The Most Famous Gangster in England, Ranked

Choose the gangster you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:39
Ranking the most noted gangsters from England can provide clarity and insight into a shadowy side of history often glamorized in films and literature. By establishing a clear hierarchy based on public opinion, we can gauge which figures have left the most significant imprint on cultural and criminal history. This process helps demystify the complex personalities behind the notorious deeds attributed to these individuals. This ranking system allows users to actively participate in shaping the historical narrative by casting votes for those they believe should be recognized for their notoriety or influence. Each vote contributes to a larger understanding of how these figures are viewed in contemporary society. Engaging with this content not only enlightens but also offers a measure of how crime and its key players are perceived in modern times.

Who Is the Most Famous Gangster in England?

  1. 1

    Charles Bronson

    Often referred to as the 'most violent prisoner in Britain', known for his violent acts both inside and outside of prison.
    • Real Name: Michael Gordon Peterson
    • Notoriety: Famous for taking hostages in prison
  2. 2

    Terry Adams

    Head of the Adams Family, a notorious criminal organisation in London involved in various illegal activities.
    • Criminal Organization: Adams Family
    • Criminal Activities: Drug trafficking, extortion, money laundering
  3. 3

    Reggie Kray

    Infamous English gangster known for his activities in the East End of London during the 1950s and 1960s.
    • Twin Brother: Ronnie Kray
    • Criminal Activities: Armed robberies, arson, protection rackets, assaults, and murders
  4. 4

    Ronnie Kray

    One of the Kray twins who became notorious for their criminal activities in London.
    • Twin Brother: Reggie Kray
    • Notable Aspect: Openly bisexual during a time when it was illegal in the UK
  5. 5

    Roy Shaw

    An English criminal and boxer, known for his violent temper and fights both inside and outside of the ring.
    • Nickname: Pretty Boy
    • Notable Fight: Unlicensed boxing matches
  6. 6

    Billy Hill

    An influential English gangster in the 1950s who was involved in racketeering, robbery, and smuggling.
    • Nickname: Boss of Britain's Underworld
    • Criminal Activities: Jewel theft, currency smuggling
  7. 7

    Frank Fraser

    Known as 'Mad Frankie Fraser', a notorious English gangster and torturer associated with the Richardson Gang.
    • Nickname: Mad Frankie
    • Criminal Activities: Armed robbery, torture
  8. 8

    Jack 'The Hat' McVitie

    A notorious English criminal, known for his involvement with the Kray twins and his eventual murder by them.
    • Nickname Origin: Always wore a hat
    • Cause of Death: Stabbed by Reggie Kray
  9. 9

    George Cornell

    An English gangster and member of the Richardson Gang, rivals to the Kray twins, famously shot dead by Ronnie Kray.
    • Rival Gang: Richardson Gang
    • Location of Death: The Blind Beggar pub
  10. 10

    Eddie Richardson

    A major figure in the London underworld during the 1960s, part of the Richardson Gang.
    • Gang: Richardson Gang
    • Criminal Activities: Torture, fraud, extortion

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous gangster in England. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Gangster is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 69 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Gangster once every 24 hours. The rank of each Gangster is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Gangster in England

In the early 20th century, England saw the rise of notorious gangsters. These figures emerged from the shadows of society, often from poor backgrounds. They built their empires through crime, intimidation, and fear. Their influence spread across cities, affecting many lives.

These gangsters started with small crimes. Petty theft, pickpocketing, and street brawls were common. As they gained notoriety, their operations expanded. They moved into more lucrative ventures like smuggling, gambling, and protection rackets. Their methods were brutal. Violence was a tool they used to maintain control and instill fear.

The police struggled to keep up. Corruption was rampant, and many officers were on the payroll of these criminals. This made it difficult to bring them to justice. The gangsters thrived in this environment, growing bolder with each passing year.

Public perception of these figures was complex. Some saw them as villains, while others viewed them as folk heroes. They often gave back to their communities, providing for the poor and needy. This duality made them both feared and respected.

The media played a role in their rise to fame. Newspapers reported on their exploits, often sensationalizing their actions. This coverage turned them into celebrities of sorts. Their names became known far and wide, adding to their mystique.

Law enforcement eventually made strides in combating these gangsters. New laws and stronger police forces began to take effect. High-profile arrests and trials brought some to justice, but many continued their operations from behind bars. Their influence persisted, even in captivity.

The legacy of these gangsters is still felt today. They left a mark on the criminal landscape of England. Their stories are told in books, films, and documentaries. They serve as a reminder of a time when crime ruled the streets and the line between right and wrong was often blurred.

These gangsters were products of their environment. Poverty, lack of opportunity, and social unrest created a breeding ground for crime. They seized the chance to rise above their circumstances, using any means necessary. Their lives were filled with danger, but also with a sense of power and control.

In the end, their reigns often ended in violence or imprisonment. Few lived to old age. Their stories are cautionary tales, illustrating the high cost of a life of crime. They remind us of the darker side of human nature and the lengths some will go to achieve their goals.

The impact of these gangsters on society was profound. They changed the way crime was viewed and dealt with in England. Their actions led to reforms in law enforcement and the legal system. They also left a cultural imprint, influencing popular culture and the public's fascination with the underworld.

Understanding the history of these gangsters provides insight into the complexities of crime and punishment. It shows how individuals can shape history, for better or worse. Their stories continue to captivate, serving as a window into a turbulent time in England's past.

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