The Most Famous Linda, Ranked

Choose the Linda you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:42
Think about the times when you've heard the name Linda and it conjured up various renowned figures across different industries. From music to sports, and from politics to entertainment, Lindas have made significant marks. Yet, when it comes to identifying the most influential or memorable among them, opinions often vary widely. This list represents a community-driven attempt to sort through the leading figures named Linda based on popular vote. Your contributions help ensure that the list remains accurate and reflective of public opinion. By casting your vote, you play an essential role in determining which Linda stands out in the global arena.

Who Is the Most Famous Linda?

  1. 1
    Linda Ronstadt

    Linda Ronstadt

    American retired popular music singer known for her works in rock, country, light opera, and Latin.
    • Genres: Rock, Country, Opera, Latin
    • Awards: Multiple Grammy Awards
  2. 2
    Linda Hamilton

    Linda Hamilton

    American actress known for her portrayal of Sarah Connor in The Terminator film series.
    • Notable Role: Sarah Connor in The Terminator
    • Career Span: 1979–present
  3. 3
    Linda McCartney

    Linda McCartney

    American photographer, musician, and animal rights activist, married to Paul McCartney.
    • Profession: Photographer and Musician
    • Married to: Paul McCartney
  4. 4
    Linda Blair

    Linda Blair

    American actress best known for her role as the possessed child, Regan, in the film The Exorcist.
    • Notable Role: Regan in The Exorcist
    • Career Span: 1968–present
  5. 5

    Linda Evangelista

    Canadian fashion model and one of the top supermodels from the 1990s.
    • Profession: Supermodel
    • Era: 1990s
  6. 6
    Linda Lavin

    Linda Lavin

    American actress and singer known for her role as the title character in the sitcom Alice.
    • Notable Role: Alice in Alice
    • Career Span: 1960–present
  7. 7
    Linda Gray

    Linda Gray

    American actress, best known for her role as Sue Ellen Ewing in the television series Dallas.
    • Notable Role: Sue Ellen Ewing in Dallas
    • Career Span: 1963–present
  8. 8

    Linda Fiorentino

    American actress known for her leading roles in films such as Dogma and Men in Black.
    • Notable Films: Dogma, Men in Black
    • Career Span: 1985–2009
  9. 9
    Linda Carter

    Linda Carter

    American actress and singer best known for her role as Wonder Woman in the television series of the same name.
    • Notable Role: Wonder Woman
    • Career Span: 1968–present
  10. 10
    Linda Lovelace

    Linda Lovelace

    American pornographic actress known for her role in the enormously successful adult film Deep Throat.
    • Notable Film: Deep Throat
    • Career Span: 1972–1980

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Linda. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Linda is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 140 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Linda once every 24 hours. The rank of each Linda is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Linda

Linda Ronstadt
Rank #1 for the most famous Linda: Linda Ronstadt (Source)
Linda is a name that carries a rich history and evokes a sense of familiarity. The name Linda has roots in various cultures, each adding to its charm and appeal. It is of Germanic origin, where it means "soft" or "tender." In Spanish and Portuguese, it translates to "beautiful." This blend of meanings has made Linda a popular choice for many parents over the years.

The name gained significant popularity in the mid-20th century. During this period, many girls were named Linda, making it a common name in many households. Its rise can be attributed to its pleasant sound and simple spelling, which made it easy to pronounce and remember.

Linda has also made its mark in popular culture. Many songs, books, and movies feature characters named Linda. These characters often embody the qualities associated with the name: kindness, beauty, and tenderness. The name has a timeless quality, allowing it to remain relevant across generations.

In literature, Linda has appeared in various forms. Authors often choose the name for characters who are central to the story, giving the name a sense of importance. This has helped cement its place in the literary world.

In the world of music, many songs have been written about or inspired by someone named Linda. These songs often highlight the emotional impact of the name, whether through love, admiration, or nostalgia. The name's musicality makes it a favorite among songwriters and listeners alike.

Linda has also been a popular name in the entertainment industry. Many actresses, singers, and other performers have carried the name, bringing it into the spotlight. Their talents and achievements have helped keep the name in the public eye, ensuring its continued popularity.

The name Linda has also seen variations and adaptations in different cultures. In some regions, it is combined with other names to create unique variations. These variations retain the essence of the original name while adding a new twist, making it adaptable to different cultural contexts.

Despite its widespread use, the name Linda retains a sense of individuality. Each person named Linda brings their own personality and experiences to the name, adding to its rich tapestry. This personal connection to the name helps keep it fresh and meaningful.

Over the years, the popularity of the name Linda has fluctuated. While it may not be as common today as it was in the past, it still holds a special place in many people's hearts. The name's enduring appeal lies in its simplicity, beauty, and the positive qualities it represents.

In summary, Linda is a name with a deep and varied history. Its meanings of softness, beauty, and tenderness have made it a beloved choice for many. Through literature, music, and entertainment, the name has maintained its relevance and charm. Each Linda adds to the name's legacy, ensuring it remains a timeless classic.

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