The Most Famous Dentist, Ranked

Choose the dentist you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 28, 2024 07:05
Choosing a dentist involves more than just seeking someone who can clean your teeth. Your dental health is a crucial component of your overall health, so deciding on a reliable dentist is an important decision. Having a list of famous dentists can offer insights into those who are well-respected for their innovative practices and patient care. By engaging in voting for your favorite dentist, you contribute to a resource that helps others in their search for quality dental care. This dynamic list is shaped by collective user input, ensuring it reflects real-world preferences and experiences with professionals esteemed in the field of dentistry.

Who Is the Most Famous Dentist?

  1. 1
    Dr. William J. Morton
    Unknown authorUnknown author · Public domain
    He is considered the father of modern anesthesia and is famous for his work in developing the use of ether as an anesthetic.
  2. 2
    He is known as the "Grand Old Man of Dentistry" and is famous for his contributions to restorative dentistry, such as the development of dental amalgam.
  3. 3
    He revolutionized the field of orthodontics with his Tweed technique, which focused on individualized treatment plans for each patient.
  4. 4
    He is known for his work in dental research and education, particularly in the areas of craniofacial development and oral cancer.
  5. 5
    He is famous for his work in developing dental tools and instruments, including the first dental drill.
  6. 6
    He is known for his contributions to restorative dentistry, such as the development of dental amalgam.
  7. 7
    He is considered the father of modern orthodontics and is famous for his development of the Angle Orthodontic Society.
  8. 8
    He is known for his contributions to pediatric dentistry, particularly in the areas of behavior management and dental sedation.
  9. 9
    He revolutionized cosmetic dentistry with his development of tooth bonding and teeth whitening techniques.
  10. 10
    He is famous for his development of Welch's grape juice, which was originally created as a non-alcoholic alternative to communion wine and became a popular beverage. He was also a dentist.

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Ranking factors for famous dentist

  1. Professional achievements and recognition
    This includes awards received, research published, and other notable contributions to the field of dentistry.
  2. Patient reviews and satisfaction ratings
    A dentist's reputation can be built on positive patient experiences and feedback.
  3. Industry reputation and leadership
    Dentists who hold leadership positions in professional organizations or who are recognized experts in their field are often considered more famous.
  4. Media presence and public visibility
    Dentists who have been featured in media outlets or who have a strong social media following may be considered more famous.
  5. Geographic reach and impact
    Dentists who practice in large, urban areas or who have a wide-reaching patient base may be perceived as more famous than those in smaller communities.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous dentist. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Dentist is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 140 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Dentist once every 24 hours. The rank of each Dentist is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most famous dentist

Background Information: Who is the Most Famous Dentist? Dentistry is a field that has been around for centuries, with the first recorded evidence dating back to ancient Egypt. Today, dentists are an integral part of the healthcare industry, helping people maintain healthy teeth and gums. But who is the most famous dentist of all time? When it comes to fame, there are a few dentists who stand out from the rest. One of the most well-known is Dr. William Thomas Green Morton, who is credited with the discovery of anesthesia. In 1846, Morton successfully used ether to numb a patient's pain during a dental procedure, revolutionizing the field of dentistry and medicine as a whole. Another famous dentist is Dr. Charles Edmund Kells, who is best known for developing the dental X-ray. Kells discovered that X-rays could be used to diagnose dental problems, leading to more accurate treatment and better patient outcomes. Finally, Dr. G.V. Black is often regarded as the father of modern dentistry. He was a pioneer in the field of dental research, developing many of the techniques and materials that are still used today. Black is also known for his contributions to dental education, helping to train the next generation of dentists. Overall, there are many dentists who have made significant contributions to the field over the years. While it's difficult to say who is the most famous, these three individuals are certainly among the most influential.

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