The Most Famous Psychiatrist in Kerala, Ranked

Choose the psychiatrist you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 14, 2024 07:48
Choosing a psychiatrist is a crucial step for anyone seeking mental health care. In Kerala, where diverse approaches and specializations abound among psychiatrists, finding the right one can significantly impact a patient's therapeutic journey. A ranking of the most notable psychiatrists based on public votes can provide insights and personal experiences, assisting others in making informed decisions. This live ranking evolves with each vote, reflecting current public opinion and experiences. Users are encouraged to participate by voting for the psychiatrist who they believe stands out due to their expertise, patient care, and innovative methods. This ongoing input helps ensure that the list remains reflective of real-world experiences and preferences, making it a valuable resource for anyone in search of mental health support in Kerala.

Who Is the Most Famous Psychiatrist in Kerala?

  1. 1

    Dr. Anish P.K.

    Expert in child and adolescent psychiatry, with a focus on developmental disorders.
    • Specialization: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    • Contribution: Advancements in the treatment and understanding of developmental disorders in children.
  2. 2

    Dr. M.K.C. Nair

    Renowned child psychiatrist and academic, known for his research and clinical work.
    • Specialization: Child Psychiatry
    • Contribution: Extensive research and development in the field of child psychiatry.
  3. 3

    Dr. P.K. Sukumaran

    Pioneer in child psychiatry in Kerala with a focus on autism spectrum disorders.
    • Specialization: Child Psychiatry
    • Contribution: Pioneering work in the field of autism spectrum disorders.
  4. 4

    Dr. K.A. Ashok Pai

    Veteran psychiatrist with a significant impact on mental health awareness in Kerala.
    • Specialization: General Psychiatry
    • Contribution: Played a key role in destigmatizing mental health issues and promoting mental health awareness.
  5. 5

    Dr. C.J. John

    Renowned psychiatrist and mental health advocate in Kerala.
    • Specialization: Psychiatry
    • Contribution: Pioneer in the field of mental health in Kerala, with extensive work on community mental health.
  6. 6

    Dr. S.D. Singh

    Expert in geriatric psychiatry, with significant contributions to the care of the elderly with psychiatric conditions.
    • Specialization: Geriatric Psychiatry
    • Contribution: Advancements in the psychiatric care of the elderly population.
  7. 7

    Dr. A.K. Kala

    Senior psychiatrist with contributions to clinical psychiatry and mental health policy.
    • Specialization: Clinical Psychiatry
    • Contribution: Influential work in mental health policy and clinical psychiatry.
  8. 8

    Dr. Varghese Punnoose

    Expert in neuro-psychiatry and has made significant contributions to public mental health education.
    • Specialization: Neuropsychiatry
    • Contribution: Efforts in public education on mental health and neuropsychiatric disorders.
  9. 9

    Dr. Jayaprakash Russell Ravan

    Notable for his innovative approaches in psychotherapy and counseling.
    • Specialization: Psychotherapy and Counseling
    • Contribution: Innovative methods in psychotherapy, enhancing therapeutic practices in Kerala.
  10. 10

    Dr. Philip John

    Prominent psychiatrist known for his work in addiction and forensic psychiatry.
    • Specialization: Addiction and Forensic Psychiatry
    • Contribution: Significant contributions to the understanding and treatment of addiction in Kerala.

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous psychiatrist in Kerala. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Psychiatrist is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 3 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Psychiatrist once every 24 hours. The rank of each Psychiatrist is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Psychiatrist in Kerala

In Kerala, psychiatry has grown over the years. Many skilled psychiatrists have contributed to this field. They have worked hard to improve mental health care. Their efforts have made a difference.

The history of psychiatry in Kerala dates back several decades. Early psychiatrists faced many challenges. Mental health was not well understood. There was stigma around mental illness. Despite these hurdles, they persevered. They educated the public and raised awareness.

Training and education have played key roles. Many psychiatrists have received their training from top institutions. They have brought back knowledge to Kerala. They have also shared their expertise with others. This has improved the quality of care.

Research has been another important area. Many psychiatrists have conducted studies. They have focused on various aspects of mental health. Their findings have helped shape treatment methods. These studies have also highlighted the unique needs of the local population.

Community outreach has been a priority. Psychiatrists have worked to make services accessible. They have set up clinics in remote areas. They have also collaborated with other health professionals. This has ensured a holistic approach to care.

Publications and media presence have helped spread awareness. Many psychiatrists have written articles and books. They have appeared on television and radio shows. They have used these platforms to educate the public. This has reduced stigma and encouraged people to seek help.

Training the next generation has been crucial. Many psychiatrists have taken on teaching roles. They have mentored young professionals. This has ensured a steady supply of skilled psychiatrists in the region.

Collaboration with international bodies has been beneficial. Many psychiatrists have partnered with global organizations. They have attended conferences and workshops. This has kept them updated on the latest developments in the field.

The government has also played a role. Policies have been implemented to support mental health care. Funding has been allocated to improve infrastructure. This has made a significant impact.

Family support has been emphasized. Psychiatrists have worked with families to provide support. They have educated them on how to care for loved ones. This has improved treatment outcomes.

In Kerala, the journey of psychiatry has been one of growth and progress. The contributions of many skilled psychiatrists have been invaluable. Their dedication has transformed mental health care in the region. Their work continues to inspire future generations.

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