The Most Famous Disney Cat, Ranked

Choose the cat you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 8, 2024 07:37
Fans of animated films often hold strong opinions about their favorite characters, particularly when it comes to the charming and diverse array of Disney cats. These characters, each with their own unique traits and stories, have garnered their own followings. Having a ranking system helps to see which of these beloved felines stands out the most according to collective fan votes. By participating in this voting process, enthusiasts can contribute their perspective, potentially influencing the popularity and visibility of their preferred Disney cats. This ongoing accumulation of votes ensures that the rankings reflect current preferences and can highlight how these characters resonate with audiences today. It's a dynamic way to engage with a community of fans and to see where each cat lands in the hearts of viewers.

Who Is the Most Famous Disney Cat?

  1. 1


    Geppetto's pet Tuxedo cat from Pinocchio, known for his playful and mischievous behavior.
    • First Appearance: 1940
    • Species: Cat
  2. 2
    Cheshire Cat

    Cheshire Cat

    The mysterious and mischievous cat from Alice in Wonderland known for his disappearing act.
    • First Appearance: 1951
    • Species: Cat
  3. 3


    A white kitten from The Aristocats, known for her elegance and sass.
    • First Appearance: 1970
    • Species: Cat
  4. 4

    Thomas O'Malley

    The alley cat who befriends Duchess and her kittens in The Aristocats.
    • First Appearance: 1970
    • Species: Cat
  5. 5


    The wicked pet cat of Cinderella's stepmother, known for his attempts to catch the mice.
    • First Appearance: 1950
    • Species: Cat
  6. 6


    The elegant mother cat from The Aristocats.
    • First Appearance: 1970
    • Species: Cat
  7. 8


    Jasmine's loyal pet tiger from Aladdin.
    • First Appearance: 1992
    • Species: Tiger
  8. 9


    The main antagonist of The Lion King, Simba's uncle who seeks the throne.
    • First Appearance: 1994
    • Species: Lion
  9. 10


    The wise black panther from The Jungle Book who helps raise Mowgli.
    • First Appearance: 1967
    • Species: Black Panther

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Disney cat. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or cat is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 97 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each cat once every 24 hours. The rank of each cat is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Disney Cat

Disney has created many beloved characters over the years. Among them, their animated cats stand out. These feline characters have captured hearts with their charm, wit, and distinct personalities.

In Disney films, cats often play key roles. They can be heroes, sidekicks, or even villains. Their unique traits make them memorable. Some are playful and curious, while others are sly and cunning. These varied characteristics add depth to the stories they inhabit.

The design of these cats is also noteworthy. Disney animators pay close attention to detail. The way a cat moves, its facial expressions, and even its fur are carefully crafted. This attention to detail brings the characters to life. It makes them seem real despite being animated.

Cats in Disney films often have strong relationships with other characters. They might form bonds with humans, other animals, or even objects. These relationships help drive the plot and provide emotional moments. They show the softer side of these feline characters, making them more relatable.

Music plays a big role in Disney films, and cats often get their own songs. These musical numbers highlight their personalities. Whether they are singing alone or with others, these songs become iconic. They add to the overall magic of the films.

The voices behind these cats are also important. Talented actors bring these characters to life through their voices. Their performances add another layer to the characters. The right voice can make a cat seem more mischievous, loving, or mysterious.

Cats in Disney films often face challenges. These obstacles help them grow and develop. They might have to outsmart a foe, find their way home, or protect a loved one. These struggles make their stories compelling. Audiences root for them and celebrate their victories.

Merchandise featuring these cats is popular. Toys, clothing, and other items allow fans to bring a piece of the magic home. These products keep the characters in the public eye long after the films have been released.

Disney's cats also appear in theme parks. They might be part of parades, shows, or meet-and-greets. These appearances give fans a chance to interact with their favorite characters in person. It adds another layer to the Disney experience.

The legacy of Disney's cats is strong. They have become cultural icons. Their images are instantly recognizable, and their stories are timeless. New generations continue to discover and love these characters.

In summary, Disney's animated cats have a special place in the hearts of fans. Their unique traits, relationships, and adventures make them unforgettable. Through careful design, voice acting, and storytelling, Disney has created feline characters that stand the test of time.

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