The Most Exciting Moment in a Story, Ranked

Choose the moment you think is the most exciting!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 18, 2024 06:43
In the journey of any captivating tale, there are pivotal moments that capture our hearts and ignite discussions long after the story concludes. By ranking these high points, we tap into a collective pulse on what resonates most with audiences, which can influence future storytelling and provide insights into the universal themes that connect us. Through this dynamic ranking process, each vote contributes to a broader understanding of narrative impact. As more individuals participate, the accuracy of the rankings improves, offering a clear view of what moments are truly memorable across different stories. Thus, your participation not only enriches the experience for all but also shapes the evolving landscape of our shared cultural narratives.

What Is the Most Exciting Moment in a Story?

  1. 1
    The most exciting moment in a story is the climax, which is the point of highest tension and drama. This is the moment when the protagonist faces their greatest challenge and must make a critical decision. The climax is the turning point of the story and is often the most memorable moment.
    The climax is the most exciting and intense moment in a story. It is the peak of conflict and tension, where the protagonist faces their ultimate challenge or conflict and the outcome hangs in the balance.
    • Key Position: Typically occurs near the end of the story
    • Intensity: Highest point of emotional and physical tension
    • Turning Point: Decisive moment that determines the outcome of the main conflict
    • Action and Drama: Often involves intense action, suspense, or a dramatic confrontation
    • Resolution: Followed by the denouement where loose ends are tied up
  2. 2
    A plot twist is an unexpected turn of events in the story that changes the direction of the plot. This can be a shocking revelation or a sudden change in the protagonist's situation. A well-executed plot twist can be thrilling and leave the reader eager to find out what happens next.
    A plot twist is a sudden and unexpected change in the direction or outcome of a story, usually occurring towards the climax or resolution. It introduces a surprising revelation, conflict, or character development that challenges the audience's expectations and keeps them engaged.
    • 1: It creates a significant turning point in the narrative.
    • 2: It surprises and shocks the audience.
    • 3: It often involves a sudden change in a character's motivations or identity.
    • 4: It can introduce new conflicts, motivations, or plotlines.
    • 5: It challenges the audience's assumptions and predictions.
  3. 3
    An action scene is a high-energy moment in the story that involves physical conflict or a chase. These scenes can be exciting and pulse-pounding, as the protagonist battles against the odds to overcome their foes.
    An action scene is a thrilling and dynamic segment in a story that involves intense physical or confrontational activity. It often serves as a climax or turning point, capturing the audience's attention and creating a sense of excitement and suspense.
    • Intensity: High
    • Physicality: Intense physical activity or combat
    • Suspense: Builds tension and keeps the audience on the edge of their seats
    • Pacing: Fast-paced with quick cuts and rapid movements
    • Conflict: Often involves a clash between protagonist and antagonist
  4. 4
    A revelation is a moment in the story when a character discovers a critical piece of information that changes their understanding of the situation. This can be a shocking revelation that upends the plot or a personal revelation that changes the character's motivations.
    The Revelation, also known as the Book of Revelation or the Apocalypse, is the final book of the New Testament in the Bible. It is a highly symbolic and visionary collection of apocalyptic literature, believed to have been written by John of Patmos around AD 95.
    • Genre: Apocalyptic literature
    • Purpose: To reveal future events and provide encouragement to Christians in times of persecution
    • Themes: End times, judgment, salvation, victory of good over evil
    • Symbolism: Rich in symbolic language and imagery
    • Visions: Contains vivid descriptions of heavenly visions, angels, and other spiritual beings
  5. 5
    An escape scene is a thrilling moment in the story when the protagonist must flee from danger. This can be a physical escape from a dangerous location, or an escape from a dangerous situation. These scenes are often heart-pumping and leave the reader on the edge of their seat.
    The 'Escape' is a thrilling moment in a story where one or more characters manage to break free from a dangerous or difficult situation, often leading to a dramatic turn of events and increased tension in the narrative.
    • 1: The escape can be a climax or turning point in the story.
    • 2: It can involve physical or mental challenges that the characters must overcome.
    • 3: The escape may require careful planning or improvisation.
    • 4: Characters may face significant risks or consequences if the escape fails.
    • 5: The escape can be facilitated by the characters' skills, wit, or external help.
  6. 6
    A showdown is a dramatic moment in the story when the protagonist faces off against their antagonist. This can be a physical battle or a battle of wits, but either way it is a moment of high tension and excitement.
    The Showdown is a pivotal moment in a story where two or more opposing forces confront each other in a climactic and intense confrontation. It is often the most exciting and suspenseful moment in the story, where the fate of the characters and their goals are at stake.
    • Action: Intense physical or verbal exchanges between characters
    • Importance: One of the most crucial moments in the story
    • Tension: High levels of suspense and anticipation
    • Conflict: Opposing forces directly confront each other
    • Resolution: Often leads to the resolution of the main conflict
  7. 7
    A discovery is a moment in the story when the protagonist uncovers a hidden truth or secret. This can be a personal discovery that helps the protagonist grow as a character, or a discovery that changes the direction of the plot.
    Discovery is the initial stage of an end-point attack where the attacker aims to gain information about potential targets and vulnerabilities within a network or system.
    • Purpose: To identify potential targets and vulnerabilities for further exploitation.
    • Techniques: Port scanning, network scanning, reconnaissance, social engineering.
    • Goals: Identify active hosts, open ports, network configurations, software versions, and services running on target systems.
    • Tools: Nmap, Wireshark, Shodan, Whois, social engineering tactics.
    • Detection: Discovery activities can be detected through network monitoring, intrusion detection systems, and anomaly detection algorithms.
  8. 8
    A sacrifice is a moment in the story when the protagonist must make a difficult choice that involves giving up something important to them. This can be a sacrifice of their own safety or a sacrifice of their own desires. These moments can be emotional and powerful, as the character must weigh the consequences of their actions.
    The Love Language of Sacrifice is a way of expressing love by willingly giving up something valuable or important for the sake of the relationship. It involves putting the needs and desires of your partner above your own and making selfless acts of love.
    • Selflessness: The act of sacrifice requires selflessness, putting the needs and desires of your partner first.
    • Giving up something valuable: Sacrifice involves willingly giving up something that is meaningful, valuable, or important to you.
    • Unconditional love: It requires expressing love without expecting anything in return, demonstrating unconditional love.
    • Acts of self-denial: Sacrifice often involves acts of self-denial to ensure the happiness and well-being of your partner.
    • Support and commitment: Sacrifice shows unwavering support and commitment to the relationship and the person you love.
  9. 9
    A revenge scene is a moment in the story when the protagonist seeks to take revenge on their antagonist. This can be a physical revenge or a revenge that involves outsmarting their enemy. These scenes can be satisfying and cathartic, as the reader roots for the protagonist to succeed.
    Revenge is a plot element commonly found in stories where a character seeks retaliation for a wrongdoing or injustice committed against them or someone they care about. It is often portrayed as a highly emotional and intense moment that drives the character's actions and motivations throughout the narrative.
    • Emotional intensity: Revenge is typically depicted as a deeply emotional experience for the character seeking it, fueled by anger, frustration, and a desire for justice or retribution.
    • Motivation: Revenge serves as a powerful motivator, often propelling the character's journey and actions in the story.
    • Conflict: The pursuit of revenge often creates conflicts with other characters, institutions, or societal norms, generating tension and driving the plot forward.
    • Moral ambiguity: Revenge can blur the lines between right and wrong, challenging the character's morality and raising ethical questions about the justification of their actions.
    • Themes: Revenge is commonly associated with themes like justice, vengeance, redemption, and the consequences of one's actions.
  10. 10
    A victory scene is a moment in the story when the protagonist achieves their goal or overcomes their obstacle. This can be a personal victory or a victory that changes the course of the plot. These scenes can be uplifting and leave the reader feeling inspired.
    In the most exciting moment of the story, the 'Victory' is a pivotal event that signifies the successful outcome or achievement of the protagonist's objective. It is a moment of triumph, relief, and satisfaction.
    • Intensity: The victory is highly intense and emotionally charged.
    • Context: The victory occurs within the context of the story's plot and conflict.
    • Buildup: The victory is built up gradually, creating suspense and anticipation.
    • Obstacles Overcome: The victory involves overcoming significant obstacles or challenges.
    • Climax: The victory often serves as a climax of the story, marking a turning point.

