The Most Famous Roller Derby Player, Ranked

Choose the player you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 27, 2024 07:14
In the high-octane world of Roller Derby, players whirl around the track, their skill and flair captivating audiences. Every match brings forth players who, through a combination of speed, strategy, and spirit, leave a lasting impression. Ranking these stars helps fans navigate through the dynamic personalities and pinpoint the ones who resonate most with their appreciation of the sport. By voting for their favorite Roller Derby players, fans contribute to a dynamic list that reflects the current trends and fan favorites in the community. This continuously updated ranking not only fuels discussions and debates among enthusiasts but also gives newcomers a guide to the sport's most influential figures. Every vote cast sheds light on who is leading the pack, according to the voices of true aficionados.

Who Is the Most Famous Roller Derby Player?

  1. 1
    Bonnie Thunders is considered one of the greatest roller derby players of all time. She has won multiple championships and accolades, including being named MVP of the Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) Championships four times.
  2. 2
    Scald Eagle is another legendary roller derby player, known for her incredible speed and agility on the track. She has also won multiple championships and MVP awards.
  3. 3
    While not a single player, the Gotham Girls Roller Derby team has become one of the most famous and successful teams in the sport. They have won multiple championships and helped to popularize the sport in the United States.
  4. 4
    Suzy Hotrod is a veteran roller derby player who has played for several teams, including the Gotham Girls. She is known for her aggressive playing style and has won numerous awards throughout her career.
  5. 5
    Teflon Donna is another legendary roller derby player, known for her powerful blocking skills and strategic play. She helped lead the Denver Roller Derby team to multiple championships.
  6. 6
    Shortstop is a talented roller derby player who has played for several teams, including the Angel City Derby Girls. She is known for her speed and agility on the track.
    The shortstop is a defensive position in baseball. Positioned between second base and third base, the shortstop is often considered the most demanding and challenging position on the field. The primary responsibilities of the shortstop include fielding ground balls and line drives, making quick and accurate throws, and covering second base on double plays.
    • Fielding Skills: Excellent fielding skills are crucial for a shortstop due to the high number of ground balls and line drives that are hit in their direction.
    • Quick Reflexes: Shortstops must possess quick reflexes to react to sharply hit balls and make instinctive plays.
    • Arm Strength: A strong throwing arm is necessary for a shortstop to make accurate and powerful throws across the infield.
    • Range: Shortstops need to have exceptional range, which refers to their ability to reach and field balls hit far to their left and right.
    • Instincts: Good shortstops have a strong baseball IQ and a sixth sense for anticipating plays, allowing them to position themselves optimally on the field.
  7. 7
    Miss Tea Maven is a former roller derby player who is now a coach and commentator. She was a key member of the Bay Area Derby team, helping them win multiple championships.
  8. 8
    Smarty Pants is a veteran roller derby player who has played for several teams, including the Texas Rollergirls. She is known for her strong leadership skills and strategic play.
  9. 9
    Jackie Daniels is a talented roller derby player who has played for several teams, including the Windy City Rollers. She is known for her aggressive style of play and has won numerous awards throughout her career.
  10. 10
    Mick Swagger is a former roller derby player who is now a coach and commentator. She was a key member of the Denver Roller Derby team, helping them win multiple championships.

Missing your favorite player?


Ranking factors for famous player

  1. Skill and Achievements
    Assessing a player's skill level, their consistency in performance, and their ability to contribute to the team's success, such as winning championships or earning individual awards.
  2. Reputation and Impact
    Evaluating the player's reputation within the Roller Derby community and their impact beyond the sport. This includes their influence on the game, contributions to the growth of Roller Derby, and any significant milestones or records they have set.
  3. Popularity and Fan Following
    Considering the player's popularity among fans, both within the Roller Derby community and beyond. This can be measured by factors such as social media presence, fan engagement, and overall public recognition.
  4. Longevity and Legacy
    Assessing the player's career longevity and the lasting impact they have had on the sport. This includes their continued relevance, participation in important events, and their influence on future generations of Roller Derby players.
  5. Media Exposure
    Taking into account the player's visibility in mainstream media, coverage in sports publications, appearances on talk shows, documentaries, or interviews. Media exposure can contribute to fame and recognition beyond the Roller Derby community.
  6. Cultural Impact
    Considering any cultural impact the player has had on Roller Derby or society as a whole. This includes their ability to break barriers, challenge societal norms, or inspire others.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Roller Derby player. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or player is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 167 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each player once every 24 hours. The rank of each player is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most famous roller derby player

Roller derby is a high-energy, full contact sport that has gained a large following in recent years. It involves two teams of five players each, who skate around an oval track while trying to score points and prevent their opponents from doing the same. While the sport has been around since the 1930s, it experienced a resurgence in popularity in the early 2000s, with new, more inclusive rules and a focus on athleticism and sportsmanship. Today, there are thousands of roller derby players around the world, each with their own unique style and skills. But who is the most famous roller derby player of them all? Let's take a look at some of the top contenders.

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