The Most Famous Hamster, Ranked

Choose the hamster you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:39
Hamsters are loved by many for their playful personalities and soft, cuddly appearance. Finding the most famous hamster is not merely about recognizing those that amuse us most on social media or through television appearances. It offers an interesting insight into what characteristics stand out to the general public and what influences their preferences in small pets. By casting a vote on your favorite hamster, you contribute to shaping a collective opinion on these charming creatures. This ranking is continuously updated based on public votes, reflecting which hamsters currently capture the hearts of people around the world. Your participation ensures that the list remains current and represents a wide range of popular opinions.

Who Is the Most Famous Hamster?

  1. 1


    The main character of 'Hamtaro', a Japanese anime series.
    • Anime debut: 2000
  2. 2


    The hamster from the animated film 'Bolt'.
    • Film release: 2008
  3. 3

    Hammy Hamster

    The protagonist of 'Tales of the Riverbank', a British television series.
    • Show debut: 1959
  4. 4


    A field hamster who is a leader in 'Hamtaro'.
    • Personality: Brave and adventurous
  5. 5


    A hamster known for his Southern accent in 'Hamtaro'.
    • Personality trait: Jokester
  6. 6


    A character from 'Hamtaro' known for her French accent.
    • Character origin: France
  7. 7


    A young and innocent character from 'Hamtaro' who often wears a yellow blanket.
    • Trademark: Yellow blanket
  8. 8


    Another character from 'Hamtaro', named for his distinctive black and white coloring.
    • Role: Carpenter
  9. 9


    The housekeeping hamster in the Japanese anime 'Oruchuban Ebichu'.
    • Anime debut: 1999
  10. 10


    A sleepy hamster character from 'Hamtaro'.
    • Characteristic: Always sleeping

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous hamster. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or hamster is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 71 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each hamster once every 24 hours. The rank of each hamster is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Hamster

Hamsters have become beloved pets around the world. They are small, easy to care for, and have charming personalities. People often choose them as pets for children, but adults also enjoy their company. These small rodents come from various parts of the world, including Europe and Asia. They belong to the subfamily Cricetinae, which includes about 18 species.

Hamsters first became popular as pets in the 1930s. Scientists captured wild hamsters for research and soon realized their potential as pets. Their small size and cute appearance made them an instant hit. Pet stores began to sell them, and their popularity soared. Today, they are common in many households.

One of the reasons hamsters are popular is their ease of care. They require a simple habitat, often a cage with bedding, a wheel for exercise, and food. Owners need to clean the cage regularly and provide fresh food and water. Hamsters enjoy a diet of seeds, fruits, and vegetables. They also need some protein, which can come from insects or special hamster food.

Hamsters are known for their cheek pouches. They use these pouches to carry food and bedding. This unique feature makes them fun to watch. They often stuff their cheeks until they look full. Then, they take the food to a safe spot to eat later.

These small pets are nocturnal, meaning they are active at night. During the day, they sleep in their nests. This behavior can be surprising for new owners. It is important to provide a quiet environment during the day so the hamster can rest. At night, they run on their wheels and explore their cages.

Hamsters are solitary animals. They prefer to live alone and can become aggressive if housed with others. This trait makes them different from other small pets like guinea pigs or gerbils. Owners should provide enough space and enrichment to keep their hamster happy. Toys, tunnels, and hiding spots can help.

Training a hamster is possible but requires patience. They can learn to come when called and even do simple tricks. Positive reinforcement, like treats, works well. Handling them gently and regularly helps build trust. It is best to start handling them when they are young.

Hamsters have a short lifespan, usually around two to three years. This short life can be hard for owners, especially children. However, it also means they do not require a long-term commitment. This aspect can be appealing for people who want a pet but cannot commit to many years of care.

In conclusion, hamsters are popular pets for good reasons. They are small, easy to care for, and have unique behaviors. Their nocturnal nature and solitary habits are important to consider before getting one. With proper care, they can bring joy and companionship to any home. Their short lifespan means they do not require a long-term commitment, making them suitable for many people.

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