricate world design and the depth of its lore, but its unyielding difficulty curve makes it a daunting experience for many players.
    • Release Year: 2011
    • Developer: FromSoftware
  5. 5

    Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

    Another spiritual successor by FromSoftware, it introduces a parry system that requires precise timing, significantly raising the difficulty for many players.
    • Release Year: 2019
    • Developer: FromSoftware
  6. 6

    Dark Souls: Remastered

    A remastered version of the original Dark Souls, offering the same challenging experience but with updated graphics and smoother gameplay.
    • Release Year: 2018
    • Developer: FromSoftware
  7. 7

    Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin

    An updated version of Dark Souls II, featuring enhanced graphics, new enemy placements, and additional content, making for a refreshed and even more challenging experience.
    • Release Year: 2015
    • Developer: FromSoftware
  8. 8

    Elden Ring

    Though considered more accessible due to its open-world design and the ability to level up more freely, Elden Ring's vast array of bosses and enemies still provides a significant challenge.
    • Release Year: 2022
    • Developer: FromSoftware
  9. 9

    Demon's Souls Remake

    A remake of the original Demon's Souls for the PS5, it retains the challenging gameplay of the original while significantly improving the graphics and performance.
    • Release Year: 2020
    • Developer: Bluepoint Games / FromSoftware
  10. 10

    Dark Souls II

    Notorious for its 'unfair' difficulty spikes and the introduction of the mechanic where health decreases with each death, adding to its challenge.
    • Release Year: 2014
    • Developer: FromSoftware

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most difficult Dark Souls game. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or game is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 121 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each game once every 24 hours. The rank of each game is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More about the Most Difficult Dark Souls Game

The Dark Souls series has gained a reputation for its challenging gameplay. Each game tests players with difficult enemies, intricate level designs, and punishing mechanics. Among these games, one stands out as the most difficult. The reasons for this are varied and numerous.

First, the learning curve in this game is steep. New players often find themselves overwhelmed. The game does not hold their hand. It expects them to learn from their mistakes. Every death teaches a lesson. This trial-and-error approach can be frustrating. However, it also makes victories feel earned.

The enemies in this game are relentless. They attack with precision and aggression. Players must study their patterns. Timing and positioning are crucial. A single misstep can lead to death. Boss fights are even more challenging. Each boss has unique abilities. Some can kill players in one hit. Players must remain focused and patient.

The level design adds to the difficulty. The game world is interconnected. Shortcuts and hidden paths abound. Players must explore and memorize these routes. The environments are also hazardous. Traps and pitfalls are common. Players must stay alert at all times.

Resources in the game are limited. Healing items are scarce. Players must use them wisely. Upgrading weapons and armor requires rare materials. Farming these materials can be time-consuming. This scarcity forces players to make strategic choices.

The multiplayer aspect adds another layer of difficulty. Other players can invade your game. These invaders can be unpredictable. They can attack when you least expect it. Defending against them requires skill and quick thinking. On the flip side, players can summon help. However, this can also make the game harder. Bosses become tougher with more players.

The atmosphere of the game is oppressive. The world feels bleak and unforgiving. This atmosphere can weigh on players. It adds to the sense of difficulty. The story is told through item descriptions and environmental clues. Players must piece it together themselves. This narrative style can be confusing. It requires attention to detail.

The game also features a unique mechanic. When players die, they lose their in-game currency. They must return to the spot where they died to retrieve it. If they die again before doing so, it is lost forever. This mechanic adds tension to every encounter. It punishes recklessness and rewards caution.

Despite its difficulty, the game is fair. Every challenge has a solution. Players can improve through practice. The sense of accomplishment is immense. Overcoming obstacles feels rewarding. The game encourages perseverance.

In conclusion, this Dark Souls game stands out for its difficulty. Its steep learning curve, relentless enemies, intricate level design, limited resources, unpredictable multiplayer, oppressive atmosphere, and unique mechanics all contribute to this. Yet, for those who persist, the rewards are great. The game offers a sense of achievement that few others can match.

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