The Most Famous Astrologer in India, Ranked

Choose the astrologer you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:31
Astrology holds a significant place in the cultural and spiritual landscape of India, where numerous astrologers offer insights based on ancient practices. With a plethora of astrologers to choose from, individuals seeking guidance often find it challenging to identify who could provide them with the most reliable and insightful readings. By gathering collective opinions through a voting system, an objective list of the most esteemed astrologers in India can be compiled. This dynamic list not only helps in recognizing the highly valued astrologers based on public opinion but also assists newcomers in making informed decisions about whom they might consult for their astrological needs.

Who Is the Most Famous Astrologer in India?

  1. 1

    Bejan Daruwalla

    Bejan Daruwalla was a renowned Indian astrology columnist, and one of the most prominent astrologers in India. He had a career spanning several decades, writing horoscopes for newspapers and appearing on television shows.
    • Specialization: Vedic astrology, Western astrology, and various other astrology disciplines
    • Notable for: His weekly and annual horoscope predictions
  2. 2

    Sunita Menon

    Sunita Menon is a well-known psychic reader, healer, and astrologer in India. She has a diverse clientele and is known for her accurate predictions and guidance.
    • Specialization: Psychic reading, healing, astrology
    • Notable for: Accurate predictions and diverse clientele
  3. 3

    Dr. Sohini Sastri

    Dr. Sohini Sastri is an award-winning astrologer known for her expertise in Vedic astrology. She has received recognition and awards for her contributions to the field.
    • Specialization: Vedic astrology
    • Awards: Best astrologer in India awards from various organizations
  4. 4

    Sanjay B Jumaani

    Sanjay B Jumaani is a famous numerologist in India, who has also gained fame for his astrological predictions. He has a significant following among celebrities and business figures.
    • Specialization: Numerology and astrology
    • Notable for: Celebrity and corporate consultations
  5. 5

    Anupam V Kapil

    Anupam V Kapil is a celebrity astrologer, numerologist, and best-selling author in India. He is known for his expertise in face reading, numerology, and palmistry, in addition to astrology.
    • Specialization: Astrology, numerology, palmistry, face reading
    • Notable for: Celebrity consultations and best-selling astrology books
  6. 6

    GaneshaSpeaks Team

    The GaneshaSpeaks Team is led by Bejan Daruwalla's protégé and offers astrological services online. They provide horoscopes, match-making, and other astrological services.
    • Specialization: Horoscopes, match-making, and various astrological services
    • Notable for: Online astrological services and guidance
  7. 7

    Bansilal M Jumaani

    Bansilal M Jumaani is a veteran astrologer and the father of Sanjay B Jumaani. He is credited with reviving the ancient science of numerology in India.
    • Specialization: Numerology
    • Notable for: Reviving numerology in India
  8. 8

    Pandit Ajai Bhambi

    Pandit Ajai Bhambi is a globally renowned astrologer and Vedic astrology consultant. He has written numerous books and articles on astrology and is sought after for personal consultations.
    • Specialization: Vedic astrology
    • Notable for: Authoring books and articles on astrology
  9. 9

    Prem Kumar Sharma

    Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma is an eminent astrologer and Vastu consultant in India. He provides daily forecasts for various newspapers and has a significant presence on television and radio.
    • Specialization: Astrology and Vastu Shastra
    • Notable for: Daily forecasts in newspapers and media presence
  10. 10

    K.N. Rao

    Kotamraju Narayana Rao is a highly respected astrologer in India, known for his work in Vedic astrology. He is the founder of the Astrology Research Center in New Delhi and has authored several books on astrology.
    • Specialization: Vedic astrology
    • Contribution: Founder of the Astrology Research Center in New Delhi

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous astrologer in India. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or astrologer is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 106 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each astrologer once every 24 hours. The rank of each astrologer is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Astrologer in India

Astrology has a rich history in India. Many people seek guidance from astrologers for various aspects of life. The most famous astrologer in India has a significant influence. This person has a deep understanding of Vedic astrology, which is an ancient system. They have studied the movements of planets and stars for many years.

The astrologer uses this knowledge to predict future events. They help people make important decisions. Many believe their predictions are accurate. This belief comes from years of successful forecasts. The astrologer has many followers. People from different walks of life consult them. This includes politicians, celebrities, and business leaders.

The astrologer’s journey began at a young age. They showed an interest in the stars and planets early on. They studied under renowned teachers. This provided a strong foundation in Vedic astrology. Over time, they developed their skills further. They also learned to read various astrological charts. These charts show the positions of planets at the time of a person’s birth. This information is crucial for making predictions.

The astrologer has written many books on the subject. These books cover various aspects of astrology. They explain complex concepts in simple terms. This has made astrology more accessible to the general public. The books are popular and have been translated into many languages. They are used as reference materials by students and practitioners of astrology.

The astrologer also appears on television and radio shows. They discuss current events and provide insights based on astrological readings. These appearances have made them a household name. People tune in to hear their views on important matters. The astrologer’s predictions often make headlines. This adds to their fame and credibility.

Many people visit the astrologer for personal consultations. These sessions are in high demand. The astrologer listens to their concerns and provides guidance. They offer solutions based on astrological readings. This includes advice on career, relationships, and health. The astrologer’s calm demeanor and wisdom reassure clients. They leave the sessions feeling hopeful and confident.

The astrologer also conducts workshops and seminars. These events attract large audiences. Participants learn about the basics of astrology. They also get a chance to ask questions. The astrologer’s teaching style is engaging. They use real-life examples to explain concepts. This makes the learning process enjoyable and effective.

Despite their fame, the astrologer remains humble. They believe their purpose is to help others. They continue to study and learn. This dedication to their craft earns them respect. Their work has had a lasting impact on many lives.

The astrologer’s influence extends beyond India. People from around the world seek their guidance. This global reach is a testament to their expertise. They have built a reputation based on accuracy and integrity. Their contributions to the field of astrology are immense.

In conclusion, the most famous astrologer in India is a respected figure. Their knowledge and skills have made them a trusted advisor. They have helped many people navigate life’s challenges. Their work continues to inspire and guide.

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