The Most Famous Marine, Ranked

Choose the Marine you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 07:42
Throughout history, the courage and leadership displayed by Marines have captured the admiration and respect of many. Their stories of bravery, strategy, and sacrifice provide lessons that resonate across generations. By ranking the most famous Marines, we not only celebrate their achievements but also offer a lens through which to view the qualities that make them stand out. Each vote cast in this ranking helps to highlight those who have made significant impacts, shaping not just military history but also influencing broader cultural narratives. This dynamic list serves as a tribute to the enduring legacy of these remarkable individuals. Your participation ensures that each Marine's contributions are recognized and remembered.

Who Is the Most Famous Marine?

  1. 1
    Chesty Puller

    Chesty Puller

    The most decorated Marine in American history, known for his valor in World War II and the Korean War.
    • Full Name: Lewis Burwell Puller
    • Awards: 5 Navy Crosses, Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star
  2. 2
    Dan Daly

    Dan Daly

    One of only two Marines to have been awarded the Medal of Honor twice for separate acts of heroism.
    • Awards: 2 Medals of Honor, Navy Cross
    • Famous Quote: "Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?"
  3. 3
    John Glenn

    John Glenn

    A Marine Corps aviator, engineer, astronaut, and United States Senator from Ohio.
    • First American to orbit Earth: Yes
    • Space Missions: Mercury-Atlas 6, STS-95
  4. 4
    Carlos Hathcock

    Carlos Hathcock

    A United States Marine Corps sniper who had a service record of 93 confirmed kills.
    • Nickname: White Feather
    • Confirmed Kills: 93
  5. 5
    Robert Leckie

    Robert Leckie

    A United States Marine and author of 'Helmet for My Pillow', his memoir of World War II.
    • Book: 'Helmet for My Pillow'
    • Conflict: World War II
  6. 6
    Gregory 'Pappy' Boyington

    Gregory 'Pappy' Boyington

    An American combat pilot who was a United States Marine Corps fighter ace during World War II.
    • Awards: Medal of Honor, Navy Cross
    • Aircraft Flown: F4U Corsair
  7. 7
    John Basilone

    John Basilone

    A United States Marine Corps gunnery sergeant who was killed in action during World War II and posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.
    • Awards: Medal of Honor, Navy Cross
    • Battle of Guadalcanal: Notable Heroism
  8. 8
    Smedley Butler

    Smedley Butler

    A senior United States Marine Corps officer who became the most decorated Marine in U.S. history at the time of his death.
    • Awards: 2 Medals of Honor, Marine Corps Brevet Medal
    • Post-Military: Author of 'War is a Racket'
  9. 9
    Opha May Johnson

    Opha May Johnson

    The first woman to enlist in the United States Marine Corps.
    • Historical Significance: First female Marine
    • Year Enlisted: 1918
  10. 10

    Lewis 'Chesty' Puller Jr.

    A distinguished Marine officer, son of Chesty Puller, who served in Vietnam.
    • Relation: Son of Chesty Puller
    • Service: Vietnam War

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Marine. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Marine is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 94 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Marine once every 24 hours. The rank of each Marine is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Marine

Chesty Puller
Rank #1 for the most famous Marine: Chesty Puller (Source)
The Marine Corps has a rich history filled with brave individuals. These Marines have become symbols of courage and dedication. They inspire many with their stories of valor and sacrifice.

The Marines are known for their rigorous training. They are taught to handle extreme conditions. This training builds their physical and mental strength. It prepares them for the toughest challenges.

In battles, Marines often take on the hardest tasks. They go where others cannot. They face danger head-on. Their bravery and skill set them apart. Many stories of heroism come from their ranks.

Marines also play a vital role in humanitarian missions. They help during natural disasters. They provide aid and support to those in need. This shows their commitment to service beyond combat.

The Marine Corps values honor, courage, and commitment. These values guide every Marine. They strive to uphold these principles in all they do. This dedication earns them respect and admiration.

The Marines have a storied past. Their legacy includes many significant battles. They have played key roles in major conflicts. Their actions have shaped history. They continue to defend and protect with the same spirit.

Marines often form close bonds with each other. This camaraderie is a core part of their identity. They support one another through thick and thin. This unity strengthens their resolve.

The Marine Corps has a unique culture. It emphasizes discipline and respect. Marines take pride in their traditions. These traditions connect them to their history and to each other.

Many people look up to Marines. They see them as role models. Their stories of bravery inspire future generations. The Marine Corps remains a symbol of strength and integrity.

Marines face many challenges. They endure tough training and difficult missions. Yet, they remain steadfast. Their resilience is a testament to their character.

The Marine Corps continues to evolve. It adapts to new threats and technologies. Yet, its core values remain the same. These values are the foundation of its strength.

Marines serve with distinction. They honor their commitments. They protect their country and its people. Their dedication is unwavering.

The Marine Corps has a proud history. Its members have made countless sacrifices. They have shown immense bravery. Their legacy lives on in the stories of their deeds.

Marines are known for their toughness. They push through adversity. They never back down. This spirit defines them.

The Marine Corps is more than a military branch. It is a brotherhood. Its members share a deep bond. This bond is forged through shared experiences and challenges.

Marines embody the best qualities of a warrior. They are disciplined, brave, and committed. They strive for excellence in all they do.

The legacy of the Marine Corps is built on the actions of its members. Each Marine contributes to this legacy. Their stories of heroism and sacrifice inspire us all.

The Marine Corps remains a symbol of honor and courage. Its members continue to serve with distinction. They protect and defend with unwavering resolve. Their commitment to their values and to each other is their greatest strength.

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