The Most Famous Person from New Hampshire, Ranked

Choose the person you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:45
Fame often sprouts from the places we least expect, and small states can surprise us with the noteworthy individuals they produce. New Hampshire may be less populated but is no stranger to producing figures who have risen to prominence in various fields. This helps to showcase the array of talents and achievements originating from this state. By participating in the ranking process, users express their opinions and contribute to a broader understanding of impact and recognition. This active engagement allows for a collective assessment that reflects diverse viewpoints and preferences, making the rankings a reflection of collective recognition rather than individual bias.

Who Is the Most Famous Person from New Hampshire?

  1. 1
    Robert Frost

    Robert Frost

    Renowned American poet known for his realistic depictions of rural life and his command of American colloquial speech.
    • Born: March 26, 1874
    • Died: January 29, 1963
  2. 2
    Adam Sandler

    Adam Sandler

    Actor, comedian, and filmmaker known for his comedic roles in films such as 'Happy Gilmore' and 'Billy Madison'.
    • Born: September 9, 1966
  3. 3
    Mandy Moore

    Mandy Moore

    Singer, songwriter, and actress known for her pop albums and film roles, as well as her role in the TV series 'This Is Us'.
    • Born: April 10, 1984
  4. 4
    Sarah Silverman

    Sarah Silverman

    Stand-up comedian, actress, and writer known for her satirical comedy.
    • Born: December 1, 1970
  5. 5
    Alan Shepard

    Alan Shepard

    The first American in space and one of the twelve people who have walked on the Moon.
    • Born: November 18, 1923
    • Died: July 21, 1998
  6. 6
    John Irving

    John Irving

    Novelist and screenwriter best known for 'The World According to Garp' and other novels.
    • Born: March 2, 1942
  7. 7
    Dan Brown

    Dan Brown

    Bestselling author known for his thriller novels, including 'The Da Vinci Code'.
    • Born: June 22, 1964
  8. 8
    Grace Metalious

    Grace Metalious

    Author of the controversial novel 'Peyton Place', which was one of the best-selling works of its time.
    • Born: September 8, 1924
    • Died: February 25, 1964
  9. 9
    J.D. Salinger

    J.D. Salinger

    Famous for his novel 'The Catcher in the Rye', Salinger was a significant writer of the 20th century.
    • Born: January 1, 1919
    • Died: January 27, 2010
  10. 10
    Franklin Pierce

    Franklin Pierce

    The 14th President of the United States, serving from 1853 to 1857.
    • Born: November 23, 1804
    • Died: October 8, 1869

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous person from New Hampshire. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or person is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 154 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each person once every 24 hours. The rank of each person is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Person from New Hampshire

Robert Frost
Rank #1 for the most famous person from New Hampshire: Robert Frost (Source)
New Hampshire, a small state in the northeastern United States, has produced many notable figures. One of the most famous individuals from this state has had a significant impact on American culture and history. This person grew up in a small town, surrounded by the natural beauty of New Hampshire’s forests and mountains. These surroundings played a key role in shaping their early life and future career.

In their youth, this individual showed a keen interest in the arts. They participated in school plays and local theater productions. This early exposure to performance helped them develop their skills and passion. As they grew older, they pursued higher education, where they continued to hone their craft. Their dedication and talent soon caught the attention of influential figures in their field.

After completing their education, this person moved to a larger city to seek more opportunities. They faced many challenges and setbacks, but their determination never wavered. They took on various jobs to support themselves while pursuing their dreams. Slowly but surely, their hard work began to pay off. They landed small roles and gained valuable experience.

Over time, their talent and perseverance led to bigger opportunities. They became known for their unique style and ability to connect with audiences. Their performances often drew on their New Hampshire roots, bringing a sense of authenticity and depth to their work. This connection to their home state remained a constant source of inspiration throughout their career.

As their fame grew, they never forgot their beginnings. They often spoke fondly of New Hampshire and credited it with shaping their character and values. They returned to their hometown regularly, supporting local causes and giving back to the community that had nurtured them. Their success brought pride to the state and inspired many young people to pursue their own dreams.

This individual’s impact extended beyond their professional achievements. They used their platform to advocate for important social issues, raising awareness and promoting positive change. Their commitment to making a difference earned them respect and admiration from peers and fans alike.

In addition to their work in the arts, they also wrote several books, sharing their experiences and insights with a wider audience. These works offered a glimpse into their journey and the lessons they had learned along the way. Their writing further cemented their legacy as a multifaceted and influential figure.

Throughout their career, they received numerous awards and accolades, recognizing their contributions to their field. Despite their success, they remained humble and grounded, always remembering the values instilled in them during their formative years in New Hampshire.

Their story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of staying true to one’s roots. They serve as a role model for aspiring artists and a reminder that even those from small towns can achieve great things. Their legacy continues to inspire and uplift, leaving an indelible mark on both New Hampshire and the world.

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