The Most Famous Amish Person, Ranked

Choose the person you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:30
Determining the most prominent Amish individuals offers a unique insight into a community that prefers anonymity and simplicity. By highlighting these figures, it provides outsiders with a glimpse into the cultural, technological, and entrepreneurial contributions that emerge from within Amish communities. This ranking serves not only to educate but to bridge the gap between diverse cultures through understanding and appreciation. Visitors of the site have the opportunity to cast their votes and influence the rankings. This dynamic engagement allows the list to reflect a collective viewpoint, acknowledging individuals who have impacted both their communities and broader society. Your participation helps to shape this evolving list and enhances the representation of Amish achievements in the global landscape.

Who Is the Most Famous Amish Person?

  1. 1

    Emma Gingerich

    Ex-Amish author and motivational speaker
    • Contribution: Wrote about her experience leaving the Amish community
  2. 2
    Jacob Amman

    Jacob Amman

    Founder of the Amish movement
    • Contribution: Established the Amish as a separate Mennonite sect
  3. 3

    Saloma Miller Furlong

    Author and speaker on Amish life and culture
    • Contribution: Provides insights into the challenges of leaving the Amish community
  4. 4

    Misty Griffin

    Author and advocate for Amish children's rights
    • Contribution: Wrote about her experiences within and escape from the Amish community
  5. 5

    Donald Kraybill

    Sociologist known for his studies on the Amish and other Anabaptist groups
    • Contribution: Authored numerous books and articles on Amish culture and society
  6. 6

    Amos B. Hoover

    Amish historian and genealogist
    • Contribution: Documented the genealogy and history of Amish families
  7. 7

    Levi Shetler

    Notable Amish author
    • Contribution: Wrote extensively about Amish life and beliefs
  8. 8

    Ira Wagler

    Author of 'Growing Up Amish', a New York Times bestseller
    • Contribution: Shared personal experiences of Amish life and his departure from the community
  9. 9

    Eli Stutzman

    Infamous Amish-born individual known for his criminal activities
    • Notoriety: Known for a series of crimes outside the Amish community
  10. 10
    Jonas Yoder

    Jonas Yoder

    Central figure in Wisconsin v. Yoder, a landmark case on religious freedom
    • Legal Impact: Case ruled that Amish children could not be placed under compulsory education past 8th grade

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Amish person. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or man is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 59 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each man once every 24 hours. The rank of each man is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Amish Person

The Amish community is known for its simple living, plain dress, and reluctance to adopt modern technology. Despite their desire for a low profile, some members have gained attention. The most famous Amish person exemplifies the balance between tradition and the outside world.

The Amish live in close-knit communities. They follow a lifestyle rooted in the teachings of Jakob Ammann, a Swiss Anabaptist leader from the late 17th century. Their values include humility, family, and community. They avoid many modern conveniences to maintain these values. They use horse-drawn buggies instead of cars and live without electricity from public grids.

Education in the Amish community typically ends at the eighth grade. They believe this level of schooling is sufficient for their way of life. Children learn practical skills that will serve them in their adult roles within the community. Farming, carpentry, and homemaking are common skills taught.

The Amish are known for their craftsmanship. They produce high-quality furniture, quilts, and other handmade goods. Their products are sought after by people outside their community. This has led to some interaction with the outside world, despite their general separation from it.

The most famous Amish person has often been a bridge between the Amish and the non-Amish. This individual embodies the values of their community while navigating the complexities of the modern world. They have shared insights into Amish life, helping others understand their way of living.

This person’s life story includes aspects of both acceptance and conflict. They have faced the challenge of staying true to Amish principles while dealing with increased public interest. Their story often highlights the tension between maintaining tradition and adapting to external pressures.

Despite their fame, this individual remains committed to the core values of the Amish faith. They participate in community activities and uphold the practices of their ancestors. Their life serves as an example of how one can remain true to their roots while engaging with broader society.

The Amish community values privacy and humility. Fame can be at odds with these principles. However, the most famous Amish person has managed to handle this with grace. They use their visibility to educate others about Amish beliefs and practices.

Their story also sheds light on the challenges faced by the Amish in the modern world. Issues such as land use, healthcare, and education are areas where the Amish must interact with broader society. The most famous Amish person often becomes a voice in these discussions, advocating for their community’s needs and rights.

In conclusion, the most famous Amish person serves as a link between two worlds. They remain a steadfast member of their community while navigating the complexities of fame. Their life offers a unique perspective on the balance between tradition and modernity. Through their story, we gain a deeper understanding of the Amish way of life. Their journey shows that it is possible to honor one’s heritage while engaging with the wider world.

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