The Most Difficult Four-digit Password, Ranked

Choose the four-digit password you think is the most difficult!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 23, 2024 06:30
Given the increasing sophistication of security breaches, the strength of a password can be crucial in protecting personal information. A simple yet effective way to secure accounts is through a strong four-digit password. By analyzing which of these passwords are toughest to crack, users can make informed decisions about their own security settings. This site offers a dynamic system where users can cast their votes on four-digit passwords based on their perceived strength and difficulty to guess. This collective input helps form a live ranking, providing a clear picture of which passwords are considered the strongest among a community of users. Your participation not only contributes to this valuable repository of data but also helps in fostering a more secure online environment.

What Is the Most Difficult Four-digit Password?

  1. 1


    Most difficult four-digit password based on data analysis
    • Difficulty: Highest
  2. 2


    Third most difficult four-digit password based on data analysis
    • Difficulty: High
  3. 3


    Second most difficult four-digit password based on data analysis
    • Difficulty: High
  4. 4


    Seventh most difficult four-digit password based on data analysis
    • Difficulty: Moderately Low
  5. 5


    Tenth most difficult four-digit password based on data analysis
    • Difficulty: Lowest
  6. 6


    Fourth most difficult four-digit password based on data analysis
    • Difficulty: Moderately High
  7. 7


    Fifth most difficult four-digit password based on data analysis
    • Difficulty: Moderate
  8. 8


    Eighth most difficult four-digit password based on data analysis
    • Difficulty: Low
  9. 9


    Ninth most difficult four-digit password based on data analysis
    • Difficulty: Low
  10. 10


    Sixth most difficult four-digit password based on data analysis
    • Difficulty: Moderate

Missing your favorite four-digit password?

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most difficult four-digit password. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or password is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 53 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each password once every 24 hours. The rank of each password is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Difficult Four-digit Password

Passwords protect our digital lives. They keep our online accounts secure. Four-digit passwords are common. They are easy to remember but can be hard to guess. The most difficult four-digit password is one that is random and unique. It does not follow common patterns.

Many people use simple passwords. They choose numbers like 1234 or 0000. These are easy to remember but also easy to guess. Hackers know this. They try these first. To avoid this, choose a password that does not follow a pattern.

Random numbers are best. They do not form a sequence. They do not repeat. They do not use dates or years. A good password could be any mix of numbers. It should not be easy to guess. It should not be related to your life.

Avoid using birthdays. Avoid using anniversaries. Avoid using phone numbers. These are easy to find. Hackers can look them up. They can try them quickly. A random password is harder to crack. It is not linked to any personal information.

Changing your password often helps too. Do not use the same password for many accounts. If one account is hacked, others will be safe. Use different passwords for each account. This adds another layer of security.

Many people use patterns on keypads. They might choose numbers that form a shape. This is not secure. Hackers know these patterns. They can guess them quickly. Avoid using patterns. Choose numbers that do not form a shape.

Some people use repeated numbers. They might choose 1111 or 2222. This is not secure. Hackers try these first. They are easy to guess. Avoid using repeated numbers. Choose a mix of different numbers.

A good password is random. It does not follow a pattern. It does not repeat. It is not linked to personal information. It is unique for each account. This makes it hard to guess. It keeps your accounts secure.

Many tools can help you choose a good password. Password managers can generate random passwords. They can store them for you. This makes it easy to use different passwords for each account. It keeps your passwords safe.

In summary, the most difficult four-digit password is random and unique. It does not follow common patterns. It does not use personal information. It is different for each account. This makes it hard to guess. It keeps your accounts secure.

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