The Most Famous Entrepreneur in South Africa, Ranked

Choose the entrepreneur you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 12, 2024 07:37
Ranking the most notable entrepreneurs in South Africa can provide insightful perspectives into the innovative landscape shaping the nation's economy. By understanding who leads in influence and innovation, users gain a better appreciation of the figures driving progress and change in South Africa. This list serves as a guide and a pulse on the movers and shakers in various industries. Your votes matter in sculpting this dynamic list, reflecting public opinion and recognition of entrepreneurial success. As you engage with the rankings, you contribute to a broader conversation about impact and leadership in business. This not only informs new audiences but also celebrates the achievements of these business leaders.

Who Is the Most Famous Entrepreneur in South Africa?

  1. 2

    Patrice Motsepe

    Founder and chairman of African Rainbow Minerals, billionaire and philanthropist.
    • Born: January 28, 1962
    • Birthplace: Ga-Rankuwa, South Africa
  2. 3

    Koos Bekker

    Chairman of Naspers, a multinational group of media and e-commerce platforms.
    • Born: December 14, 1952
    • Birthplace: Potchefstroom, South Africa
  3. 4
    Mark Shuttleworth

    Mark Shuttleworth

    Founder of Thawte and Canonical Ltd., the company behind Ubuntu Linux.
    • Born: September 18, 1973
    • Birthplace: Welkom, South Africa
  4. 5
    Adrian Gore

    Adrian Gore

    Founder and CEO of Discovery Ltd., a financial services organization known for its innovative health insurance model.
    • Born: May 16, 1964
    • Birthplace: Johannesburg, South Africa
  5. 6

    Stephen Saad

    Co-founder and CEO of Aspen Pharmacare, the largest pharmaceutical company in Africa.
    • Born: June 23, 1964
    • Birthplace: Durban, South Africa
  6. 7

    Christo Wiese

    South African businessman and former Chairman of Steinhoff International, a global retail holding company.
    • Born: September 10, 1941
    • Birthplace: Upington, South Africa
  7. 8

    Michiel Le Roux

    Founder of Capitec Bank, one of the largest retail banks in South Africa.
    • Born: May 20, 1949
    • Birthplace: Stellenbosch, South Africa
  8. 9
    Ivan Glasenberg

    Ivan Glasenberg

    CEO of Glencore, one of the world's largest commodity trading and mining companies.
    • Born: January 7, 1957
    • Birthplace: Johannesburg, South Africa
  9. 10

    Allan Gray

    Founder of Allan Gray Investment Management, one of South Africa's largest privately-owned investment management companies.
    • Born: April 8, 1938
    • Birthplace: East London, South Africa

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous entrepreneur in South Africa. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or entrepreneur is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 124 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each entrepreneur once every 24 hours. The rank of each entrepreneur is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Entrepreneur in South Africa

Elon Musk
Rank #1 for the most famous entrepreneur in South Africa: Elon Musk (Source)
South Africa has a rich history of entrepreneurship. The most famous entrepreneur from this region has achieved global recognition. This individual began their journey in a modest setting. Their early life was marked by curiosity and a drive to solve problems. They saw opportunities where others saw obstacles. This mindset set the foundation for their future success.

In their youth, they showed a keen interest in technology. They spent hours learning and experimenting. This passion led them to pursue higher education in a related field. They attended a local university, where they honed their skills and expanded their knowledge. During this time, they also started small ventures. These early projects were not always successful, but they provided valuable lessons.

After completing their education, they moved to a larger city. Here, they found more resources and opportunities. They started their first major company in a small office. The early days were tough. They faced financial challenges and skepticism from others. However, they remained focused and determined. They worked long hours and made personal sacrifices to keep the business afloat.

Their breakthrough came when they developed a product that met a significant market need. This innovation caught the attention of investors and customers. The business grew rapidly. They expanded their team, improved their product, and entered new markets. Their company became a leader in its industry.

Beyond their business success, this entrepreneur also made a significant impact through philanthropy. They established foundations and supported various social causes. Their contributions have improved education, healthcare, and community development in South Africa. They believe in giving back and helping others achieve their potential.

Their story is one of resilience and vision. They overcame numerous challenges and setbacks. They stayed true to their goals and values. Their journey inspires many aspiring entrepreneurs. It shows that success is possible with hard work, innovation, and perseverance.

Today, they continue to lead and innovate. They explore new industries and technologies. They mentor young entrepreneurs and share their knowledge and experience. Their legacy is not just their business achievements but also their positive influence on society.

This entrepreneur's journey highlights the importance of determination and vision. They started with little but achieved great success. Their story is a testament to the power of entrepreneurship and its potential to change lives and communities.

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