The Most Difficult Period of Life, Ranked

Choose the period you think is the most difficult!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:31
Life presents various challenges at different stages, each carrying its own set of complexities and trials. Understanding which periods tend to be the most taxing can aid individuals in preparing for or navigating through these times with better insight and support. On this site, users have the opportunity to vote on which life events they believe are the most challenging. This collective insight generates a live ranking that reflects a broader perception of difficulty across diverse experiences, providing valuable perspectives to all who contribute and consult it.

What Is the Most Difficult Period of Life?

  1. 1


    A transitional stage of physical and psychological development that generally occurs during the period from puberty to legal adulthood.
    • Age Range: Approximately 13 to 19 years
    • Key Challenges: Identity formation, peer pressure, and emotional development
  2. 2


    A period characterized by reevaluation of personal accomplishments, goals, and the meaning of life.
    • Age Range: Approximately 40 to 60 years
    • Key Challenges: Midlife crisis, health issues, and caring for aging parents
  3. 3
    Late Adulthood

    Late Adulthood

    This stage involves reflection on life, dealing with retirement, and coping with physical decline and loss of independence.
    • Age Range: 65 years and older
    • Key Challenges: Health deterioration, loss of loved ones, and end-of-life issues
  4. 4
    Late School Age

    Late School Age

    This period involves more complex academic challenges and deeper social relationships.
    • Age Range: Approximately 12 to 18 years
    • Key Challenges: Preparing for adulthood, college decisions, and identity exploration
  5. 5


    A phase of life post-career, often marked by a search for new purpose and dealing with aging.
    • Age Range: Varies, typically around 60 to 65 years
    • Key Challenges: Financial security, finding new roles, and health issues
  6. 6

    Young Adulthood Transition

    Marked by significant life decisions regarding career, relationships, and lifestyle.
    • Age Range: Approximately 18 to 24 years
    • Key Challenges: Higher education, entering the workforce, and establishing independence
  7. 7


    The period of raising children, which involves significant changes to personal and professional life.
    • Age Range: Varies widely
    • Key Challenges: Balancing work and family life, child-rearing responsibilities, and financial pressures
  8. 8

    Early Childhood

    A crucial period for development, encompassing physical, cognitive, and social growth.
    • Age Range: Birth to 5 years
    • Key Challenges: Developmental milestones, attachment formation, and beginning of education
  9. 9
    Entering School Age

    Entering School Age

    This period involves adapting to structured educational environments and socializing with peers outside the family.
    • Age Range: Approximately 5 to 12 years
    • Key Challenges: Academic pressures, social skills development, and self-esteem issues
  10. 10

    Early Adulthood

    This period involves the transition into adulthood where individuals seek to establish their personal and professional identities.
    • Age Range: Approximately 20 to 29 years
    • Key Challenges: Career establishment, financial independence, and forming long-term relationships

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most difficult period of life. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or period is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 65 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each period once every 24 hours. The rank of each period is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More about the Most Difficult Period of Life

Rank #1 for the most difficult period of life: Adolescence (Source)
Life is a journey filled with ups and downs. Everyone faces challenges at some point. These challenges can seem overwhelming. They test our strength and resilience. During these times, it can feel like there is no way out. The weight of the situation can be crushing. It can affect our emotions, thoughts, and actions.

When faced with difficult periods, it's common to feel isolated. We may believe that no one else understands. This can lead to feelings of loneliness. It is important to remember that struggles are a part of life. Many people have faced similar challenges. They have found ways to overcome them. This can offer hope and perspective.

One major factor during tough times is stress. Stress can impact our health and well-being. It can cause physical symptoms such as headaches or fatigue. It can also affect our mental state. Anxiety and depression are common during difficult periods. Recognizing the signs of stress is crucial. It allows us to take steps to manage it.

Support systems play a key role in navigating hard times. Friends, family, and community can provide comfort. They offer a listening ear and practical help. Seeking support is not a sign of weakness. It shows strength and willingness to improve. Professional help, such as therapy, can also be beneficial. Therapists can provide tools and strategies to cope.

Self-care is another important aspect. Taking care of oneself can improve resilience. This includes maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep are vital. They help keep the body and mind strong. Engaging in activities that bring joy can also help. Hobbies and interests provide a distraction and a sense of accomplishment.

Finding purpose can be a guiding light. Having a sense of direction can make challenges seem less daunting. Setting small, achievable goals can create a sense of progress. It gives a reason to keep moving forward. Reflecting on past successes can also be motivating. It reminds us of our ability to overcome.

It's important to stay present. Focusing on the here and now can reduce feelings of being overwhelmed. Mindfulness practices can help with this. Techniques such as deep breathing or meditation can calm the mind. They help us stay grounded in the present moment.

Acceptance is a powerful tool. Accepting that difficult times are part of life can bring peace. It allows us to stop fighting against the situation. Instead, we can focus on how to move through it. This shift in mindset can reduce stress and increase resilience.

Learning from challenges can lead to personal growth. Difficult periods can teach valuable lessons. They can reveal strengths we didn't know we had. They can also highlight areas for improvement. Embracing these lessons can lead to a stronger, wiser self.

Every difficult period eventually comes to an end. It may not seem like it at the time, but things do get better. Patience and perseverance are key. Holding on to hope and continuing to move forward, even in small steps, can lead to brighter days.

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