The Most Famous Kurd in the World, Ranked

Choose the Kurd you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 14, 2024 07:42
The influence of Kurdish individuals in various global arenas, whether in science, arts, or leadership, provides an engaging perspective on their contributions. Recognizing these personalities not only sheds light on their achievements but also elevates awareness about Kurdish culture and history. A ranked list serves as a dynamic tool that helps in understanding the impact of these individuals from a community-oriented viewpoint. With your participation, this list continually updates to reflect the current opinions and preferences of the wider community. By casting your vote, you play a vital role in crafting a collective image of prominence and influence. This process not only enriches the existing discourse but also encourages a broader acknowledgment and appreciation of Kurdish talent globally.

Who Is the Most Famous Kurd in the World?

  1. 1


    A military leader who founded the Ayyubid dynasty and led the Muslim opposition against the European Crusaders in the Levant.
    • Reign: 1174–1193
    • Famous Battle: The Battle of Hattin
  2. 2
    Masoud Barzani

    Masoud Barzani

    A Kurdish politician who served as the President of the Kurdistan Region from 2005 to 2017 and is the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party.
    • Presidential term: 2005–2017
    • Political Party: Kurdistan Democratic Party
  3. 3
    Jalal Talabani

    Jalal Talabani

    A Kurdish politician who served as the sixth President of Iraq from 2005 to 2014, and was a founder and the first secretary-general of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.
    • Presidential term: 2005–2014
    • Political Party: Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
  4. 4
    Leyla Zana

    Leyla Zana

    A Kurdish politician and former MP who gained international attention for her advocacy of Kurdish rights in Turkey, and was imprisoned for 10 years for her political activism.
    • Imprisonment: 1994–2004
    • Award: Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought
  5. 5
    Sherko Bekas

    Sherko Bekas

    A prominent Kurdish poet whose work is characterized by themes of freedom and love, and has been a significant figure in Kurdish literature.
    • Literary Genre: Poetry
    • Themes: Freedom and Love
  6. 6
    Qazi Muhammad

    Qazi Muhammad

    A Kurdish political leader who was the President of the Republic of Mahabad, a short-lived Kurdish state in Iran, in 1946.
    • Presidency: 1946
    • Outcome: Executed in 1947
  7. 7
    Nechirvan Barzani

    Nechirvan Barzani

    A Kurdish politician serving as the President of the Kurdistan Region since 2019. He is a member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party and has previously served as the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region.
    • Presidential term: Since 2019
    • Political Party: Kurdistan Democratic Party
  8. 8
    Hemin Mukriyani

    Hemin Mukriyani

    A renowned Kurdish poet and writer, known for his contributions to modern Kurdish literature and poetry.
    • Literary Genre: Poetry
    • Influence: Modern Kurdish Literature
  9. 9
    Yekta Uzunoglu

    Yekta Uzunoglu

    A Kurdish doctor, writer, and human rights activist known for his work and advocacy on human rights issues.
    • Profession: Doctor and Writer
    • Activism: Human Rights
  10. 10
    Abdullah Öcalan

    Abdullah Öcalan

    A founding member of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), a Kurdish militant organization that has been involved in armed struggle against the Turkish state.
    • Imprisonment: Since 1999
    • Organization: Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Kurd in the world. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Kurd is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 177 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Kurd once every 24 hours. The rank of each Kurd is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Kurd in the World

Rank #1 for the most famous Kurd in the world: Saladin (Source)
Kurds are an ethnic group native to the Middle East. They live in regions that span Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Kurds have a rich history and culture that dates back thousands of years. They have their own language, Kurdish, and their own customs and traditions.

Throughout history, Kurds have sought recognition and autonomy. They have faced challenges and conflicts in their quest for self-determination. Despite these struggles, many Kurds have risen to prominence in various fields, including politics, literature, and the arts.

One of the most famous Kurds in the world is known for their significant contributions and influence. They have become a symbol of Kurdish identity and pride. This individual has made a lasting impact on both the Kurdish community and the world at large.

Their early life was marked by a deep connection to their heritage. They grew up in a region where Kurdish culture was strong, and this shaped their worldview. From a young age, they showed a passion for their people and their cause. This passion drove them to pursue their goals with determination.

As they grew older, they became involved in activities that highlighted Kurdish issues. Their work brought attention to the plight of the Kurds and their struggle for rights. They used their platform to advocate for their people and to push for change.

Their efforts did not go unnoticed. They gained recognition and respect from both Kurds and non-Kurds alike. Their achievements were celebrated, and they became a source of inspiration for many.

In addition to their activism, they also excelled in their chosen field. Their talent and hard work earned them accolades and success. They used their influence to further the Kurdish cause, always keeping their heritage close to their heart.

Their legacy is one of resilience and dedication. They showed that it is possible to overcome obstacles and make a difference. Their story is a testament to the strength and spirit of the Kurdish people.

Today, they are remembered as a key figure in Kurdish history. Their contributions have left an indelible mark on the world. They continue to inspire new generations of Kurds to strive for their dreams and to never give up on their quest for recognition and autonomy.

Their life and work serve as a reminder of the importance of standing up for one's beliefs. They taught the world about the Kurdish struggle and the need for justice and equality. Their story is a powerful example of how one person can make a significant impact.

In conclusion, the most famous Kurd in the world is remembered for their remarkable contributions and their unwavering commitment to their people. They remain a symbol of hope and perseverance, and their legacy continues to inspire and motivate others. Their life is a testament to the enduring spirit of the Kurdish people and their quest for a better future.

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