The Most Famous King of Italy, Ranked

Choose the King you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:42
Throughout history, the role of a king has been pivotal in shaping the destiny of a nation. Italy, with its rich tapestry of history, has seen various monarchs who have played critical roles in its development. Establishing the most famous can be a helpful exercise in understanding the influences that shaped modern Italy. By evaluating each king's contributions and significance, individuals can gain insights into the historical importance and legacy of these rulers. Voting enables individuals to express which monarch they believe had the most profound impact, making history more engaging and interactive for everyone.

Who Is the Most Famous King of Italy?

  1. 1
    Victor Emmanuel II

    Victor Emmanuel II

    First king of a united Italy, reigning from 1861 to 1878.
    • Reign: 1861-1878
    • Dynasty: House of Savoy
  2. 2
    Umberto II

    Umberto II

    The last King of Italy, reigning for a little over a month in 1946 before the Italian republic was established.
    • Reign: 1946
    • Dynasty: House of Savoy
  3. 3

    Victor Emmanuel III

    King of Italy who reigned from 1900 to 1946 and was also Emperor of Ethiopia and King of Albania.
    • Reign: 1900-1946
    • Dynasty: House of Savoy
  4. 4
    Otto I

    Otto I

    Holy Roman Emperor who was also King of Italy, reigning from 961 until his death in 973.
    • Reign: 961-973 as King of Italy
    • Dynasty: Ottonian dynasty
  5. 5
    Arduin of Ivrea

    Arduin of Ivrea

    King of Italy from 1002 to 1014, his reign was marked by conflict with the Holy Roman Empire.
    • Reign: 1002-1014
    • Dynasty: Anscarids
  6. 6
    Louis II

    Louis II

    King of Italy and Holy Roman Emperor, his reign was notable for his military campaigns in Italy.
    • Reign: 844-875 as King of Italy
    • Dynasty: Carolingian dynasty
  7. 7
    Umberto I

    Umberto I

    King of Italy from 1878 until his assassination in 1900.
    • Reign: 1878-1900
    • Dynasty: House of Savoy
  8. 8
    Berengar I

    Berengar I

    King of Italy from 888, his reign was marked by struggles for control over the Italian peninsula.
    • Reign: 888-924
    • Dynasty: Unruoching
  9. 9
    Frederick II

    Frederick II

    Holy Roman Emperor and King of Sicily, who spent much of his reign in Italy and was known for his cultural achievements.
    • Reign: 1220-1250 as Holy Roman Emperor
    • Dynasty: Hohenstaufen
  10. 10


    King of the Lombards and King of the Franks who was crowned Emperor of the Romans in 800, ruling a significant part of Italy.
    • Reign: 774-814 as King of the Lombards
    • Dynasty: Carolingian dynasty

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous King of Italy. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Monarch is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 145 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Monarch once every 24 hours. The rank of each Monarch is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous King of Italy

Victor Emmanuel II
Rank #1 for the most famous King of Italy: Victor Emmanuel II (Source)
Italy has a rich history filled with notable figures. Among them, one king stands out as the most famous. His reign marked a significant period in the country's history. He played a crucial role in shaping modern Italy.

This king was born into a royal family. From a young age, he showed great promise. He was educated in various subjects, including politics and military strategy. As he grew older, his reputation for wisdom and leadership skills grew. When he ascended to the throne, Italy was in a state of change.

During his reign, the king faced many challenges. He had to navigate internal conflicts and external threats. Despite these obstacles, he remained steadfast. He worked tirelessly to unify the country. His efforts helped bring together different regions and cultures. This unification was not easy. It required diplomacy, strategic alliances, and sometimes, military action.

The king also focused on modernizing Italy. He introduced reforms to improve the economy and infrastructure. He supported the development of new industries and technologies. Under his rule, Italy saw significant progress. Roads, railways, and other public works projects flourished. These improvements helped boost trade and communication within the country.

Education was another area of focus for the king. He believed that a strong nation needed educated citizens. He promoted the establishment of schools and universities. He encouraged the study of science, literature, and the arts. This emphasis on education helped cultivate a generation of thinkers and innovators.

The king's leadership extended beyond Italy's borders. He was respected by other European leaders. His diplomatic skills helped forge important alliances. These relationships were crucial for maintaining peace and stability in the region. He often acted as a mediator in international disputes.

Despite his many achievements, the king faced opposition. Some groups were resistant to change. They opposed his reforms and policies. At times, this led to conflict and unrest. However, the king remained committed to his vision for Italy. He worked to address the concerns of his critics while staying true to his goals.

The king's legacy lives on today. He is remembered as a pivotal figure in Italian history. His efforts to unify and modernize the country had a lasting impact. Many of the institutions and infrastructures he helped establish still exist. His emphasis on education and innovation continues to influence Italian society.

In popular culture, the king is often depicted as a symbol of strength and wisdom. His life and reign have been the subject of numerous books, films, and artworks. He remains an enduring figure of national pride.

The story of this king is a testament to the power of leadership and vision. His dedication to his country and his people set a standard for future generations. He showed that with determination and perseverance, great things are possible. Italy owes much of its modern identity to his reign. His contributions helped shape the nation into what it is today. His memory continues to inspire and guide Italy.

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