The Most Famous Jain, Ranked

Choose the Jain you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 15, 2024 07:41
Throughout history, numerous Jains have contributed significantly to various fields such as philosophy, science, and the arts, yet many remain unrecognized in wider discussions. Recognizing these individuals not only honors their legacy but also educates others about the rich cultural and intellectual heritage of Jainism. This list aims to highlight these figures and their accomplishments, providing a clearer picture of their impact. By participating in the ranking process, users have the unique opportunity to influence who is noted and celebrated within the community. Each vote helps to identify which Jain figures resonate most with contemporary audiences, ensuring that the most impactful individuals are recognized. This dynamic and user-driven approach keeps the list reflective of both historical significance and current admiration.

Who Is the Most Famous Jain?

  1. 1


    The 24th and last Tirthankara of Jainism, known for establishing the core tenets of Jainism.
    • Birth Year: 599 BCE
    • Nirvana Year: 527 BCE
  2. 2
    Acharya Tulsi

    Acharya Tulsi

    A visionary Jain Acharya of the 20th century, known for initiating the Anuvrat movement for moral and spiritual awakening.
    • Era: 20th century CE
  3. 3


    A major Jain scholar who contributed significantly to Jain philosophy and literature.
    • Era: 8th century CE
  4. 4


    An influential Jain Acharya and philosopher, known for his writings on the soul and reality.
    • Era: 1st-2nd century CE
  5. 5

    Siddhasena Divakara

    Famous Jain philosopher and logician, known for his work in Jain epistemology and metaphysics.
    • Era: 5th century CE
  6. 6


    The first Tirthankara of Jainism, considered to be the founder of Jain philosophy.
    • Also Known As: Adinath
  7. 7
    Acharya Hemachandra

    Acharya Hemachandra

    A polymath who made significant contributions to Jainism, literature, grammar, and mathematics.
    • Era: 12th century CE
  8. 8


    Last Acharya of the undivided Jain sangha, known for his leadership during the Mauryan period.
    • Era: 4th century BCE
  9. 9


    The 23rd Tirthankara of Jainism, known for his teachings on non-violence and asceticism.
    • Birth Year: 877 BCE
    • Nirvana Year: 777 BCE
  10. 10
    Acharya Shantisagar

    Acharya Shantisagar

    A prominent Jain monk of the 20th century, known for reviving Jain ascetic practices in North India.
    • Era: 20th century CE

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Jain. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Jain is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 65 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Jain once every 24 hours. The rank of each Jain is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Jain

Rank #1 for the most famous Jain: Mahavira (Source)
Jainism, an ancient Indian religion, emphasizes non-violence, truth, and asceticism. It has produced many notable figures who have influenced its teachings and spread its message. These individuals have played a crucial role in shaping the faith and guiding its followers.

The most famous Jain is often considered a beacon of spiritual wisdom. This person is known for deep commitment to the principles of Jainism. Their life story inspires many, highlighting the importance of self-discipline and compassion. From a young age, this individual showed a keen interest in spiritual matters and sought to understand the nature of existence.

Renouncing worldly possessions, they embraced a life of asceticism. They wandered from place to place, spreading the teachings of Jainism. Their journey was marked by moments of deep reflection and profound insights. They emphasized the importance of non-violence, not just in action but also in thought and speech.

Their teachings focused on the concept of Ahimsa, which means non-violence. They believed that every living being has a soul and should be treated with respect. This principle extended to all forms of life, including animals and plants. Their message was clear: to live a life of peace, one must avoid causing harm to others.

Another key aspect of their teachings was the idea of Aparigraha, or non-attachment. They taught that attachment to material possessions leads to suffering. By letting go of these attachments, one can achieve true happiness and spiritual growth. This principle encouraged followers to lead simple lives and focus on inner development.

They also spoke about the importance of Satya, or truthfulness. They believed that honesty was essential for personal integrity and social harmony. Their emphasis on truth extended to all areas of life, including thoughts, words, and actions. By practicing truthfulness, one could build trust and foster positive relationships.

Their teachings on Anekantavada, or the multiplicity of viewpoints, were also significant. They believed that reality is complex and can be understood from different perspectives. This idea encouraged tolerance and open-mindedness. By recognizing the validity of different viewpoints, one could develop a more comprehensive understanding of the world.

Their life was marked by numerous acts of kindness and compassion. They helped many people find their spiritual path and provided guidance to those in need. Their humility and dedication to the principles of Jainism earned them great respect and admiration.

The legacy of this individual continues to inspire millions. Their teachings remain relevant and provide valuable insights into leading a meaningful life. By following their example, one can cultivate a sense of inner peace and contribute to the well-being of others.

In conclusion, the most famous Jain has left an indelible mark on the world. Their teachings on non-violence, non-attachment, truthfulness, and the multiplicity of viewpoints offer a timeless guide to living a virtuous life. Their life story serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative potential of spiritual wisdom and compassion. Through their example, we can learn to lead lives of greater purpose and harmony.

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