The Most Famous Arms Dealer, Ranked

Choose the arms dealer you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:31
Assessing the influence and reach of global arms dealers can provide insights into international relations and defense economics. By ranking these major players, individuals and researchers alike gain a clearer picture of who shapes the tools of international power dynamics. This understanding can guide discussions on policy and ethics in global defense practices. This site offers users the opportunity to cast their votes and help determine the ranking of the world’s most notable arms dealers. The collective input results in a dynamic list that reflects current public opinion and awareness. Your participation is crucial in contributing to a more transparent view of this controversial aspect of global affairs.

Who Is the Most Famous Arms Dealer?

  1. 1

    Adnan Khashoggi

    A Saudi Arabian businessman known for his involvement in arms dealing in the 1970s and 1980s.
    • Nationality: Saudi Arabian
    • Notable For: Being implicated in the Iran-Contra affair.
  2. 2
    Viktor Bout

    Viktor Bout

    A notorious arms dealer from Russia, nicknamed the 'Merchant of Death'.
    • Nationality: Russian
    • Notable For: Arms trafficking during numerous conflicts around the globe.
  3. 3

    Samuel Cummings

    An American arms dealer and founder of International Armament Corporation, a major player in the global arms market.
    • Nationality: American
    • Notable For: Being a pioneer in the international arms trade.
  4. 4

    Monzer al-Kassar

    A Syrian arms dealer involved in numerous arms sales to various conflict zones.
    • Nationality: Syrian
    • Notable For: Being dubbed the 'Prince of Marbella' for his lavish lifestyle.
  5. 5

    Leonid Minin

    A Ukrainian arms dealer arrested in Italy with evidence of transactions for weapons in Africa.
    • Nationality: Ukrainian
    • Notable For: Dealing arms to war-torn regions in Africa.
  6. 6

    Sarkis Soghanalian

    An Armenian-Lebanese international private arms dealer known as the 'Cold War's Largest Arms Merchant'.
    • Nationality: Armenian-Lebanese
    • Notable For: Supplying arms to various conflicts during the Cold War.
  7. 7
    Ziad Takieddine

    Ziad Takieddine

    A Franco-Lebanese businessman and arms dealer, implicated in several political and financial scandals in France.
    • Nationality: Franco-Lebanese
    • Notable For: His role in political and financial scandals in France.
  8. 8

    John Bredenkamp

    A Zimbabwean businessman and alleged arms dealer involved in the African and Middle Eastern arms trade.
    • Nationality: Zimbabwean
    • Notable For: Alleged involvement in arms trading in Africa.
  9. 9

    Efraim Diveroli

    An American former arms dealer and author, known for his company AEY Inc., which violated a contract with the U.S. Department of Defense.
    • Nationality: American
    • Notable For: His involvement in a major scandal with the U.S. Department of Defense.
  10. 10
    Pierre Falcone

    Pierre Falcone

    A French-Angolan businessman involved in the Angolagate scandal, a major arms trafficking case.
    • Nationality: French-Angolan
    • Notable For: His involvement in the Angolagate scandal.

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous arms dealer. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or dealer is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 189 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each dealer once every 24 hours. The rank of each dealer is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Arms Dealer

Adnan Khashoggi
Rank #1 for the most famous arms dealer: Adnan Khashoggi (Source)
Arms dealers have always played a significant role in global conflicts and politics. They operate in a shadowy world, bridging the gap between legal and illegal trade. These individuals or groups facilitate the sale of weapons, often to the highest bidder. They supply arms to governments, rebel groups, and sometimes even terrorist organizations.

The business of arms dealing is complex. It involves not just the sale of weapons but also the logistics of transporting them. Dealers often work with a network of contacts, including corrupt officials, military personnel, and other intermediaries. This network helps them move weapons across borders, often evading international laws and regulations.

Arms dealers are motivated by profit. The demand for weapons is high, especially in regions experiencing conflict. This demand drives prices up, making the arms trade a lucrative business. Some dealers amass significant wealth and influence, becoming powerful figures in their own right.

The arms trade has a long history. Throughout the centuries, arms dealers have supplied weapons to various factions in wars and conflicts. They have often played a crucial role in determining the outcome of these conflicts. By providing weapons to one side, they can tip the balance of power.

In modern times, the arms trade has become even more sophisticated. Dealers use advanced technology to communicate and conduct transactions. They often operate through shell companies and offshore accounts to hide their activities. This makes it difficult for authorities to track and stop them.

Governments and international organizations have tried to regulate the arms trade. They have implemented laws and treaties aimed at controlling the sale and distribution of weapons. Despite these efforts, arms dealers continue to find ways to circumvent regulations. They exploit loopholes and rely on the complicity of corrupt officials.

The impact of arms dealers on global security is significant. By supplying weapons to conflict zones, they contribute to the escalation of violence. This often leads to prolonged conflicts, resulting in loss of life and displacement of people. The availability of weapons also makes it easier for criminal organizations to operate, leading to increased crime rates.

Efforts to combat arms dealers face many challenges. The clandestine nature of their operations makes it hard to gather evidence. Even when dealers are caught, they often have the resources to evade justice. This creates a cycle of impunity, allowing the arms trade to continue.

Public awareness of the role of arms dealers has grown in recent years. Media coverage and investigative reports have shed light on their activities. This has led to increased pressure on governments to take action. However, the fight against arms dealers requires a coordinated and sustained effort.

In conclusion, arms dealers play a pivotal role in the global arms trade. Their activities have far-reaching consequences, contributing to conflict and instability. While efforts to regulate the trade continue, the challenge remains significant. Understanding the complex world of arms dealers is crucial in addressing the broader issue of global security.

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