The Most Famous Big-wave Surfer, Ranked

Choose the big-wave surfer you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:32
Choosing the most renowned big-wave surfer is a task that captures the imagination of fans worldwide. With each surfer possessing unique strengths and memorable experiences on colossal waves, determining who stands out the most helps to clarify the benchmarks within the sport. This process also enriches the community's appreciation for the daredevil skills displayed by these athletes. By participating in this live ranking, viewers have the power to shape the public perception of what it means to excel in this extreme sport. The cumulative votes contribute to a dynamic listing that reflects current admirations and opinions. Engaging with this list not only enhances fan interaction but also pays respect to the athletes who challenge nature’s most formidable waves.

Who Is the Most Famous Big-wave Surfer?

  1. 1
    Laird Hamilton

    Laird Hamilton

    Laird Hamilton is renowned for his big-wave surfing and innovations in the sport. He is often credited with popularizing the tow-in surfing technique.
    • Known For: Pioneering tow-in surfing
    • Notable Wave: Jaws, Peahi, Hawaii
  2. 2
    Greg Long

    Greg Long

    Greg Long is an accomplished big-wave surfer known for his calculated approach to surfing some of the world's largest waves, including winning the Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational.
    • Accolades: Won the Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational
    • Approach: Calculated risk-taking
  3. 3

    Shane Dorian

    Shane Dorian is highly regarded in the big-wave surfing community for his performances at Jaws and other big-wave spots, as well as for developing safety gear for surfers.
    • Innovation: Development of the inflatable wetsuit
    • Notable Wave: Jaws, Peahi, Hawaii
  4. 4
    Garrett McNamara

    Garrett McNamara

    Garrett McNamara holds the record for one of the largest waves ever surfed, making headlines worldwide for his accomplishments in big-wave surfing.
    • Record Wave Height: 78 feet (Nazare, Portugal)
    • Specialty: Nazare, Portugal
  5. 5

    Eddie Aikau

    Eddie Aikau was a legendary Hawaiian lifeguard and surfer known for his bravery in surfing big waves and saving lives. The Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational is held in his honor.
    • Legacy: The Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational
    • Famous Quote: "Eddie Would Go"
  6. 6
    Maya Gabeira

    Maya Gabeira

    Maya Gabeira is a Brazilian big wave surfer known for her record-breaking ride at Nazare, Portugal, making her one of the most prominent female figures in big-wave surfing.
    • Record: Largest wave surfed (female)
    • Specialty: Nazare, Portugal
  7. 7

    Ross Clarke-Jones

    Ross Clarke-Jones is an Australian big wave surfer known for his performances at Nazare and for being the first Australian to win the prestigious Quiksilver in Memory of Eddie Aikau event.
    • Notable Achievement: First Australian to win the Eddie Aikau event
    • Specialty: Nazare, Portugal
  8. 8
    Mark Healey

    Mark Healey

    Mark Healey is known for his fearless approach to big-wave surfing, as well as his work as a waterman, spearfisher, and environmentalist.
    • Known For: Fearless approach to big-wave surfing
    • Other Interests: Spearfishing, environmentalism
  9. 9
    Kai Lenny

    Kai Lenny

    Kai Lenny is a versatile waterman known for his performance in big wave surfing, windsurfing, kitesurfing, and stand-up paddleboarding (SUP).
    • Versatility: Excels in multiple water sports
    • Innovation: Hydrofoil surfing
  10. 10

    Grant Baker

    Grant 'Twiggy' Baker is a South African big wave surfer and two-time winner of the Big Wave World Tour, known for his performances at Mavericks and other big wave spots.
    • Accolades: Two-time Big Wave World Tour winner
    • Notable Wave: Mavericks, California

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous big-wave surfer. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Surfer is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 144 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Surfer once every 24 hours. The rank of each Surfer is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Big-wave Surfer

Laird Hamilton
Rank #1 for the most famous big-wave surfer: Laird Hamilton (Source)
Big-wave surfing is a sport that draws awe and admiration. Few athletes dare to ride waves taller than buildings. These surfers push the limits of human endurance and skill. They seek out the largest waves in the world, often traveling thousands of miles to find them. These waves can reach heights of 60 feet or more. The thrill and danger of big-wave surfing make it a unique and compelling pursuit.

The origins of big-wave surfing trace back to ancient Polynesia. Early surfers used wooden boards to ride waves for fun and ritual. Modern big-wave surfing began to take shape in the mid-20th century. Advances in board design and safety equipment helped surfers tackle larger waves. The sport gained more attention as surfers shared stories and footage of their feats.

Big-wave surfers need more than just courage. They must have exceptional physical fitness. Strong swimming skills are crucial. Surfers often wipe out and get held underwater by powerful waves. They need the stamina to withstand these conditions. Training often includes breath-holding exercises and strength workouts.

Surfers also need to understand ocean conditions. They study weather patterns and wave forecasts. This knowledge helps them find the best waves and avoid dangerous situations. The right equipment is also essential. Big-wave boards are longer and thicker than standard surfboards. This design provides more stability and speed.

Safety is a major concern in big-wave surfing. Surfers use inflatable vests to help them float if they get knocked off their boards. Jet skis are often on hand to rescue surfers in trouble. Despite these precautions, the sport remains risky. Many surfers have faced serious injuries or even death.

Big-wave surfing has a strong sense of community. Surfers often know each other and share a deep respect. They celebrate each other's achievements and support each other through challenges. This camaraderie is a key part of the sport's culture.

Competitions in big-wave surfing add another layer of excitement. These events take place at famous big-wave spots around the world. Surfers compete to ride the biggest and best waves. Judges score them based on the size of the wave and the surfer's skill. Winning a big-wave competition is a prestigious achievement.

The sport has grown in popularity over the years. Media coverage and documentaries have brought big-wave surfing to a wider audience. This exposure has inspired new generations of surfers. Advances in technology also play a role. Better equipment and safety gear have made it possible for more surfers to tackle big waves.

Big-wave surfing is more than just a sport. It is a way of life for those who pursue it. The challenge of riding massive waves brings a sense of accomplishment and freedom. Surfers feel a deep connection to the ocean and to each other. This bond is at the heart of big-wave surfing's enduring appeal.

The sport will continue to evolve. New surfers will rise to the challenge and push the limits even further. The spirit of adventure and the quest for the perfect wave will always drive big-wave surfing forward.

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