The Most Famous Jockey of All Time, Ranked

Choose the jockey you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 10, 2024 07:41
Horse racing has captivated audiences for centuries, and at the heart of this thrilling sport are the jockeys, steering half-ton horses at breakneck speeds. Their skill, bravery, and strategy have made some jockeys stand out over others, gaining fame and acclaim in the process. Determining which jockey is the most famous can offer deeper insights into the sport's history and the qualities that elevate a jockey to legendary status. By voting for who you believe is the most distinguished jockey, you contribute to a crowd-sourced acknowledgment of excellence. This dynamic list adjusts as new votes come in, reflecting the collective opinion of fans around the globe. Whether you are a longstanding follower of horse racing or new to the sport, your participation shapes this fascinating snapshot of athletic prowess and historical significance.

Who Is the Most Famous Jockey of All Time?

  1. 1

    Bill Shoemaker

    An American jockey known for winning 11 Triple Crown races and holding the world record for total professional jockey victories for many years.
    • Total Wins: 8,833
    • Triple Crown Wins: 11
  2. 2
    Lester Piggott

    Lester Piggott

    A British jockey famous for winning 30 Classic Races in Britain, including nine Epsom Derbies.
    • Total Wins: 4,493
    • Epsom Derby Wins: 9
  3. 3

    Pat Day

    An American jockey known for his successful career and personal turnaround through faith, with over 8,000 career wins.
    • Total Wins: 8,803
    • Notable Achievement: Winning the Kentucky Derby, Preakness, and Belmont Stakes
  4. 4
    Frankie Dettori

    Frankie Dettori

    An Italian jockey known for his charismatic personality and being the first jockey to win all seven races on a single day at Ascot Racecourse.
    • Total Wins: 3,000+
    • Notable Achievement: Winning all seven races in one day at Ascot
  5. 5

    Eddie Arcaro

    An American jockey who is the only rider to have won the U.S. Triple Crown twice.
    • Total Wins: 4,779
    • Triple Crown Wins: 2
  6. 6
    George Woolf

    George Woolf

    An American jockey best known for his ride on Seabiscuit to victory against War Admiral in the 1938 Pimlico Special.
    • Total Wins: Not specified
    • Notable Race: 1938 Pimlico Special
  7. 7
    John R. Velazquez

    John R. Velazquez

    A Puerto Rican jockey who holds the record for the most earnings in North American racing history.
    • Total Wins: 6,000+
    • Notable Achievement: Most earnings in North American racing history
  8. 8

    Russell Baze

    The North American jockey with the most career wins, known for his dominance in California racing.
    • Total Wins: 12,842
    • Notable Tracks: California tracks
  9. 9
    Laffit Pincay Jr.

    Laffit Pincay Jr.

    A Panamanian-American jockey who held the title of winningest jockey in U.S. history until surpassed by Russell Baze.
    • Total Wins: 9,530
    • Notable Achievement: Held title of winningest jockey in U.S. history
  10. 10
    Mike E. Smith

    Mike E. Smith

    An American jockey known for his rides on Zenyatta and his victory aboard Justify in the 2018 Triple Crown.
    • Total Wins: 5,500+
    • Notable Horses: Zenyatta, Justify

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous jockey of all time. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Rider is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 108 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Rider once every 24 hours. The rank of each Rider is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Jockey of All Time

The world of horse racing has seen many talented jockeys. Among them, one stands out as the most famous. This jockey's career is marked by skill, determination, and numerous victories. From a young age, he showed a natural talent for riding. His dedication to the sport was evident early on. He spent countless hours training and perfecting his technique.

He began his career in small races. Over time, his talent became clear. He quickly moved up the ranks. His ability to connect with the horses he rode set him apart. He had an innate understanding of their needs and how to get the best performance from them. This bond between jockey and horse was key to his success.

His reputation grew as he won more races. He became known for his strategic mind. He could read a race and make split-second decisions that often led to victory. His fellow jockeys respected him. Trainers sought him out, wanting him to ride their best horses. His name became synonymous with success in horse racing.

One of his most notable achievements was winning several prestigious races. These victories cemented his place in horse racing history. Fans admired his skill and determination. They followed his career closely, cheering him on at every race. His popularity extended beyond the racetrack. He became a household name, known even to those who did not follow horse racing.

Despite his fame, he remained humble. He credited much of his success to the horses he rode and the teams behind them. He understood that horse racing was a collaborative effort. He always showed gratitude to those who supported him. His humility endeared him to many.

He faced challenges throughout his career. Injuries and setbacks were part of the journey. However, his resilience was unmatched. He always returned stronger, ready to compete again. This perseverance inspired many. He became a symbol of determination and hard work.

As his career progressed, he broke numerous records. His achievements set new standards in the sport. He became a benchmark for future jockeys. His legacy continues to influence horse racing today. New jockeys look up to him, hoping to emulate his success.

He retired with a record that few can match. His impact on horse racing is undeniable. He left behind a legacy of excellence and dedication. His story is one of passion, hard work, and unwavering commitment. He showed that with determination, anything is possible.

His life after retirement remained connected to horse racing. He took on new roles, sharing his knowledge and experience. He mentored young jockeys, helping them navigate their careers. His influence on the sport continues through these efforts.

In summary, this jockey's career is a testament to what can be achieved with talent and hard work. He remains a beloved figure in horse racing. His story inspires current and future generations. His name will forever be associated with greatness in the sport.

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