The Most Famous Marble in the World, Ranked

Choose the marble you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 23, 2024 07:43
Marble, with its inherent beauty and timeless allure, has been a cornerstone of architectural grandeur and artistic expression throughout history. Its varied patterns, strength, and unique colors have cemented its status as a prized material in constructions and artworks worldwide. However, not all marble is celebrated equally, and preferences differ widely across cultures and continents. By providing a space for individuals to vote on these celebrated stones, we can compile a dynamic ranking that reflects public opinion and cultural significance. This interaction not only heightens awareness of the diverse types of marble but also engages a global community in sharing their personal preferences and experiences. Your votes help to shape a clearer understanding of which marbles stand out in the global arena.

Who Is the Most Famous Marble in the World?

  1. 1
    The Statue of Liberty

    The Statue of Liberty

    Though primarily constructed of copper, the Statue of Liberty stands on a pedestal of Stony Creek granite, a type of marble.
    • Location: Liberty Island, New York Harbor, USA
    • Pedestal Material: Stony Creek granite
  2. 2
    The Elgin Marbles

    The Elgin Marbles

    A collection of classical Greek marble sculptures that were part of the Parthenon and other buildings on the Acropolis of Athens.
    • Location: British Museum, London, England
    • Material: Marble
  3. 3
    The Lincoln Memorial

    The Lincoln Memorial

    An American national memorial built to honor the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln.
    • Location: Washington D.C., USA
    • Material: Colorado Yule marble
  4. 4
    Mount Rushmore

    Mount Rushmore

    A colossal sculpture carved into the granite face of Mount Rushmore, featuring the heads of four United States presidents.
    • Location: South Dakota, USA
    • Material: Granite
  5. 5
    The Parthenon

    The Parthenon

    A former temple on the Athenian Acropolis, Greece, dedicated to the goddess Athena.
    • Location: Athens, Greece
    • Material: Pentelic marble
  6. 6
    The Taj Mahal

    The Taj Mahal

    An ivory-white marble mausoleum on the south bank of the Yamuna river in Agra, India.
    • Location: Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India
    • Material: Marble
  7. 7
    The Pieta

    The Pieta

    A work of Renaissance sculpture by Michelangelo Buonarroti, housed in St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City.
    • Location: St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City
    • Material: Carrara marble
  8. 8
    The Laocoön Group

    The Laocoön Group

    An ancient marble sculpture that is considered one of the most famous ancient sculptures ever found.
    • Location: Vatican Museums, Vatican City
    • Material: Marble
  9. 9
    The Venus de Milo

    The Venus de Milo

    An ancient Greek statue and one of the most famous works of ancient Greek sculpture.
    • Location: Louvre Museum, Paris, France
    • Material: Marble
  10. 10
    Michelangelo's David

    Michelangelo's David

    A masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture created by Michelangelo between 1501 and 1504.
    • Location: Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence, Italy
    • Material: Carrara marble

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous marble in the world. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or marble is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 0 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each marble once every 24 hours. The rank of each marble is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Marble in the World

The Statue of Liberty
Rank #1 for the most famous marble in the world: The Statue of Liberty (Source)
Marble has captivated humans for centuries. Its beauty and versatility make it a favorite in art and architecture. This natural stone forms from limestone under intense heat and pressure. The result is a rock with a crystalline structure. This structure gives marble its unique, veined appearance.

People have used marble for thousands of years. Ancient civilizations valued it for its durability and beauty. They carved statues, built temples, and created intricate mosaics. Marble's ability to polish to a high shine made it ideal for these purposes. The Greeks and Romans were especially fond of it. They sourced marble from local quarries and transported it across their empires.

Marble's popularity continued into the Renaissance. Artists and architects of this period sought to revive classical forms. They used marble to create stunning works of art and grand buildings. Marble's fine grain allowed for detailed carving. This made it the material of choice for sculptors. Many masterpieces from this time are made of marble.

Modern technology has made marble more accessible. Today, it is used in homes, public buildings, and monuments. Marble countertops, floors, and walls add elegance to any space. It remains a symbol of luxury and sophistication.

Quarries around the world produce different types of marble. Each type has its own color and pattern. The quality of marble can vary. Factors like purity and the size of the crystals affect its appearance and durability. High-quality marble is often more expensive and sought after.

Marble requires care to maintain its beauty. It is susceptible to stains and scratches. Regular cleaning and sealing can help protect it. Despite these challenges, many people choose marble for its timeless appeal.

Marble's use extends beyond art and architecture. It is also used in industries. Ground marble is a common ingredient in products like toothpaste and paint. Its fine particles add texture and strength.

The allure of marble shows no signs of fading. It continues to inspire and impress. Whether in ancient sculptures or modern designs, marble stands as a testament to human creativity and skill.

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