The Most Famous Cheater, Ranked

Choose the cheater you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:34
In a world where fairness is prized and deceit often lurks in the shadows, keeping track of notorious cheaters has its unique importance. By ranking the most well-known cheaters, individuals gain awareness of the consequences of dishonesty, and communities can foster discussions about ethics and integrity. This not only enlightens but serves as a cautionary tale to deter similar behavior. This live ranking serves as a reflective mirror of public opinion and collective memory regarding those who have swayed the path of honesty for personal gain. Your participation through voting actively shapes this list, ensuring it remains current and reflective of societal values and perceptions. So, cast your vote and contribute to a broader understanding of notoriety and deception.

Who Is the Most Famous Cheater?

  1. 1
    Lance Armstrong

    Lance Armstrong

    Former professional road racing cyclist who was stripped of his seven Tour de France titles due to doping.
    • Sport: Cycling
    • Doping Admission: 2013
  2. 2
    Marion Jones

    Marion Jones

    Former world champion track and field athlete who admitted to steroid use and was stripped of her Olympic medals.
    • Sport: Track and Field
    • Olympics: 2000
  3. 3
    Barry Bonds

    Barry Bonds

    Former Major League Baseball (MLB) player implicated in the BALCO scandal for steroid use.
    • Sport: Baseball
    • Home Run Record: 762
  4. 4
    Tonya Harding

    Tonya Harding

    Former figure skater known for her involvement in the attack on her competitor Nancy Kerrigan.
    • Sport: Figure Skating
    • Olympics: 1994
  5. 5

    Ben Johnson

    Canadian sprinter stripped of his 1988 Olympic gold medal for steroid use.
    • Sport: Athletics
    • Olympics: 1988
  6. 6

    Rosie Ruiz

    Known for cheating in the Boston Marathon by not running the entire course.
    • Sport: Marathon Running
    • Boston Marathon: 1980
  7. 8
    Justin Gatlin

    Justin Gatlin

    American sprinter who has faced two doping bans during his career.
    • Sport: Athletics
    • Bans: 2001 and 2006
  8. 9
    Mark McGwire

    Mark McGwire

    Former MLB player who admitted to using steroids during his career.
    • Sport: Baseball
    • Home Run Record: 70 in 1998
  9. 10
    Alex Rodriguez

    Alex Rodriguez

    Former MLB player who admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs.
    • Sport: Baseball
    • Admission: 2009

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous cheater. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or cheater is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 89 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each cheater once every 24 hours. The rank of each cheater is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Cheater

Lance Armstrong
Rank #1 for the most famous cheater: Lance Armstrong (Source)
Cheating has a long history. It spans many fields, from sports to academics to business. Cheaters often seek shortcuts to success. They use various methods to gain an unfair advantage. This behavior undermines trust and integrity.

In sports, cheaters may use banned substances. These enhance performance beyond natural limits. They may also tamper with equipment. This gives them an edge over competitors. Such actions can tarnish the reputation of the sport. Fans and fellow athletes feel betrayed.

In academics, cheating takes many forms. Students may copy others' work. They might use unauthorized materials during exams. Some even pay others to complete their assignments. This devalues the hard work of honest students. It also undermines the education system.

In the business world, cheating can involve fraud. Companies may falsify financial records. They might mislead investors or customers. This can lead to significant financial losses. It can also damage the company's reputation. Trust is crucial in business. Once lost, it is hard to regain.

Technology has made cheating easier. The internet provides many tools and resources. Some use these for dishonest purposes. They may hack systems or steal information. This poses a threat to security and privacy.

Despite the risks, many cheaters go undetected. They may use sophisticated methods to avoid detection. However, when caught, the consequences can be severe. They may face legal action, fines, or bans. Their reputation can suffer irreparable damage.

Cheating not only affects the cheater. It impacts others as well. Honest individuals may feel demotivated. They may question the fairness of the system. This can lead to a decline in morale and trust.

Preventing cheating is a complex task. It requires vigilance and strict enforcement of rules. Education plays a key role. Teaching the value of honesty and integrity can deter cheating. Institutions must also use technology to detect and prevent cheating.

Public awareness is important. Highlighting the consequences of cheating can serve as a deterrent. Celebrating honesty and hard work can promote a culture of integrity.

Cheating is a widespread issue. It affects many areas of life. While some may see it as a shortcut to success, the risks often outweigh the benefits. Trust, once broken, is hard to rebuild. Integrity remains a core value in any field.

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