The Most Famous Australian Artist, Ranked

Choose the artist you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 18, 2024 07:32
Art enthusiasts often debate the significance of various contemporary and historical artists from Australia, whose unique perspectives and groundbreaking techniques have contributed to global art scenes. Establishing which artist resonates most with the public can be a challenging yet enlightening task. It involves examining a swath of artistic outputs and cultural impacts that many artists have made over the years. By offering a live ranking system where everyone can vote for their preferred Australian artists, it allows an interactive engagement with art and provides insights into popular opinion and trends. This process not only enhances appreciation for Australian art but also aids in educational and promotional endeavors, shining a spotlight on deserving artists and their prolific work.

Who Is the Most Famous Australian Artist?

  1. 1
    Sidney Nolan

    Sidney Nolan

    Renowned for his series of paintings on legends from Australian history, most famously the Ned Kelly series.
    • Known for: Ned Kelly series
    • Art movement: Modernism
  2. 2
    Brett Whiteley

    Brett Whiteley

    A versatile artist who worked in drawing, painting, and sculpture, Whiteley is one of Australia's most revered modern artists.
    • Known for: Abstract and avant-garde art
    • Awards: Archibald, Wynne and Sulman Prizes
  3. 3
    Arthur Streeton

    Arthur Streeton

    A key member of the Heidelberg School, Streeton's impressionist landscapes are among the most iconic images of the Australian environment.
    • Art movement: Impressionism
    • Notable work: "Golden Summer, Eaglemont"
  4. 4
    Albert Namatjira

    Albert Namatjira

    A pioneer of contemporary Indigenous Australian art, Namatjira is best known for his watercolor landscapes of the Australian outback.
    • Art style: Watercolor landscapes
    • Cultural significance: Indigenous Australian art pioneer
  5. 5

    Grace Cossington Smith

    Known as a pioneer of modernist painting in Australia, her work is characterized by vibrant color and light.
    • Art style: Modernism
    • Notable work: "The Sock Knitter"
  6. 6
    Tom Roberts

    Tom Roberts

    Roberts was instrumental in introducing impressionism to Australia and is celebrated for his pastoral and landscape paintings.
    • Art movement: Impressionism
    • Notable work: "Shearing the Rams"
  7. 7
    Margaret Preston

    Margaret Preston

    A leading modernist painter, Preston is known for her still lifes and representations of native Australian flora.
    • Art style: Modernism
    • Focus: Australian flora
  8. 8
    John Brack

    John Brack

    Known for his paintings of Melbourne life, Brack's work captures the essence of urban Australia in the mid-20th century.
    • Known for: Urban scenes and commentary
    • Notable work: "Collins St., 5 pm"
  9. 9
    Russell Drysdale

    Russell Drysdale

    Famous for his depictions of Australian rural life and the outback, Drysdale's paintings are deeply evocative of the Australian landscape and its inhabitants.
    • Theme: Australian outback
    • Notable work: "The Drover's Wife"
  10. 10

    Tracey Moffatt

    A contemporary artist known for her photographs and videos, Moffatt explores themes of race, gender, and identity.
    • Medium: Photography and video
    • Themes: Race, gender, identity

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Australian artist. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or artist is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 167 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each artist once every 24 hours. The rank of each artist is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Australian Artist

Sidney Nolan
Rank #1 for the most famous Australian artist: Sidney Nolan (Source)
Australia has a rich history of art that spans thousands of years. Indigenous art forms the cornerstone of this heritage. Aboriginal artists used natural pigments to create intricate designs on rock, bark, and even the human body. These works often told stories of the Dreamtime, which is central to Aboriginal culture.

With European colonization, new influences began to shape Australian art. Early settlers depicted the vast landscapes and unique flora and fauna. These works often showed a deep appreciation for the rugged beauty of the land. Artists sought to capture the essence of Australia’s natural environment.

The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw a shift in focus. Artists began to explore more personal and national identities. They painted scenes of rural life, cityscapes, and the daily lives of Australians. This period marked the rise of a distinct Australian style. It combined elements of realism with a growing sense of national pride.

The mid-20th century brought modernism to Australian shores. Artists experimented with new techniques and forms. Abstract art, surrealism, and expressionism found their way into galleries and exhibitions. These movements challenged traditional views and pushed the boundaries of creativity.

Post-war Australia saw a boom in both economic and cultural growth. Artists gained international recognition. They began to exhibit their works abroad, bringing global attention to Australian art. This period also saw the rise of art schools and institutions that nurtured young talent.

In recent decades, contemporary Australian art has continued to evolve. Artists draw inspiration from a wide range of sources. They address social issues, explore identity, and experiment with new media. Video, installation, and digital art have become prominent. These works often reflect the diverse and multicultural nature of modern Australia.

Throughout this journey, one thing remains constant: the deep connection to the land. Australian artists, whether Indigenous or non-Indigenous, often find inspiration in the natural world. This connection shapes their work and gives it a unique character.

Art plays a vital role in Australian society. It fosters a sense of community and reflects the nation’s evolving identity. Public art projects, galleries, and festivals bring art to the people. They make it accessible and inclusive. Art education programs ensure that future generations continue this rich tradition.

Australian art is a tapestry woven from many threads. It blends ancient traditions with modern innovations. It tells the story of a land and its people. It captures the spirit of a nation that values creativity and expression.

In summary, Australian art has a rich and diverse history. It spans from ancient Indigenous traditions to contemporary innovations. Artists have always drawn inspiration from the land and their experiences. They have created works that reflect the unique character of Australia. This vibrant art scene continues to evolve, pushing boundaries and exploring new frontiers.

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