Missing your favorite moment?


Ranking factors for exciting moment

  1. Emotional impact
    Consider how the moment affects the reader emotionally. Does it elicit strong feelings such as excitement, fear, anticipation, or surprise? A powerful emotional response can make a moment stand out and be memorable.
  2. Tension and conflict
    The presence of tension and conflict in a scene can significantly raise its excitement factor. This can arise from different sources, such as external threats, interpersonal clashes, or inner struggles.
  3. Pacing
    Fast-paced events often feel more exciting and engaging. A sudden change of pace in the story, such as an action scene or a big reveal, can contribute to the excitement level of a particular moment.
  4. Stakes
    The higher the stakes, the more exciting a moment is likely to be. If a character's success or failure at a critical moment could have significant consequences, the scene becomes more gripping and thrilling.
  5. Unpredictability
    Moments that surprise the reader or deviate from their expectations can generate excitement. Unpredictable twists and turns, unexpected outcomes, and clever reveals can make a scene stand out.
  6. Novelty
    Unique or unusual events in a story can also enhance its excitement factor. New experiences, innovative ideas, or fresh perspectives can grab a reader's attention and add excitement to a narrative.
  7. Character development
    An exciting moment could also involve a character's personal growth or change. Scenes that mark a turning point, a realization, or a significant decision in a character's journey can be particularly compelling.
  8. Significance to the overall story
    How important is the moment to the story's narrative arc? More prominent events, such as climactic battles, plot twists, or turning points, generally feel more exciting because of their impact on the storyline and the characters involved.
  9. Visual or sensory appeal
    Descriptive and vivid imagery can make a moment more exciting and immersive. Well-crafted descriptions that engage the reader's senses can heighten the excitement and bring the scene to life.
  10. Skillful writing
    Good storytelling, dialogue, and pacing are essential for creating excitement. A well-written moment will keep the reader engaged and eager to find out what happens next.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most exciting moment in a story. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or moment is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 203 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each moment once every 24 hours. The rank of each moment is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


More information on most exciting moment in a story

When it comes to storytelling, one of the most important elements that captivates readers or viewers is the exciting moment. This is the point in the story where the tension builds, the stakes are raised, and the audience is on the edge of their seats. It's the moment where the hero faces their greatest challenge, the villain reveals their sinister plan, or the unexpected twist takes the story in a new direction. Exciting moments can come in many forms, from epic battles and high-speed chases to emotional revelations and shocking betrayals. They are the moments that make us feel the most alive and keep us invested in the story until the very end. At StrawPoll, we've seen countless polls and rankings that explore people's favorite exciting moments in books, movies, TV shows, and more. It's clear that this element of storytelling is crucial to keeping audiences engaged and entertained. So, what is your favorite exciting moment in a story? Let us know in the comments or create your own poll to see how your opinion stacks up against others!

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